...UNIT 35: THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY AND VENUE MANAGEMENT Get assignment help for this unit at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com LO1 Understand the contribution of the entertainment industry to the economy Data: analysis of data from the entertainment and venue industry eg Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Annual Reports, Leisure Tracking Survey; the Henley Centre; Target Group Index, BMRB International; General Household Survey Economy: ways the entertainment and venue industries have contributed to the national economy; the development and distribution of different activities Agencies: comparison of funding agencies (local, regional and national); their impact on the entertainment and venue industries https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5649485182751853952#editor/target=post;postID=7145972173407995657 LO2 Understand types of activities offered by the entertainment industry Activity: by performers eg professional, semi-professional, amateur; by venue eg venuespecific, touring, festivals; by art forms eg live music, opera, theatre, dance, cabaret, comedy, visual arts (exhibitions, film and video) Audiences: national data usage figures; age and socio-economic breakdown; spectator and participatory activity; widening choice Venues: major entertainment venues eg arenas, stadia, exhibition centres; dedicated spaces eg theatres, concert halls, arts centres, clubs, cinemas, galleries; non-dedicated spaces eg streets, schools, pubs, homes, outdoor spaces, community...
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...-Notes What is sports and entertainment marketing? Marketing Basics * Marketing- planning and executing the conception (product), pricing, promotion, and distribution (place) of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy needs/ objectives. * AMA- American Marketing Association * Price is cost to make it and the + * Promotion- is how you got the name out there * Distribution- shipping out of your goods * An idea is intangible and relates to a feeling * Blending of four marketing elements -product -price -place -promotion Customer Needs * Customers needs should be primary focus of marketing * Products must be desirable * Ability to operate profitable ( housing market was a key indicator as to the U.S. economy) Marketing Functions * Product/ Service management: Designing, developing, maintaining, improving, and acquiring products or services so they meet needs * Nike has decided to produce pink running shoes in support of breast cancer awareness. Which function of marketing is this? Product/ service management. * Distribution (place): Determining the best way to get a company’s products or services to the consumer. * Getting the materials to the manufacturing plant, Where to distribute your products, * Selling: direct and personal communication with customers * Marketing- Information management: gathering and using information about customers to improve business decisions making ...
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...firm that operates in cultural industry. The example chosen is that of the company Stage Entertainment. In the first part of this paper we will provide a brief history of Stage Entertainment, single out two non-technological innovations and discuss how these innovations have affected the strategic behavious of Stage Entertainment. In the second part we will discuss both the horizontal and vertical processes Stage Entertainment is involved in and argue why one of these should be considered more important to Stage Entertainment’s overall sustainable competitive advantage. Stage Entertainment is the brainchild of the Dutch creative entrepreneur Joop van den Ende (born 1942). Stage Entertainment is the result of a merger of several other entertainment companies owned and run by Van den Ende and was incorporated in 1999. It has seen rapid international expansion and is now active in 9 countries, employing 4000 people. The turnover is €600 million (Nispen, M. van, Jaekele S. and Charrington, J, 2009). Van den Ende describes the strategy of Stage Entertainment as a strategy consisting of three elements (Nispen et al 2009): 1. Venues: programming and managing a network of venues across Europe (i.e. theatres) 2. Productions: presenting a wide range of existing, leading international content. These productions are owned by other parties, but produced for a specific country by Stage Entertainment (e.g. the theatrical distribution rights of ‘My Fair Lady’ are owned by Paramount Pictures...
Words: 1973 - Pages: 8
...Warren Buffett Stock Analysis ELECTRONIC ARTS INC Stock market is much riskier than people think due to variation of market conditions. Before making a smart investment in a company, investors should observe the performance in the past and predict the future trend. To identify if a company is worth investing in, Warren Buffett, one of the greatest investors in the world, recommended four aspects: 1) Is the business understandable? 2) How are long term prospects of the business? 3) Is the management of that business honest and competent? 4) Is the value of that business worth it to invest? In this paper, EA, Inc. will be evaluated as an example. UNDERSTANDABILITY Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA) is a company which leads the global entertainment software and represents the trend of development of this industry. The company develops, publishes, and distributes entertainments software all over the world for video game systems, personal computers, wireless devices and the internet. EA markets its products under four brand channels which are EA SPORTS, EA, EA MOBILE and POGO. As announced in fiscal 2009, EA posted GAAP net revenue of $4.2 billion and had 31 titles that sold more than one million copies. EA was listed on NASDAQ with its business spread in 26 countries and employees more than 7100 in the worldwide. LONG TERM PROSPECTS In these recent years, American electronic games industry is developing rapidly and has accelerated its speed of globalization...
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...Additional ReadingByrnes, W, J. (1999) Management and the Arts. Boston: Focal Press.Chong, D. (2002) Arts Management. London: Routledge.Clancy, P. (1994) Managing the Cultural Sector: Essential Competencies for Managers in Arts. Dublin: Oak Tree Press.Drucker, P. (1999) Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.Fitzgibbon, M. and Kelly, A. (1997) From Maestro to Manager, Critical Issues in Arts and Cultural Management. Dublin: Oak Tree Press.Handy, C. (1998) Understanding Organisations. London: Penguin.Hudson, M. (1999) Managing without Profit: The Art of Managing Third-Sector Organizations. London: Directory of Social Change (DSC). | 2 | From Vision to Mission | Brighton, A (2006) Consumed by the political in Culture Vulture M. Mirza, London: Policy Exchange. Varbanova, L. (2013) Strategic Thinking: Vision, Mission and Objectives in Strategic Management in the Arts, London: Routledge, pp 58-72 | 3 | Money: Financial Management and Fundraising | Glow (2010) Taking a Critical Approach to Arts Management in Asia-Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, Australia: University of South AustraliaMcRobbie, A. (2001) 'Everyone is Creative': Artists as New Economy Pioneers?, London: openDemocracyBolton, M. and Carrington, D. (2007) New and Alternative Financial Instruments. UK: Mission, Models Money | Additional ReadingArts Council England. (2007) Call it a Tenner: The Role of Pricing in the Arts. Research Report. (http://www.artscouncil...
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...name emphasizes the company’s founding prospectus of the spirit of freedom and open-mindedness. (Sony Corp. Info) Sony concentrates its business efforts towards achieving corporate social responsibility, community involvement, volunteerism and its environment. Sony Corporation is home based in Tokyo Japan and has global subsidiaries located worldwide in the East Asia, Pan-Asia, North America, Europe, and Latin America. The Sony Corporation of America, located in New York is the United States headquarters for Sony. The businesses that operate from the Sony Corporation of America include Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Mobile Communications Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment America, Sony Network Entertainment Inc., Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Sony Music Entertainment, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, and Sony Online Entertainment. (WHO WE ARE) Sony emphasizes employee relations. Sony has made it a priority to develop a healthy relationship with their employees. Morita claimed that a large portion of Sony’s success has been the way they treat their employees; which is quite a significant number of people. According to data attained from Sony’s human resources division, as of March 31, 2013 Sony currently employs approximately 146,300 employees worldwide with the majority of the employees being in Japan, making up approximately 38% of the workforce; while 13% are in North America....
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...2. PEST and Porter’s 5-forces analysis................................................5 3. SWOT Analysis................................................................................11 4. Marketing and positioning strategies...............................................14 5. Ansoff’s Matrix…………………………………………..………..16 6. Conclusion........................................................................................18 Bibliography.....................................................................................19 1. Introduction In the modern world, the entertainment industry has been enormously developing with new technology available and innovations and is distinguished by a highly competitive market with many participants in the arena. Therefore, the companies that are participating in entertainment business have been competing via their new products/services,...
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...Strategic Plan for the Illusion Hall Michelle Curvey BUS/475 February 20, 2012 Susan Horvat Strategic Plan for the Illusion Hall The concept of the Illusion Hall is to provide an atmosphere of creative engagement for the small community in which we reside. There is no other venue of entertainment within a 60-mile radius. This does not guarantee our success. The process has taken several weeks; as a result we have created a roadmap for success. Within our strategic plan we have conceptualized the Illusion Hall through the definition of the vision, mission, and values of the theater. With this, we understand the risk assume in pursuing a new business in a small town. Therefore, we have included a SWOTT analysis to reveal the strategic position of the Illusion Hall. The issues and opportunities revealed are addressed with the balanced scorecard and the four quadrants of finance, customer, process, and employee. Finally, we include the vital step of communication, implementation, and monitoring. Each part of the strategic plan is vital to the success of our endeavors with the Illusion Hall. Mission Statement Although the Illusion Hall is the only movie theater in a 60-mile radius, we understand this does not guarantee a competitive advantage or market share. The theater, therefore, needs to differentiate itself in the industry. The mission statement is a tool that can help us do this. A mission statement is “the unique purpose that sets a company apart from others of its...
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...Background Scope The Experience Mezzo conference requires thorough planning and continuous monitoring to ensure the MacVille events steering committee criteria are met and above all complete conference success. Our focus aims at four main areas of this conference: 1. Budget o Break even on costs. Provide cashflow and conference cost breakdown to the MacVille Events steering committee. Budget is $25,000 and you will have the sales manager and two MacVille Espresso sales people at the conference to help you with organising and presenting. 2. Presenters/ Entertainment o Engaging the right key note speakers and company presenters o Themed entertainment for dinner. 3. Attendees o Reasonable registration fee for delegates. Your target audience is owners and managers of retail coffee shops within the surrounding geographic zone. 4. Purpose o Full day conference with culminate dinner. First conference in the state for the company. Conference success measured by securing sales leads for the Mezzo range of espresso coffee machines. Reporting Leading up to and throughout the conference, internal reporting will occur between my team which includes the sales manager and sales persons, and primarily the MacVille events steering committee. Regular meetings are to be held to ensure planning is kept on schedule, milestones are met and all aspects of the conference are included. The budget has been capped at $25,000. For all expenditure...
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...think differently, innovate artistically, beautify processes and improve people’s lives. Show business has always fascinated me, for this very reason, I have been working with a Mumbai based theatre group called “Banjara” as their financial advisor. My primary responsibilities at Banjara included gathering & distributing funds. I have also worked with directors, producers and designers to convey cohesive vision of Banjara’s productions. During my tenure at Banjara, I gained both valuable insight and had hands on experience with the workings of the entertainment industry. I gained sufficient practical experience in stage management, marketing and publicity for theatres, venue design and planning, financing, preproduction and facility management. Simultaneously, I have been working for Polaris Financial Technology Limited as a consultant since July, 2011. My job responsibilities at Polaris included optimizing “Business Process Management” product for Barclays and Llyods Banking Group. Altogether this has been a resourceful experience for me since I multitasked and learned various techniques and technologies used in business process optimization. The Ph.D. Program at MIT Sloan would provide the kind of exposure needed to broaden my thinking and undo my insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me. In an institution of such confluence of people from every culture, nationality, religion and ideology, I am sure that exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid...
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...Overview Infogrames Entertainment SA (IESA) has acquired Hasbro Entertainment to obtain the rights to the Atari name. Infogrames wants to avoid being taken over by a larger software company and they also want to increase their market share and take over industry leadership from Electronic Arts. CEO Bruno Bonnell has decided to implement a name brand strategy whereby IESA will become Atari. Bonnell’s decision was presumably based upon the positive recognition given to the Atari name brand by teenagers, and adults in their 20’s and 30’s. The key issue facing Infogrames is whether name branding is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Conclusion and Recommendations Infogrames’ implementation of a name branding strategy will not be successful for two reasons. First, the following analysis reveals that there are three key success factors for software companies participating in this industry. Infogrames’ acquisition of Hasbro does not help them to better meet any of these three objectives. Second, Infrogames has rationalized the acquisition of Hasbro based on the name branding strategy using the Atari moniker. The analysis, however, reveals that there is no competitive advantage gained on the software side of this industry for name branding. In short, consumers do not appear to make their game purchases with any regard whatsoever for the company that produced the game. As such, the acquisition of Hasbro, and the name branding strategy, will be a failure for ISEA...
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...specialization before changes in the city management were introduced Cesena is situated in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy that is one of the most developed tourist areas in the country with a good variety of night entertainment, beach resorts and theme parks. Moreover, Cesena is rich in art, history and heritage. So we can say that the city specialization is – tourism. 3. What were the main problems in city development that required changes in TCM? The growing trend of customers who preferred visiting large out-of-town shopping malls and other cities located near Cesena instead of retail businesses in the city centre. 4. What changes in the city management were about? First of all, there were a few changes made about: insufficient parking, mobility problems and evening economy. But difficulties with mobility and insufficient parking were minimised through a scheme, which allows members of the scheme to offer free parking tickets to their customers in underground parks situated just outside the pedestrian zone. The slogan was: “Shop in Cesena and park for free”. As for the mobile and evening economy issues, they were addressed through a free shuttle available all night. Secondly, in order to support art and culture, the TCM scheme’s member shops regularly offered free tickets for museums and host art/photography exhibitions inside their own retail outlets. And finally, other events included tournaments, child entertainments and prize competitions for customers. ...
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...Arts/Entertainment The developments and introduction of Chinese Art dates back as far as 960 AD. Early forms of art in China were made from pottery and jade in the Neolithic period. The gist of Chinese art encompasses fine arts, folk arts, and performance arts. The most common types/forms of arts and entertainment in the Chinese culture and China are as follows: 1. Literature 2. Chinese Folk Art 3. Visual Art 4. Film 5. Chinese Music 6. Performing Arts 7. Gardening 8. Architecture The start era for Chinese literature was the Spring and Autumn period. Chinese culture contains various groups of literature, including: Early Chinese poetry, Han and Northern dynasties poetry, Golden Age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu, Late Tang and Five dynasties, Song, Ming and Qing literature, Western influence: the big three, and Modern. These are all forms of early and late poetry in the Chinese culture. The love poems are among the most appealing in the freshness and purity of the Chinese language. There are several famously recognized poets in the Chinese culture. In modern poetry, Xu Zhimo, a romantic poet who cherished the poetry of the English romantics like Keats and Shelley, was among the first Chinese authors that effectively naturalized western romantic forms into contemporary Chinese poetry. Early Chinese poetry, in the Golden age, contained notable poets like Bai Juyi, Luo Binwang, Jia Dao, Wang Wei, and etc. Another form of entertainment in China that is probably...
Words: 1923 - Pages: 8
...Company Profile Of National Book Store Main company contact: Quad Alpha Centrum Building 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City, 1550, Philippines www.nationalbookstore.com.ph Phone: 63 2 631 8061 1. Business, Administrative & Contact Information a. Business name: National Books Store Inc. b. Business type: Limited Liability Company c. Company registration number: d. Tax reference number: Confidential e. VAT number: Confidential f. Tel: 63 2 631 8061 812-3950 to 51 889-5037 844-6112 g. Fax: 806-3441 h. E-mail: nbsvictory@nationalbookstore.com.ph i. Cell: N/A j. Physical address: Quad Alpha Centrum Building 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City, 1550, Philippines k. Postal Address: 1550 l. Banking details: i. Bank: Confidential ii. Branch: Confidential iii. Account number: Confidential iv. Branch code: Confidential v. Account manager: Confidential vi. Account managers details: Confidential 2. Introduction a. Company History The first National Book Store started as a stall shop in Escolta before the Japanese occupation selling supplies, GI novels, and textbooks. When war broke out, strict book censorship forced them to shift their trade to soap, candies, and slippers. They bought their merchandise from wholesalers and peddled them to smaller retailers. Liberation came, but the whole Escolta area was burned to the ground. Having all their stocks reduced...
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...of gaming, entertainment, conference, dining and accommodation products. One of its main objectives is to capture the high-end luxury clients who are looking for a holiday outing and features. These clients are out to spend, and this poses a great opportunity for Bellagio's strategy. Bellagio strategy focuses on diversification of the corporate business investing in a wide range of luxury products. The business unit competitive strategy design allows for low-cost pricing of the products and prices, presenting a competitive edge over the rest of the similar organizations. Some of the control problems that affect Bellagio are the pace of technological advancements in the entertainment and gaming industry. (Askew, 2011) The control challenges that face the organization include the political and economical climate within the local and international industry. Similar companies are venturing into the business posing the risk of completion within the market for suppliers, customers, and regulators. Bellagio faces the risk of high uncertainty in the casino business, and it is quite difficult to predict the optimal targets. [pic] Figure: Bellagio Casino and Resort Corporate Diversification Strategy 2. Describe contingent factors (as discussed in seminar 12) that are relevant in the determination of the Management Control System choices at the Bellagio In the case of Bellagio Casino and Resort, the three main contingent factors in the determination of the Management Control System...
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