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Arguments Against Marijuana

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Words 1644
Pages 7
Casie Anderson
Mrs. Serwa
English IV
8 May 2017

Research Paper
Are you for Marijuana or against it? Marijuana/cannabis has been around for centuries approximately 2737 B.C. Around the United States they are trying to figure out if Marijuana should be legal or not, but who knows if it will or not. Whatever the government decides to do about it. Throughout the whole deal with Marijuana it should be legal at all cost. If it becomes legal good and bad at the same time can come out of it, but overall it should be legal around Marijuana should be legal; it helps out many people in many different ways like; their health or maybe in even ways just to comfort them. May not think it but Marijuana isn’t so bad and there’s no harm in it. Legalized …show more content…
An example that shows how important it is, “ in January 2012, Marijuana does not impair lung function and can even increase lung capacity” (Welsh 2) With the quote I provide it shows the Marijuana can help people who have bad lungs and having a smoking or either just a health problem with their lungs. And the people that have those problem will have less medical bills because having a medical issue which means bills, but having something so simple like Marijuana is worth it especially saving money. Another disease that gets treated with Marijuana in a type of way is Glaucoma. This quote shows how Marijuana is treatable in a way, “Marijuana use can be used to treat and prevent eye disease Glaucoma.”(Welsh 1) People have diseases a main one is definitely Glaucoma, which affects how you see and how things are just presented. Having Marijuana could help with it; the more it’s thrown out how good it is it’s going to be successful. Overall Marijuana might be judged on how bad it is for people but it’s very helpful in many ways. Another disease that has Marijuana as a solution is a type of Cancer (CBD)/ID-1, which is a type of gene. This quote explains the usage of Cannabidiol, “Cannabidiol stops cancer …show more content…
They say how they don’t want it to become legal at all basically illegal for anyone. They might say how it doesn’t treat certain disease but who knows at the end of the day what’s true and what’s not. Certain places that are consider for disease and try to help out their health are; National eye Institute and Institute of Medication. This quote is one way how they say Marijuana is always the solution, “The Academy finds no scientific evidence that Marijuana is an effective long-term treatment” (Top 10. 2) As time went on they say Medical Marijuana isn’t always going to work, but on the other hand Medical Marijuana is supposed to help out with their medical health. Overall medical places make false accusations on how medical Marijuana doesn’t help with anything nothing at all with their health. Even with teens using Marijuana there’s studies on how smoking weed kills brain cells, just basically effects the brain. With this quote it will tell how the brain is with Marijuana, “Marijuana alters brain development with detrimental effects on brain structure and function” (Top 10. 10) Studies say how marijuana just isn’t for kids and parents don’t want their kids exposed to it. Smoking whatever kills brain cells so it doesn’t matter what it might be. With other drugs that people use are much worst then Marijuana, it could be addicting but not harmful. Our society; our people say that Marijuana is also used to

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