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As Marketing Manager


Submitted By KatiaS
Words 475
Pages 2
Job advertisement (in English)
As a Marketing manager, you are a fully dedicated business leader, shaping the future of one of our many Google products. Whether you're on a consumer product (like Gmail, Search, Maps, Chrome, Android) or a business product (AdWords, AdSense, DoubleClick, Analytics), you take part in a complete marketing experience as you lead every facet of the product's journey. From determining positioning, naming, competitive analysis, feature prioritization and external communications, you help shape the voice of the product and help it grow a loyal consumer base. This means you work with a cross-functional team across sales, corporate communications, legal, webmasters, product development, engineering and more. In this role, you'll be involved with product marketing strategy from beginning to end.
As Head of B2C Marketing, you will play a pivotal role in pursuit for our overall success in Russia. You will determine Russia specific consumer strategy most relevant to local realities, and you will define what tactics and tools will lead execution of the strategy, what particular products and services to focus on and what messages to communicate to the audience. You will lead a team of highly professional product marketing and communication managers motivated to move the dial in Russia.

Define and lead the marketing strategy for consumers (brand and product strategy).
Communicate and advocate strategy in front of senior management, working closely with Marketing Managers in other geographies.
Lead and manage strategy deployment, manage execution of high impact programs to drive product usage in Russia.
Work with market insights, quantitative marketing to design and deliver studies and track effectiveness and ROI of marketing programs.
Set and manage marketing budgets, appoint and manage creative, media and event agencies.

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