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Aristotle's Virtue Ethics Research Paper

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A drug is defined as “chemicals that can affect bodily functions and/or structures” (217). That doesn’t narrow it down, considering many substances are capable of altering our bodies in one way or another, including but certainly not limited to alcohol and nicotine. While many times opinions clash on what is and isn’t a drug, the true moral issues are the following: Is the nonmedical use of drugs OK? And if so, can the state intervene when it comes to usage? To what degree (218)?
As far as ethical theories are concerned, the choice seems clear to one side. Aristotle’s virtue ethics suggest that we ought to condemn drug use because it hinders our development. Kant says that we should never use ourselves as a means to an end, and addiction is …show more content…
First, it is necessary that terms are defined. Legalization means that the production and sale of drugs is legal and can no longer be treated as a crime. Criminalization, however, is what makes the use of drugs a criminal offense. In this case, possession alone could mean one may end up in prison. Lastly, there is decriminalization, which counteracts criminalization and makes the usage legal (219). Some disagree with both legalization and decriminalization, which means they believe that not only the production and sale of drugs but also the usage should be illegal. Others oppose legalization but are okay with decriminalization. As strange as it sounds, this is not contradictory (219). There is a lot of confusion when it comes to these terms and viewpoints. For example, decriminalization can apply to some drugs and not others. Also, decriminalization does not mean the government endorses the use of drugs, much like a lack of laws does not equate an approval of drug use (219). The government has proposed a harm reduction policy in the past, which calls for decreasing the amount of harm caused by drugs and the enforcement rather than reducing the drug users, and in turn the amount of drugs,

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