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Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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For years, the topic of legalizing marijuana across the United States has come up. This topic has been shunned by many adults and politicians, but has now been brought up more and more. So, should pot be legalized? That’s the big question. There are two sides to the argument at hand. Both deserve to be thought over and taken into account when presented only with facts, and considering with no opinion. Of course there are positives and negatives, but which are there more of?
According to one side of the argument, alcohol and tobacco are legal and are more dangerous and harmful to one's health than marijuana is. Alcohol alone results in 29,001 deaths per year, while people die of tobacco smoking induced deaths at a rate of 400,000 deaths per year. People argue that cannabis results in 0 deaths a year, due to the fact that it is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana. This means that people will die of alcohol poisoning or drinking too much at a party, or getting in the car after having one too many drinks, in the past year and in the US alone, but …show more content…
41% of all Americans have said that they’ve smoked cannabis at least once in their lives, and more than 10% of the whole population have said that they have smoked at least once in the last year alone. So despite the laws against it, people will still go to great lengths to smoke a little pot. Since it’s not killing anyone, or even physically addictive, why is it outlawed? People will go behind the law and smoke anyway, so why is it illegal? If we legalized marijuana, and stopped arresting people for possession, the government, and taxpayers, could save a fortune on the cost of prisons and put the money they save to good use; such as health care, better, cheaper education, or raising the minimum

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