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Art During The Renaissance

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Beginning with the Renaissance the Church is no longer the only primary patron of the arts. Private families, governments and other secular (non-religious) groups begin to hire artists with greater frequency. What effect do you think this new diversity in patrons had on the arts in the 15th-18th centuries? Include some specific examples of works commissioned by these new patrons.

For many, the Renaissance means the “revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries”. The Renaissance migrated into the rest of Europe and was called the northern Renaissance. Artiste of the north was more interested in things that were real oppose to classic. There were many effects as a result of the diversity of patrons. The great Renaissance artiste had their work cut out for them in different ways. Leonardo da Vinci was a real renaissance man; he was a talented painter, sculptor, scientist architect and a military engineer, who painted the most controversial and …show more content…
It was a new era, even at the end, art was made much simpler for the sake of just art. For example, “the Patrons and Artists in Late 15th-Century Florence” according to ("Patrons and Artists in Late 15th-Century Florence," n.d.). The Romans had a concept of the patron in those days, which was extended into the medieval and Renaissance times, where many merchant and nobles offered them protection and sponsorship as artistes. They brought a new theme to paintings and it wasn’t just art anymore, but is as if the art had a new meaning. During the Renaissance, artists had new identities and purpose and were looked upon or could be compared to poets and writers. They had personalities that were independent for the first time coming from that medieval period. They took a complete different measure to formal and visual problems, and some of them devoted themselves to new and better things, such as scientific

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