...* Internet Explorer Help Password: techexcel * Agent s1trav0N * VPN address: vpn.nibr.net/home * Assign all Emeryville tickets without a user to Celis Jayson * Emeryville IP: 165.xxx.xxx.xxx * East Hanover: 162.xxx.xxx.xxx * Expense report: 27461 * Facility: 43332 * Create a ticket in IMAN for all Pristima escalation. Also any questions about Pristima contact Kathy Stango and Steve Cuoco. * Srs.na.novartis.net contact Wahl Ralf * H Drive access: \\PHUSCA-S1600\username$ * lab manager: Aruna Jain * Robert Yard: Mass ave deskside lead * Vinod Patel: Tech sq deskside lead * Hai Dieu: V&D team lead * Jayson Celis: EMV team lead * Zakir Pathan: EH manager * Secure mail: Any questions send an email to postmaster.securemail@novartis.com for info securemail.novartis.com. * IPhone mail server: MI3.novartis.net * Cisco Portal to edit phone: Https:\\PHUSCACM-Pub\CCMUSER, 5-2-1 password: welcome1 * RCA Console: https://usca-secid01.na.novartis.net:7004/console-ims * VM system: Https://phuscauc-pub:8443/cuadmin/home.do User: administrator Password: N0vart1s * Training folder: G:\BusUnits\NIBR_SD\Training * MMC into computar: runas /u:nanet\sup_darfe1 mmc * VWR application: Mark Major * Ariba application: 24241 * PMP system: 24720 * Lab notebook access: Kenneth Leonards and christina hourican and Ryan Gately. * MBA Salary planning system: Christine Haverty extension 44118. * https://webmail2.novartis...
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...1) Five different Stream vs Block Stream | Block | * One symbol of plaintext is immediately convert into its symbol in cipher text * E.g. Caesar cipher, Playfair cipher. | * A group of plaintext symbols is converted into its equivalent group of cipher text symbols * E.g. DES, AES. | 2) 4 mod operation in block cipher * In cryptography, a block cipher operates on blocks of fixed length, often 64 or 128 bits. * Because messages may be of any length, and because encrypting the same plaintext under the same key always produces the same output. * Several modes of operation have been invented which allow block ciphers to provide confidentiality for messages of arbitrary length. * The 4 modes of operation are * Electronic Code Book (ECB) * Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) * Output Feedback (OFB) and * Cipher Feedback (CFB) 3) Briefly describe the working of DES * most widely used block cipher in world adopted in 1977 by NBS (now National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST)as Federal Information Processing Standard 46 (FIPS PUB 46) * encrypts 64-bit data using 56-bit key * has widespread use * The algorithm itself is referred to as the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) * IBM developed Lucifer cipher by team led by Feistel in late 60’s used 64-bit data blocks with 128-bit key * then redeveloped as a commercial cipher with input from NSA and others * in 1973 NBS issued request for proposals...
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...TUTORIAL 7 (online) LAW OF AGENCY 1. Describe the relationship of a principal and agent? An arrangement in which one entity legally appoints another to act on its behalf. 2. Can an employee be an agent and why? Can because the employee is negotiating with customers on principal’s behalf. 3. Is a sole distributor an agent and why? It is an agent because its role is to become the middle person in distributing products. 4. In what circumstances can a person be an agent of ‘necessity’? It must be an emergency Need to protect principal from loss 5. What is meant by an agency created ‘expressedly’ and one created ‘impliedly’. It is expressed when spoken or written and; It is implied when inferred from circumstances cases 6. What are the consequences if an agent fails in his duties to the principal? He must compensate the principal for any loss resulting. 7. What can an agent do if he is not paid by the principal? Sue the principal 8. Explain what is ‘ratification’ in the law of agency and why would a principal want to ratify the unauthorised acts of an agent. When an agent, without the knowledge or authority of the principal, acts on behalf of the principal, the principal may choose to accept or reject the acts 9.What is meant by agency by ‘estoppel’? Where an agent, who has no authority, does acts to 3rd persons on behalf of principal, the principal is bound by those acts if he has, by his words or conduct induced such...
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...The Hawthorne defect: Persistence of a flawed theory “Like other hallowed but unproven concepts in psychology, the so -called Hawthorne effect has a life of its own.” By Berkeley Rice http://www.cs.unc.edu/~stotts/204/nohawth.html Most students of social psych are familiar with, or had better be if they want to pass. For decades, countless textbooks, Ph.D. theses, journal articles, and learned panels have cited it as a possible explanation for everything from why juvenile criminals in experimental program decide to go straight to why insomniacs sleep better in the laboratory. Whenever psychologists gather, one I apt to hear mention of the Hawthorne effect-even though, as it happens, the effect was never actually demonstrated by the original study. Proponents of the Hawthorne effect say that people who are singled out for a study of any kind may improve their performance or behavior not because of any specific condition being tested, but simply because of all the attention they receive. Those who mention the effect usually want to cast doubt on whether a given social innovation, instructional method, or therapy is really responsible for the change in behavior. Though the Hawthorne effect has been generalized to every kind of psychological study, it grew out of a pioneering series of experiments that tested the impact of improved working conditions on productivity. In typical accounts of the findings, current textbooks report: “To the surprise of the researchers, every innovation...
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...გაგახსენდები ვიცი ერთხელაც, როცა ჭაღარა დაიწყებს თოვას, როცა წარსულის ხელის შეხებას მოჰყვება ხსოვნის უცრემლო გლოვა.... მერე შეხტება გული კვიცივით, ჭინკა სიმშვიდეს გაუბამს ბრძოლას... მოგენატრება ჩემი სიცილი, დამიძახებ და.... მე აღარ მოვალ! არსებობს ადამიანი ,რომლსაც არ მივწერ, არ დაველაპარაკები ,საუკუნის შემდეგ სრულიად შემთხვევით ქუჩაში შევხვდები და თავს ისე დავიჭერ თითქოს ,იგი არც ეხლა ნიშნავს ჩემთვის არაფერს და არც არასდროს არ ნიშნავდა … ადამიანი,რომელზეც საუბარი არ მომბეზრდება, ადამიანი,რომელზეც სულ იმას ვიტყვი,რომ არ მიყვარს და ჩემთვის არავინ არის…ყველას დავარწმუნებ ,რომ აღარ მიყვარს ,მაგრამ ბოლოს ჩემ თავთან მარტო დარჩენილს ტირილი მომგვრის შვებას,მხოლოდ. ადამიანი,რომელზეც დაწერილი ჩანახატები,ყოველთვის დიდ ემოციას გამოიწვევს ჩემში..ემოციას,რომლის დამალვას სულ შევეცდები ,მაგრამ ჩემი სიტყვები ვერაფერს გახდებიან,მაშინ როდესაც თვალები ყველაფერს იტყვიან… აუცილებლად ავიღებ ტელეფონს,დღეში მილიონჯერ,დავწერ ძალიან მეგობრულ წერილს ,მაგრამ ბოლოს ეს მარაზმი გამაღიზიანებს და წერილს ,მაშინვე წავშლი… ყოველთვის,როდესაც რაიმე რომანტიული მელოდია გაიჟღერებს ,გული სწრაფად დამიწყებს ცემას, ღრმად ამოვისუნთქებ ისევ და ისევ საკუთარი თავის მოსატყუებლად. არ არსებობს,დამესიზმროს და უკვე გაღვიძებულმა ,თვალები მაგრად არ დავხუჭო სიზმრის გასაგრძელებლად… არ არსებობს, თოვლმა ბედნიერი წუთები არ მომაგონოს. შეუძლებელია მისი ხმის გაგონებისას ტირილი არ მომინდეს… თავს ვიტყუებ და ტყუილად ვიტანჯავ …გრძნობები ასე მალე არ ქრება … არც ადამიანებს არ გვეცვლება ასე მალე გემოვნება… სიყვარული ყველაზე...
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...The story revolves around the relationship between a mentally challenged father and his daughter when he’s falsely accused of murder and incarcerated. During his time in prison he’s met with hatred and scorn for the perceived terribleness of his crime, which not only includes killing a little girl (who so happens to be the police commissioner’s daughter), but of cruelly kidnapping and molesting her as well. Perhaps because the dead little girl is the daughter of such a prominent man does the case fly through the courts without anything resembling due process, and it’s as if no one realizes that the perpetrator lacks the mental faculties needed to represent or stand up for himself when everyone is against him from the start—even including the policemen and lawyers whose job it is to assume his innocence. Instead, they work only to prove his guilt, because there’s literally nothing to stop them. Especially not the law. What follows is a story that takes place in two time periods. There’s the modern storyline, where the father’s grown-up daughter works as a lawyer to clear his name—though that takes up far less screen time than the flashback to 1997, the year that her father was accused and imprisoned in Cell No. 7. It was there that he met the cellmates who would become not only his friends but also family to him and his daughter after they devise an (admittedly improbable) plan to sneak her into the prison. Soon the entire prison population joins in the effort to try and save...
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...PERJANJIAN JASA JURI Perjanjian Jasa Juri ini (selanjutnya disebut dengan “Perjanjian”) dibuat pada hari ini Jumat, tanggal 14 Agustus 2015 di Surabaya, oleh dan di antara Para Pihak di bawah ini: I. PT Kapal Api Global, suatu perseroan terbatas yang didirikan menurut dan berdasarkan hukum Indonesia, berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat, yang dalam hal ini secara sah diwakili oleh Herlina Lesmana dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Organizational Development Manager, dan oleh karenanya dengan ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama perseroan (selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Perseroan”); dan II. Djoko Tutuko, pemegang kartu tanda penduduk Nomor 3578082707580004 di Gubeng Kertajaya 9-C/18, RT.006/RW.005, Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, yang dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas namanya sendiri (untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Juri”). Perseroan dan Juri (selanjutnya secara bersama-sama disebut sebagai “Para Pihak”) dengan ini menerangkan bahwa Para Pihak setuju untuk melaksanakan kerjasama, dimana Perseroan bermaksud untuk menunjuk Juri sebagai pihak yang melakukan penilaian terhadap kegiatan lomba pentas seni yang akan diadakan Perseroan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, Para Pihak setuju dan sepakat untuk mengikatkan diri dalam Perjanjian ini dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagaimana tercantum dalam keseluruhan bagian Perjanjian ini: A. Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok: 1. Jenis Pekerjaan Juri: sebagai juri atau tim penilai atas kegiatan Pekan...
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...Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is that branch of philosophy dealing with the major ethical questions regarding the relationships between humans and the environment. This includes issues such as biodiversity, wildlife management, ecological preservation, hunting practices, farming techniques, and food regulations. Emergence of the Field Environmental ethics emerged as a distinct field in in early 1970s. Among its driving forces were the environmental concerns regarding the dependability of our society on natural resources as well as the threat that our use of those resources poses to the integrity of the ecosystem; it should also be noted that the increased attention to an ecological perspective on life was promoted also by the prospect of exploring life on other planets. It should be noted that around the same period a cognate field was also developed: philosophy of biology. In the 70s, in other words, our theoretical perspective on life was deeply transformed and has led to movements such as the green revolution and the contemporary quest for sustainable living. Retrospectively, the emergence of those fields seems almost obvious. A Non-Anthropocentric Philosophy? Although environmental ethicist have applied ethical theories – such as consequentialism – to try and solve environmental concerns, the specificity of environmental problems facilitated the development of some novel ethical perspectives; an example of this is the non-anthropocentric...
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...ACFI1001 – Individual Project Financial Statement Analysis and Report Base company – BHP Billiton Ltd. Comparison company – Orica Ltd. The 2012 annual reports for BHP Billiton Ltd and Orica Ltd were sourced and analysed with the relevant sections presented in Appendix A. The main featuresof the statement of financial performance for BHP Billiton that were focused on are profit after taxation, revenue from production and the dividends per ordinary share. The profit after taxation is an important figure for an investor as it represents the money made by the company taking into account its expenses. In the year ended 30th June 2012, BHP Billiton had a profit after taxation of $15,532 (US$M), which was a 35% decrease from the year prior, and a 19% increase from the year ended 2010. This clearly shows that BHP Billiton’s performance related to profit after taxation has significantly deteriorated from 2011 to 2012. The revenue from production is another important value for investors as it explains in more detail why the profit after taxation changes from year to year. For BHP Billiton, the revenue from production increased from 71,739 (US$M) in the year ending 2011 to 72,226 (US$M) in 2012, which is a slight improvement in performance. However by looking at the revenue from production and profit after taxation together, it can be seen that even though the revenue increased slightly, the increase in expenses was relatively much higher resulting in the profit after taxation...
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...Spansk tjekliste til skriftlig eksamen/prøve Tjek først og fremmest VERBERNE: - TAL (ental/flertal) - PERSON (1.2. eller 3. person) Husk, der er ofte en dialog, så man kan se om i også kan bøje verberne i 1. og 2. person, såvel ental som flertal. - TID - Nutid= præteritum (ofte = handlingsskelet). Fremtid = imperfektum (baggrund, forklaring, gentagelse). Fortid = condicionalis (før nutid, før datid) - MODUS (konjunktiv eller indikativ eller måske INFINITV (efter modalverberne - kunne, skulle, ville osv.), GERUNDIUM - SER eller ESTAR SUBSTANTIVERNE: - KØN (hankøn eller hunkøn) husk”– ema” er m. og ”–ista” kan være både m. og f. Det neutrale er hankøn! - TAL (ental/flertal) - BESTEMT eller UBESTEMT - Genitiv, husk ejermanden til sidst (la foto del fotógrafo) ADJEKTIVERNE: - Kongruens i køn og tal - Placering (som regel EFTER substantivet) ADJEKTIV til ADVERBIUM: - Hunkønsform plus -mente (solo – solamente) Forskel på ADJEKTIV og ADVERBIUM - Es bueno, está bien PRONOMINER - (Hvilke + placering): - De personlige (subj. , akkusativ eller dativ? Tjek oversigtsarket med de forskellige farver) - De relative (que, quien, donde....) - De spørgende (qué, quién, dónde....) - De indefinitte (algo, nada; alguien, nadie...) NÆGTELSER: - Husk NO foran det bøjede verbum PRÆPOSITIONER: - Husk styrelsen skal komme lige efter præpositionene. Du må ikke have en præposition til at stå alene: …som jeg tænker på= en que pienso Vedr. QUE: Enten det betyder...
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...Corporate Strategy Tameer Bank ‐ Micro Finance Banking Arsalan Aziz 2011 Instructor: Mr. Shahid Zaki EMBA PS‐IV (INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) Contents INDUSTRY BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 4 TAMEER BANK .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Vision .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Mission ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Products ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Tameer’s Tripple Bottom Line goals .......................................................................................................... 5 Projects in Progress for 3BL goals in 2008‐2010 ........................................................................................ 5 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................................. 7 . Technological Change .............................
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...Adamjee Life Assurance Company Introduction: The formation of Adamjee Life is a result of the partnership between Adamjee Insurance and Hollard, South Africa. Both partners are well established, giving Adamjee Life the advantage to add tremendous value to the lives of its customers and the businesses of its clients. Adamjee Life's dedicated staff shares the philosophy of partnership and understands the dynamics involved in caring for our business associates. This philosophy of partnership adds much more value to the relationship than the traditional approach of just being a product provider. The senior management team at Adamjee Life is well equipped to deliver in all areas of a partnership and comes with years of international experience. Our long term commitment to the insurance market in Pakistan ensures that the needs of our customers are always taken into account. These needs may vary from product development; addressing the exact requirements of the clients to servicing strategies, retaining clients and to understand their various businesses so that our value proposition stimulates growth in their business. Adamjee Life's diverse portfolio of products includes savings, health, loan protection as well as group life plans that cater to all needs of the customer. Our technical expertise lies not only in Pakistan but also in South Africa through our collaboration with Hollard Life Assurance Co. Ltd. Hollard is the largest private insurance group in South...
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...COM3702/201/1/2016 TUTORIAL LETTER 201/1/2016 Media Studies: Policy, Management and Media Representation COM3702 Semester 1 Department of Communication Science IMPORTANT INFORMATION This tutorial letter contains important information about your examination portfolio. CONTENTS PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION 3 2 LECTURERS, EXAMINATION PORTFOLIO, SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION AND STUDY GUIDE 3 3 FEEDBACK ON PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 01 6 4 FEEDBACK ON ASSIGNMENT 02 13 5 INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES ON PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 03 FOR THE EXAMINATION 23 ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR THE EXAMINATION PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 03 27 CONCLUSION 31 6 7 2 COM3702/201 Dear Student 1 INTRODUCTION We trust that you are enjoying Media Studies: Policy, Management and Media Representation. We know there is a large amount of work to do, but we do hope that you are coping and that you will send in your examination portfolio soon. This tutorial letter contains a lot of important information. Please study it carefully before you submit your portfolio. Do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you do not understand. 2 LECTURERS, EXAMINATION PORTFOLIO, SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION AND STUDY GUIDE Note the following important issues: 2.1 Lecturers’ contact details Note that some changes have been made to the list of lecturers that appeared in Tutorial Letter 101/2016. Here is the updated list of lecturers: Name and...
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...MÜSLÜMAT ALLAHVERDİYEVA B EYN Ə LXALQ MARK ETİN Q Dərslik Azərbaycan Respublikası təhsil nazirinin 26 aprel 2007-ci il tarixli 377 saylı əmri ilə təsdiq edilmişdir. BAKI-2010 Elmi redaktor: Rəycilər: dos. E.N.Kərimov prof. İ.A.Kərimli, dos. T.Ş.Şükürov Allahverdiyeva M.A. Beynəlxalq marketinq. Dərslik. Bakı: “İqtisad Universiteti” Nəşriyyatı, - 2010, - 444 cəh. Dərslikdə beynəlxalq marketinqin mahiyyəti, obyekti,funksiyaları,dünya iqtisadiyyatında onun yeri ,rolu,əhəmiyyəti,beynəlxalq marketinq mühitinin amilləri, beynəlxalq marketinq tədqiqatları,beynəlxalq bazarın tədqiqi, beynəlxalq marketinqdə əmtəə, qiymət, satış siyasəti, beynəlxalq marketinqin təşkili, idarə edilməsi v.s.məsələlərə diqqət yetirilmişdir. Dərslikdə 25 mövzu acıqlanmışdır.Məhşur firmaların fəaliyyəti situasiyalı məsələlərlə təhlil edilmiş, düşündürücü suallar verilmiş, beynəlxalq marketinqə aid bəzi terminlərin izahlı lügəti və nümunəvi testlər tərtib edilmişdir. Dərslik ali məktəb tələbələri, magistrləri, sahibkarlar və idarəetmə sahəsindəki mütəxəssislər ücün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. © Allahverdiyeva M.A. - 2010 © “İqtisad Universiteti” Nəşriyyatı, - 2010 2 MÜNDƏRİCAT Мцяллифдян ................................................................................................. I BÖLMƏ BEYNƏLXALQ MARKETİNQ STRATEGİYASININ İNKİŞAFI Мювзу 1. Бейнялхалг маркетингин мащиййяти вя фяалиййят sferasы................. 1. Бейнялхалг маркетингин обйектив характери вя онун хцсусиййятляри.....
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