...Artemis Sportswear Proposal Comm/215 August 4th, 2014 Artemis Sportswear Proposal Artemis Sportswear is a non-profit company, specializing in the creation, marketing and production of sporting goods and apparel, the company also offers its own line of Wines. Artemis donates and raises money for charities and organizations with the help of some hockey legends, such as Jason Zent. Although Artemis is a non-profit company, this does not mean that they would not benefit from both cost reduction and increase in profits. Artemis offers a host of services to clients from guidance with product creation all the way to the marketing and sales of the products. They have many opportunities within their company to increase their profits; from individual sections within their business to changing their overall approach to the running of the business. One way Artemis Sportswear can increase profit margins by creating a marketing plan, which will help focus marketing efforts and gives the company the best returns. Taking the time to put together a well-written marketing plan will make Artemis Sportswear more likely to achieve their marketing goals. In order to improve overall profit margins, the company must tailor their offers to the consumer's needs so they can provide them with a worthwhile product. Focusing their marketing strategy towards the market instead of the product allows Artemis to gain new consumers and strengthens their profit. In today’s market, it is imperative that...
Words: 1920 - Pages: 8
...Introduction Artemis Sportswear Company (ASC) is a newly established company that is proving to be a competitor in the distribution of athletic gear throughout the United States. ASC board members have determined that there is a need to increase profit margins to allow for expansion of the company to meet an increased demand. Increasing costs of their products is out of the question, cutting operational costs is the only solution. Background In an industry saturated with aggressive competition, it is vital for any business to take strategic measures to ensure that the business sustains itself into the future. ASC has proven itself to be the rising star in the sportswear market by making its mission "To be a leading provider of athlete-oriented apparel through innovation, design, and passion." Since ASC was founded in 2009; the company has managed an aggressive acquisition of market share. The steady increase for product demand has enabled the company to start expanding its enterprise to meet the market demand and remain competitive. ASC has decided it is imperative to generate the capital in anticipation of this expansion. This case study reviews the current condition of the sportswear industry and identifies solutions to increase profit margins for ASC by restructuring operational expenses. An examination of the sportswear market will identify the sectors with the most potential for long-term revenue generation. With the market data, a strategic approach can be implemented...
Words: 1711 - Pages: 7
...Final Research Paper This proposal is designed to assist Artemis Sportswear Company in cutting their operational expenses to increase profit margins, while considering the effect on workers and productivity. Background “In the 1970s, athletic sportswear began to evolve from a product line aimed at small and unique markets into a mainstream fashion product” (Clean Clothes Campaign, 2004). Artemis Sportswear Company has helped transform sport shoes and apparel into a fashion statement. Today the “total worth of the athletic apparel and footwear market is estimated at over 58 billion US dollars” (Clean Clothes Campaign, 2004). Key Problems In recent years Artemis Sportswear Company has been experiencing a decrease in sales due to the current economy. Artemis now wishes to assess operational expenses and find ways to increase profit margins. After assessing their budget we have found that the key problems of this company are wasted labor costs, office supply expenses and employee productivity. Alternative Solutions Labor Cost In order for a company to survive, increase its revenue and reduce its operational costs, it may need to cut down labor. Labor is considered to be the highest cost within many companies. Artemis has a lot of pressure on its shoulders to cut down the operational costs. As a business, Artemis can cut down the operational costs by down-sizing the labor force so the company can compete with other sportswear companies. There are two ways a company can...
Words: 1488 - Pages: 6
...Artemis Sportswear Case Study Team Final Paper COMM 215 Artemis Sportswear Case Study In these weak economic phases, when many corporations are going out of business or right sizing, Artemis Sportswear will have to take steps to improve commerce and revenue in hopes of survival. They must compete against similar enterprises and other sportswear corporations larger and have significant production facilities overseas. Also they must contend where labor costs are less expensive and increase in profits are happening. Nevertheless, there are still ways that they are looking to cut cost but still improve earnings. The three main focus points are reducing domestic direct labor costs, transferring production to lower cost foreign locations, and cutting operational expenses. Background Artemis Sportswear Company is a company located out of Jacksonville, Florida that distributes ever type of sportswear from head bands to athletic shoes. Artemis Sportswear has been around for seven years but is in a market with increased competition, tight budget, and regulation changes. The company is looking at profit loss if something is not done. The company’s past sales history, current and projected business plans, and budget one can conclude what is taking place. This is why Artemis sportswear is in the process of figuring ways to cut back on some of their expenses and still increase the profit growth. Labor Costs In today’s cutthroat business existence, this firm faces challenging choices...
Words: 1768 - Pages: 8
...Artemis Sportswear Cutting Operational Expenses University Of Phoenix Artemis Sportswear Cutting Operational Expenses Artemis Sportswear Company is a company that sells every type of sportswear you can think of; from sweat bands to tennis shoes. Artemis carries all the name brand apparel Nike, Reebok, Under Armor, etc. Not only do they sell sportswear they are also well known for the sales of their sports equipment, specializing in NHL equipment. Artemis has been in business since 2008 and has since experienced yearly increases in there profit margin. When the recession hit the profit margins began to decrease, they have since came to a standstill. The company’s goal is to find ways in which to bring profit margins up by cutting operational expenses. Background Artemis Sportswear has grown to be very financially fit since they opened their doors six years ago. However, with a market plagued with increased competition, tight budgets, and strict regulations if they intend to stay in the game and rise above the competition come up with some new moves. By making comparisons of past sales invoices as well as looking at previous, current, and projected business plans and budgets one can obtain some sense of what is happening and what changes need to be made. After reviewing all of the company’s financials, Artemis now realizes that in order to bring profit margins back in the green they will have to cut operational expenses. “Operational expenses have a direct effect on...
Words: 1299 - Pages: 6
...The Artemis Sportswear Company has experienced many downfalls and many gains since the company has been opened. Especially trying to compete with companies like Nike, reebok, and the new up and comer under armour. On this proposal we are going to try and design a plan to assist Artemis Sportswear Company in cutting their operational costs to increase worldwide profits, while also taking in consideration the effect on workers and their productivity. With the economy on the rise from the recent downfall in 2008, every company that survived and is still in business is on the hunt to increase profits and become the next big thing. With Artemis and the ever increasing competitors it can be hard to land a big deal with any major sports in the world. Many things can be done to get to the top and lock in a good contract with a professional sport in the world. For instance, advertisement, if done properly advertisement can make or break a company, billboards, commercials or even signing a professional athlete to wearing their sportswear on a commercial can be a big bonus for the customers. To really get put on a pedestal they need to create the next big thing. With nike and reebok creating new equipment like cold weather gear or shoes that can connect to your smartphone, Artemis will need to up the ante. While also considering the employee, getting feedback from and also acknowledging their inputs can create a good workspace and also increase productivity. On the other hand, a way...
Words: 450 - Pages: 2
...classified as good. Next, the timeframe in which the document was written comes into play, if the information is outdated or superseded by updated information, the resource may not still be applicable. The type of document is also important, stated generally, what would a user trust more, information contained in an encyclopedia or in an online blog? Last, is the information in the resource needs to be unbiased so that the user is able to evaluate a topic without having a pre-determined stance in support of the authors intent. These are the factors that our team evaluates that with these factors in place a resource can be classified as a good resource. For the week 5 topic, our team has selected to write on:”Formulate a proposal for Artemis Sportswear Company for cutting operational expenses to increase profit margins. Include the effect on workers and productivity”. To support our claims...
Words: 886 - Pages: 4
...RESEARCH PAPER. THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL BE A 1,750- TO 2,100-WORD ESSAY ON A SPECIFIC TOPIC. Your team is to select from the following topics: • To forecast possible cultural changes inside Worldwide Telecommunications, Inc., prepare a study analyzing how a multicultural workforce might affect teamwork and communications in large companies. • Prepare an assessment for Lotus Rental Car’s CFO on the feasibility of adding alternative fuel vehicles to the fleet. • Report to your company’s Board of Directors on the cost and value of offering domestic partner benefits. • Research and report on how to fund a non-profit community book festival for a major United States city. Consider recent changes in the economy. • Formulate a proposal for Artemis Sportswear Company for cutting operational expenses to increase profit margins. Include the effect on workers and productivity. Incorporate information from at least five sources including at least one primary source. The information gleaned from the primary source will enhance the information gained from the secondary sources. The paper should be consistent with APA guidelines and include a thesis statement, in-text citations, conclusion and/or recommendations, and reference list. Please refer to the text, The Student Writer: Editor and Critic, for more information on shaping the essay. Your instructor may require the team to submit a rough draft of your paper in Week Three. Refer to your instructor’s syllabus for further details...
Words: 493 - Pages: 2
...62118 0/nm 1/n1 2/nm 3/nm 4/nm 5/nm 6/nm 7/nm 8/nm 9/nm 1990s 0th/pt 1st/p 1th/tc 2nd/p 2th/tc 3rd/p 3th/tc 4th/pt 5th/pt 6th/pt 7th/pt 8th/pt 9th/pt 0s/pt a A AA AAA Aachen/M aardvark/SM Aaren/M Aarhus/M Aarika/M Aaron/M AB aback abacus/SM abaft Abagael/M Abagail/M abalone/SM abandoner/M abandon/LGDRS abandonment/SM abase/LGDSR abasement/S abaser/M abashed/UY abashment/MS abash/SDLG abate/DSRLG abated/U abatement/MS abater/M abattoir/SM Abba/M Abbe/M abbé/S abbess/SM Abbey/M abbey/MS Abbie/M Abbi/M Abbot/M abbot/MS Abbott/M abbr abbrev abbreviated/UA abbreviates/A abbreviate/XDSNG abbreviating/A abbreviation/M Abbye/M Abby/M ABC/M Abdel/M abdicate/NGDSX abdication/M abdomen/SM abdominal/YS abduct/DGS abduction/SM abductor/SM Abdul/M ab/DY abeam Abelard/M Abel/M Abelson/M Abe/M Aberdeen/M Abernathy/M aberrant/YS aberrational aberration/SM abet/S abetted abetting abettor/SM Abeu/M abeyance/MS abeyant Abey/M abhorred abhorrence/MS abhorrent/Y abhorrer/M abhorring abhor/S abidance/MS abide/JGSR abider/M abiding/Y Abidjan/M Abie/M Abigael/M Abigail/M Abigale/M Abilene/M ability/IMES abjection/MS abjectness/SM abject/SGPDY abjuration/SM abjuratory abjurer/M abjure/ZGSRD ablate/VGNSDX ablation/M ablative/SY ablaze abler/E ables/E ablest able/U abloom ablution/MS Ab/M ABM/S abnegate/NGSDX abnegation/M Abner/M abnormality/SM abnormal/SY aboard ...
Words: 113589 - Pages: 455