...2 Knowledge Management System 4 2.3 Customer Relationship Management 4 2.4 Supply Chain Management System 5 3.0 Cloud Computing 5 3.1 Characteristics of Cloud Computing 6 3.1.1 Elasticity & Scalability 6 3.1.2 Provisioning 6 3.1.3 Standardisation 6 3.1.4 Billing and Service Usage 7 3.2 Issues with Cloud Computing before Implementation 7 4.0 Technology Review 7 5.0 Operating Systems in Personal Computers 8 5.1 Features of Microsoft Windows 8 9 6.0 Enterprise Systems 10 6.1 Benefits of implementing Enterprise Systems 10 6.2 Challenges caused by implementing Enterprise Systems 11 7.0 Intelligent Systems 11 7.1 Types of Intelligent Systems 12 7.1.1 Expert Systems 12 7.1.2 Artificial Neural Networks 12 7.1.3 Motion Controls 13 7.1.4 Genetic Algorithms 13 8.0 Web Services 13 9.0 Educational Institutions 14 10.0 Technological Safeguards 15 10.1 Encryption 15 Reference List 16 1.0 Technical, Business and System Competencies Information system is best defined as the an amalgamation of hardware, software, technical infrastructure and skilled employees which are prearranged to smooth the progress of planning, controlling, coordinating and decision making within an organisation....
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...BIO INSPIRED NEURAL NETWORKING AMONG MULTI-ROBOTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Transportation is one of the most important economic activities of any country. Among the various forms of transport, road transport is one of the most popular means of transportation. Transportation has an element of danger attached to it in the form of vehicle crashes. Road crashes not only cause death and injury, but they also bring along an immeasurable amount of agony to the people involved. Efforts to improve traffic safety to date have concentrated on the occupant protection, which had improved the vehicle crash worthiness. The other important area where research is currently being done is collision avoidance. Technological innovations have given the traffic engineer an option of improving traffic safety by utilizing the available communication tools and sophisticated instruments. Using sensors and digital maps for increasing traffic safety is in its infancy. Systems are being developed to utilize the available state of the art facilities to reduce or possibly prevent the occurrence of crashes. Total prevention of crashes might not be possible for now, but the reduction of crashes could easily be achieved by using the collision avoidance systems. 1.1 NEED FOR COLLISION AVOIDANCE The development of collision avoidance systems is motivated by their potential for increased vehicle safety. Half of the more than 1.5 million rear-end crashes that occurred in 1994 could have been prevented by...
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...ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS METHODOLOGICAL ADVANCES AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Edited by Kenji Suzuki Artificial Neural Networks - Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications Edited by Kenji Suzuki Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Ivana Lorkovic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Martina Sirotic Image Copyright Bruce Rolff, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.com First published March, 2011 Printed in...
Words: 43079 - Pages: 173
...– MGT 501 Neural Network Technique Outline * Overview ………………………………………………………….……… 4 * Definition …………………………………………………4 * The Basics of Neural Networks……………………………………………5 * Major Components of an Artificial Neuron………………………………..5 * Applications of Neural Networks ……………….9 * Advantages and Disadvantages of Neural Networks……………………...12 * Example……………………………………………………………………14 * Conclusion …………………………………………………………………14 Overview One of the most crucial and dominant subjects in management studies is finding more effective tools for complicated managerial problems, and due to the advancement of computer and communication technology, tools used in management decisions have undergone a massive change. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is an example, knowing that it has become a critical component of business intelligence. The below article describes the basics of neural networks as well as some work done on the application of ANNs in management sciences. Definition of a Neural Network? The simplest definition of a neural network, particularly referred to as an 'artificial' neural network (ANN), is provided by the inventor of one of the first neurocomputers, Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen who defines a neural network as follows: "...a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs."Neural Network Primer: Part...
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...http://ml.memect.com Contents 1 Artificial neural network 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1 Improvements since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.1 Network function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.2 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3.3 Learning paradigms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3.4 Learning algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4 Employing artificial neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.5.1 Real-life applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.5.2 Neural networks and neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.6 Neural network software . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 55759 - Pages: 224
...First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology Rough Set Approach for Feature Reduction in Pattern Recognition through Unsupervised Artificial Neural Network A. G. Kothari A.G. Keskar A.P. Gokhale Rucha Pranjali Lecturer Professor Professor Deshpande Deshmukh agkothari72@re B.Tech Student B.Tech Student diffmail.com Department of Electronics & Computer Science Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur Abstract The Rough Set approach can be applied in pattern recognition at three different stages: pre-processing stage, training stage and in the architecture. This paper proposes the application of the Rough-Neuro Hybrid Approach in the pre-processing stage of pattern recognition. In this project, a training algorithm has been first developed based on Kohonen network. This is used as a benchmark to compare the results of the pure neural approach with the RoughNeuro hybrid approach and to prove that the efficiency of the latter is higher. Structural and statistical features have been extracted from the images for the training process. The number of attributes is reduced by calculating reducts and core from the original attribute set, which results into reduction in convergence time. Also, the above removal in redundancy increases speed of the process reduces hardware complexity and thus enhances the overall efficiency of the pattern recognition algorithm Keywords: core, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, rough sets, reducts, unsupervised ANN as any...
Words: 2369 - Pages: 10
...EEL5840: Machine Intelligence Introduction to feedforward neural networks Introduction to feedforward neural networks 1. Problem statement and historical context A. Learning framework Figure 1 below illustrates the basic framework that we will see in artificial neural network learning. We assume that we want to learn a classification task G with n inputs and m outputs, where, y = G(x) , (1) x = x1 x2 … xn T and y = y 1 y 2 … y m T . (2) In order to do this modeling, let us assume a model Γ with trainable parameter vector w , such that, z = Γ ( x, w ) (3) where, z = z1 z2 … zm T . (4) Now, we want to minimize the error between the desired outputs y and the model outputs z for all possible inputs x . That is, we want to find the parameter vector w∗ so that, E ( w∗ ) ≤ E ( w ) , ∀w , (5) where E ( w ) denotes the error between G and Γ for model parameter vector w . Ideally, E ( w ) is given by, E(w) = ∫ y – z 2 p ( x ) dx (6) x where p ( x ) denotes the probability density function over the input space x . Note that E ( w ) in equation (6) is dependent on w through z [see equation (3)]. Now, in general, we cannot compute equation (6) directly; therefore, we typically compute E ( w ) for a training data set of input/output data, { ( x i, y i ) } , i ∈ { 1, 2, …, p } , (7) where x i is the n -dimensional input vector, x i = x i 1 x i 2 … x in T (8) x2 y2 … … Unknown mapping G xn ym z1 z2 Trainable model Γ … zm -1- model outputs y1 … inputs x1...
Words: 7306 - Pages: 30
...( ANN-based Short-Term Load Forecasting in Bogotá Joaquin E. Mejia and Maria E. Correal. Abstract--This paper proposes four different models for an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on short term load forecasting. Historical load data from Bogotá from 2000 to 2007 is used for testing, showing the good performance of the different methods. Index Terms—ANN, Articial network, Short term load forecasting. Introduction During the last years the energetic markets in the world have been evolving from great monopolistic companies vertically integrated to new non-regulated systems, where competence has become an essential factor in the energetic distribution system. In the current model the resources optimization has turned into the competing companies’ economical advantage. Energy unlike the majority of products characterizes for not being storable, creating the need for the most possibly accurate demand forecasts, since that allows doing an adequate planning in the generation systems. It is possible to estimate the necessary reserves and the flow levels, in the same way it is possible to increase the energetic system’s security and generally they allow doing an adequate management of the power system. Several forecast techniques have been used in the case of short term energetic demand, among which they are included time series, Kalman filters, exponential smoothing and pattern recognition, among others. These models have obtained adequate results, but it is...
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...Chemical Product and Process Modeling Volume 2, Issue 3 2007 Article 12 Nonlinear Modelling Application in Distillation Column Zalizawati Abdullah, Universiti Sains Malaysia Norashid Aziz, Universiti Sains Malaysia Zainal Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia Recommended Citation: Abdullah, Zalizawati; Aziz, Norashid; and Ahmad, Zainal (2007) "Nonlinear Modelling Application in Distillation Column," Chemical Product and Process Modeling: Vol. 2 : Iss. 3, Article 12. Available at: http://www.bepress.com/cppm/vol2/iss3/12 DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1082 ©2007 Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved. Nonlinear Modelling Application in Distillation Column Zalizawati Abdullah, Norashid Aziz, and Zainal Ahmad Abstract Distillation columns are widely used in chemical processes and exhibit nonlinear dynamic behavior. In order to gain optimum performance of the distillation column, an effective control strategy is needed. In recent years, model based control strategies such as internal model control (IMC) and model predictive control (MPC) have been revealed as better control systems compared to the conventional method. But one of the major challenges in developing this effective control strategy is to construct a model which is utilized to describe the process under consideration. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the models that have been implemented in continuous distillation columns. These models are categorized under three major groups: fundamental...
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...Title :Wind speed prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Abstract : The crisis of fossil based fuel around the world has led to the research of Renewable Energy sources. One of the oldest sources of Renewable energy was using the wind to generate electrical or mechanical power using windmills. To use it efficiently the wind speed which determines the wind power must be known beforehand. Wind speed is a random variable depending on meteorological variables like atmospheric pressure,temperature,relative humidity & such. Methods that are currently being applied to predict wind speed are Statistical, Intelligent systems, Time series, Fuzzy logic, neural networks.Our focus will be on using Artificial Neural Network to predict the wind speed in daily basis in this report. Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Bangladesh has a 724 lm long coastal area where south-westerly tradewind& sea breeze makes the usage of wind as a renewable energy source very visible. But, not much systematic wind study has been made, adequate information on the wind speed over the country and particularly on wind speeds at hub heights of wind machines is not available. A previous study (1986) showed that for the wind monitoring stations of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) the wind speed is found to be low near the ground level at heights of around 10 meter. Chittagong – Cox’s Bazar seacoast and coastal off-shore islands appeared to have better wind speeds. Measurements...
Words: 4034 - Pages: 17
...Project – an Automated Make-up color selection system. Supervisor – Dr. H.L.Premarathne Field(s) of concern – Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Image Processing, Data Classification, make-up Background: Women typically like to be in the centre of attraction of other the people. In order to be elegant looking and to get the attention of others, ladies often use make-up. Make-up is a favorite topic of women, and is a primary concern, not only when attending functions such as weddings, parties, but in day-to-day life when going for work too. The success of make-up relies on how well one can select the colors that matches her skin color, eye color, shape of the face and other relevant features. Make-up is also an art; hence one should have a good artistic eye to select the make-up which suits her. Inappropriate applying of make-up will cause a person to be in the centre of sarcasm and annoyance, instead of being in the centre of attraction. This is why; ladies often take the service of a beautician. A beautician is a professional who’s trained and who has expertise knowledge on beauty therapy and make-up. With experience, a beautician can match the make-up colors to suit a person, according to her appearance and personality. However, one does not need the help of a beautician, if that person can choose the appropriate make-up colors for herself. Introduction: Selection of colors for a make-up is vital for a Beautician as well as for any lady who rely on make-up...
Words: 1003 - Pages: 5
...Introduction , External data representation and marshalling, Communication models, Communication between distributed objects , Remote procedure call Case study: Interprocess communication in UNIX, Java RMI . (4.1-4.6, 5.1-5.5 of Text1) ..6hrs 3. Operating System Introduction , Operating system layer, Processes and threads, Communication and invocation, Architecture (6.1-6.6 of Text1) ..4hrs. 4. Distributed File Systems and Name Services: Introduction , File service architecture, Name services, Domain Name System, Directory and directory services. Case study: Sun network file system, Global name service. (8.1-8.3, 9.1-9.4 of Text1) …6hrs 5. Synchronization: Clock Synchronization, Physical clocks, Logical clocks, Global state (5.1-5.3 of Text2) ..5hrs 6. Transactions& concurrency control: Transactions, nested transactions, locks, optimistic concurrency control, time stamp ordering (12.1-12.7 of Text1) ..8hrs 7. Distributed Transactions: Introduction, Flat and nested distributed transactions, Atomic Commit...
Words: 5050 - Pages: 21
...http://www.slideshare.net/ajaysuman/artificial-intelligence-in-business ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN BUSINESS Introduction Business applications utilize the specific technologies mentioned earlier to try and make better sense of potentially enormous variability (for example, unknown patterns/relationships in sales data, customer buying habits, and so on). However, within the corporate world, AI is widely used for complex problem-solving and decision-support techniques in real-time business applications. The business applicability of AI techniques is spread across functions ranging from finance management to forecasting and production. In the fiercely competitive and dynamic market scenario, decision-making has become fairly complex and latency is inherent in many processes. In addition, the amount of data to be analyzed has increased substantially. AI technologies help enterprises reduce latency in making business decisions, minimize fraud and enhance revenue opportunities. Definition of AI AI is a broad discipline that promises to simulate numerous innate human skills such as automatic programming, case-based reasoning, neural networks, decision-making, expert systems, natural language processing, pattern recognition and speech recognition etc. AI technologies bring more complex data-analysis features to existing applications. There are many definitions that attempt to explain what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is. I like to think of AI as a science that investigates...
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...Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Introduction: Artificial Intelligence The growing field of artificial intelligence is one that continues to show potential in many areas of expertise such as legal work and medicine. Artificial intelligence (AI) as explained by Semmler and Rose is “the process of simulating human intelligence through machine processes” (Semmler). There are many kinds of AI that do different things, but the main attribute of all AI is the ability to learn from specific data and use what they learn to perform a task. Some simple AI can improve the chance to find diseases in blood by keeping good records, while others can do the work of first-year associates at a law firm (Nunez). There are now countless AIs and with them starting to become widespread the ethics of having powerful AI is now being studied. The study of AI is widespread and unregulated in many countries which has created an opportunity for questionable AI to appear. This has caused an issue of ethics to appear and be studied. Researchers of AI such as Sean Semmler and Zeeve Rose look into the effect AI has...
Words: 1871 - Pages: 8
...3006-NEURAL COMPUTING ASSIGNMENT 2 GROUP 09 NAME G.D.P.M. Perera A.A. Vidura H.P.S.S. Kumara G.M.T.C. Galahena INDEX No 10001352 10000909 10000552 10000437 TAKE HOME ASSISGNMENT GROUP 09 Part 1 Introduction In the part 1, we have to classify the given four English Characters into known four different classes. As the output classes are known we used Feed Forward Back Propagation method to train the artificial neural network. Here is a brief description of a supervised training network. Consider the network output Y which is usually denoted by NET, When the network is trained for a specific Target, this training process is called Supervised Training. In supervised training, when the network is being trained it is required to produce the expected target. Training is carried out in such a way that, weights of the network are trained (or adjusted or updated or modified) until the network produces the expected target. Basic steps of supervised training Weights are randomly set. Target (Expected or Desired output) is identified. Input is applied to the Network. Network Actual Output (Weighted Sum of Input) is calculated. Calculate the Error (Error = Target ~ Actual Output). Weights are updated until the Error is minimized 2 TAKE HOME ASSISGNMENT GROUP 09 Dalta Rule – Wnew - Wold η – Learning rate parameter δ – Error (target – actual output) x – input In a feed forward back propagation network the signals are traveled on...
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