Two strategies that the company should adopt to ensure that ethical decision making takes place at all levels of the organization:
a. Adopt a company-wide Code of Ethics
The company must develop its Code of Ethics. It should be the embodiment of what the business believes in with regards to the nature of the business, business practices, operations, people and its ethical responsiveness. In doing so, the company will always operate under the guidance of the code- legally and ethically; and all business decisions will be made within the principles of the code.
b. Create an Ethics and Compliance Committee
The company’s Ethics and Compliance Committee will play a pivotal role in the practice, application and training of the Code of Ethics because:
• It will ensure that the Code of Ethics remain global- applicable to anyone and everyone within the company and doing business with the company
• It will ensure that the Code of Ethics is always in alignment to the ever-changing economic environment- both locally and globally
• It will ensure a continuous education and training of all employees at all levels (regular employees, management and executives as well).
• It is a resource to all questions and concerns regarding the company’s ethical practices
Every business, every company, every organization should willfully adopt a Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics is important because it embodies the governance of a business. It provides guidance towards fair business practices, social responsiveness, encourage local and global involvement for the common good and awareness to what is morally and legally acceptable.
Having a Code of Ethics ensures that a business does not operate to generate profit alone. Instead, the code will ensure that the business is guided with a moral, legal and social conscience towards its daily operations,