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Chinese Essay


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此詞為抒寫離情別緒的千古名篇,也是柳詞和有宋一代婉約詞的傑出代表。詞中,作者將他離開汴京與戀人惜別時的真情實感表達得纏綿悱惻,淒婉動人。詞的上片寫臨別時的情景,下片主要寫別後情景。全詞起伏跌宕,聲情雙繪,是宋元時期流行的「宋金十大麯」之一。起首三句寫別時之景,點明了地點和節序。《禮記•月令》云:「孟秋之月,寒蟬鳴。」可見時間大約在農曆七月。然而詞人並沒有純客觀地鋪敍自然景物,而是通過景物的描寫,氛圍的渲染,融情入景,暗寓別意。秋季,暮色,驟雨寒蟬,詞人所見所聞,無處不淒涼。「對長亭晚」一句,中間插刀,極頓挫吞咽之致,更準確地傳達了這種淒涼況味。這三句景色的鋪寫,也為後兩句的「無緒」和「催發」,設下伏筆。「都門帳飲」,語本江淹《別賦》:「帳飲東都,送客金谷。」他的戀人在都門外長亭擺下酒筵給他送別,然而面對美酒佳餚,詞人毫無興致。接下去說:「留戀處、蘭舟催發」,這七個字完全是寫實,然卻以精煉之筆刻畫了典型環境與典型心理:一邊是留戀情濃,一邊是蘭舟催發,這樣的矛盾衝突何其類銳!這裏的「蘭舟催發」,卻以直筆寫離別之緊迫,雖沒有他們含蘊纏綿,但卻直而能紆,更能促使感情的深化。於是後面便迸出「執手相看淚眼,竟無語凝噎」二句。寥寥十一字,語言通俗而感情深摯,形象逼真,如在目前。真是力敵千鈞!詞人凝噎在喉的就「念去去」二句的內心獨白。這裏的去聲「念」字用得特別好,讀去聲,作為領格,上承「凝噎」而自然一轉,下啟「千里」以下而一氣流貫。「念」字後「去去」二字連用,則愈益顯示出激越的聲情,讀時一字一頓,遂覺去路茫茫,道裏修遠。「千里」以下,聲調和諧,景色如繪。既曰「煙波」,又曰「暮靄」,更曰「沉沉」,著色一層濃似一層;既曰「千里」,又曰「闊」,一程遠似一程。道盡了戀人分手時難舍的別情。 上片正面話別,下片則宕開一筆,先作泛論,從個別說到一般。「多情自古傷離別」意謂傷離惜別,並不自我始,自古皆然。接以「更那堪冷落清秋節」一句,則極言時當冷落淒涼的秋季,離情更甚于常時。「清秋節」一辭,映射起首三句,前後照應,針線極為綿密;而冠以「更那堪」三個虛字,則加強了感情色彩,比起首三句的以景寓情更為明顯、深刻。「今宵」三句蟬聯上句而來,是全篇之警策。成為柳永光耀詞史的名句。這三句本是想像今宵旅途中的況味,遙想不久之後一舟臨岸,詞人酒醒夢回,卻只見習習曉風吹拂蕭蕭疏柳,一彎殘月高掛楊柳梢頭。整個畫面充滿了淒清的氣氛,客情之冷落,風景之清幽,離愁之綿邈,完全凝聚在這畫面之中。這句景語似工筆小幀,無比清麗。清人劉熙載在《藝概》中說:「詞有點,有染。柳耆卿《雨霖鈴》云:『多情自古傷離別,更那堪冷落清秋節。今宵酒醒何處?楊柳岸、曉風殘月。』上二句點出離別冷落,『今宵』二句乃就上二句意染之。點染之間,不得有他語相隔,隔則警句亦成死灰矣。」也就是說,這四句密不可分,相互烘托,相互陪襯,中間若插上另外一句,就破壞了意境的完整性,形象的統一性,而後面這兩個警句,也將失去光彩。「此去經年」四句,改用情語。他們相聚之日,每逢良辰好景,總感到歡娛;可是別後非止一日,年復一年,縱有良辰好景,也引不起欣賞的興致,只能徒增煩惱。便縱有千種風情,更與何人說?,遙應上片「念去去」;「經年」二字,近應「今宵」,在時間與思緒上均是環環相扣,步步推進。「便縱有千種風情,更與何人說」,以問句歸納全詞,猶如奔馬收韁,有住而不住之勢;又如眾流歸海,有盡而未盡之致。
全詞分上下兩闋。 上闋主要寫餞行時難捨難分的惜別場面,抒發離情別緒。 起首「寒蟬淒切,對長亭晚,驟雨初歇」三句寫環境,點出別時的季節是蕭瑟淒冷的秋天,地點是汴京城外的長亭,具體時間是雨後陰冷的黃昏。通過這些景物描寫,融情入景,點染氣氛,準確地將戀人分別時淒涼的心情反映了出來,為全詞定下淒涼傷感的調子。真正做到了字字寫景而字字含情。 「都門帳飲」是寫離別的情形。在京城門外設帳宴飲,暗寓仕途失意,且又跟戀人分手。「無緒」,指理不出頭緒,有「剪不斷,理還亂」的意思。寫出了不忍別離而又不能不別的思緒。「留戀處,蘭舟催發」。正在難分難舍之際,船家又陣陣「催發」。透露了現實的無情和詞人內心的痛苦。 「執手相看淚眼,竟無語凝噎。」是不得不別的情景。一對情人,緊緊握著手,淚眼相對,誰也說不出一句話來。這兩句把彼此悲痛、眷戀而又無可奈何的心情,寫得淋漓盡致,一對情人傷心失魄之狀,躍然紙上。這是白描手法,所謂「語不求奇,而意致綿密」。 「念去去、千里煙波,暮靄沉沉楚天闊。」寫別後思念的預想。詞中主人公的黯淡心情給天容水色塗上了陰影。一個「念」字,告訴讀者下面寫景物是想像的。「去去」是越去越遠的意思。這二字用得極好,不願去而又不得不去,包含了離人無限悽楚。只要蘭舟啟碇開行,就會越去越遠,而且一路上暮靄深沉、煙波千里,最後漂泊到廣闊無邊的南方。離愁之深,別恨之苦,溢於言表。從詞的結構看,這兩句由上闋實寫轉向下闋虛寫,具有承上啟下的作用。 下闋著重寫想像中別後的悽楚情景。 開頭作者先宕開一筆,把自己的感情賦予普遍的意義:「多情自古傷離別」。意謂自古以來多情者都會因離別傷心。「自古」兩字,從個別特殊的現象出發,提升為普遍、廣泛的現象,擴大了詞的意義。但接著「更那堪冷落清秋節」一句,則強調自己比常人、古人承受的痛苦更多、更甚。江淹在《別賦》中說:「黯然銷魂者唯別而已矣!」作者把古人這種感受融化在自己的詞中,而且層層加碼,創造出新意。 「今宵酒醒何處?楊柳岸曉風殘月。」這是寫酒醒後的心境,也是他飄泊江湖的感受。這兩句妙就妙在用景寫情,真正做到「景語即情語」。「柳」、「留」諧音,寫難留的離情;曉風淒冷,寫別後的寒心;殘月破碎,寫今後難圓之意。這幾句景語,將離人悽楚惆悵、孤獨憂傷的感情,表現得十分充分、真切,創造出一種特有的意境。難怪它為人稱道,成為名句。 再從今後長遠設想:「此去經年,應是良辰好景虛設。便縱有千種風情,更與何人說?」這四句更深一層推想離別以後慘不成歡的境況。今後漫長的孤獨日子怎麼挨得過呢?縱有良辰好景,也等於虛設,因為再沒有心愛的人與自己共賞;再退一步,即便對著美景,能產生一些感受,但又能向誰去訴說呢?總之,一切都提不起興致了,這幾句把詞人的思念之情、傷感之意刻劃到了細緻入微、至盡至極的地步,也傳達出彼此關切的心情。結句用問句形式,感情顯得更強烈。 《雨霖鈴》全詞圍繞「傷離別」而構思,先寫離別之前,重在勾勒環境;次寫離別時刻,重在描寫情態;再寫別後想像,重在刻劃心理。不論勾勒環境,描寫情態,想像未來,詞人都注意了前後照應,虛實相生,做到層層深入,盡情描繪,情景交融,讀起來如行雲流水,起伏跌宕中不見痕跡。這首詞的情調因寫真情實感而顯得太傷感、太低沉,但卻將詞人抑鬱的心情和失去愛情的痛苦刻劃的極為生動。古往今來有離別之苦的人們在讀到這首《雨霖鈴》時,都會產生強烈的共鳴。

詩人戴望舒(1905-1950)早期以“雨巷詩人”著稱於世,在題為《雨巷》(約作於1927年夏)的詩中,有這樣朦朧而優美的詩句:“撐著油紙傘,獨自/彷徨在悠長、悠長/又寂寥的雨巷/我希望逢著/一個丁香一樣地/結著愁怨的姑娘”。在某種程度上,“雨巷”凝結了戴望舒基本的詩人氣質:在抒情主體的心緒層面,多抒寫個體在動蕩變幻時代面前的“彷徨”與“寂寥”心緒;在抒情方法上,則善於捕捉某些獨特的意象,並注重將意象象征化,有意造成一種模糊的抒情氛圍和詩美效果。 1930年代中後期之後,外在因素(抗日戰爭爆發)和內在因素(如流亡生活、入獄、疾病、缺乏固定收入、婚姻不幸等等)共同促成了戴望舒詩歌主題的重要變化:對外在的社會歴史、政治現實有了更多的關注,對苦難深重的民族命運以及於慘淡的現實之中飄零的個體生命有了更為深沉的思考。不過,在藝術表現上,即便在這一時刻,已屆中年的詩人依然將筆觸付諸個人的官能感受以及藝術化想象,而非如同時期多數詩人那般簡單地取標語口號以入詩。這一追求有效地保證了《我用殘損的手掌》(以下簡稱《手掌》)等詩的藝術品質。 《手掌》一詩作於1942年7月3日。這一年春天,他遭日本人逮捕而入獄。該詩即寫於獄中(同寫於獄中的還有《獄中題壁》,寫作時間稍早)。對人類生存境遇而言,監獄多半是一處特殊的場所(法制健全的現代社會不在此列),肉體創傷/精神打擊,正(道)義/邪惡,罪有應得/栽贓冤枉,氣節/失節,希望/絕望,光明/黑暗,生/死,諸多生存命題無可推卸地匯集於獄中人的面前。由此,不難理解監獄對於人類生命感懷的激發,也不難理解,監獄乃是文學表現的一處重要場所。 從時間上看,《手掌》的寫作距入獄已有數月,生存境遇變得相當糟糕,詩人仍然不放棄詩歌,可見詩歌對於詩人而言已具有某種本體意義,是生命的慰藉與補償。縱觀全詩,詩人只字未提獄中情形怎樣,而是直接從想象層面展開,這樣一種手法,評論界普遍將稱之為“超現實主義的方法”(有法國“超現實主義詩人”保羅·艾呂雅等人的影響)。事實上,以“殘損”修飾“手掌”自然也是這種手法使然。而如“江南的水田,你當年新生的禾草/是那麼細,那麼軟……現在只有蓬蒿”所示,在這裡,“當年”/“現在”被賦予了對比性的價值內涵:過去是美好的;而現在是“冷到徹骨”的、“憔悴”的、“苦”的、“沾了血和灰”的,“沾了陰暗”的,當然,更是“殘損”的。詩人以“超現實”的方式摹寫了1940年代苦難中國的現實。 “殘損”在戴詩中並非首次出現,早在《雨巷》寫作前後,戴即寫有一首《斷指》。據說,有一位年輕的革命者,為了不再為感情所累,全身心投入到解放事業當中去,當眾砍下一根手指,請友人在酒精瓶裡保存好以為見證,以志警醒。十多年過去了,詩人應回想過這樣一首以一個殘損的身體部位為主題的舊作——從手指到手掌,從投身革命的友人到身陷囹圄的自己,詩人的情感抒發有了更為切實的基礎。 詩中兩次出現“我用殘損的手掌”這一表述方式,這是值得細細體味的地方。前一表述後的動詞為“摸索”,後一表述後的動詞則為“輕撫”;“摸索”多半是無方向性的,“盲人摸象”,“在黑暗中摸索”等慣用語無不揭寓了“摸索”的某種特質,詩歌前半段鋪列苦難大地上各種物設的寫法無疑符合這一特質。而“輕撫”不同,對象已然確定(“只有那遼遠的一角依然完整”);而且,措辭與寫法也發生了改變,那是一種充滿了柔情和生命力的對象(“像戀人的柔髪,嬰孩手中乳”),一種被“寄與愛和一切希望”的對象。可見,盡管是同一表述,不同動作以及由此而來的不同性質與效果卻得到了很好地區分;藉由這一區分,詩人的主體情感也得以彰顯和升華。 有必要提及的是,無須將“那遼遠的一角”直接對應於某個現實場所。這並非是說詩人不具備明確的政治意識(當然,這一點也是可以細究的),而是出於對詩歌作為藝術作品的品質的肯定——從詩人的抒情手法以及詩歌的內在理路來看,與其說那“一角”意味著一個確切的地點,不如說是詩人的情感與希望之所在,是一個象征性的、“超現實”的、烏托邦式的場所。人類總是困囿於某些現實的因素,也總懷有打破這一困囿的烏托邦沖動,《手掌》不過揭寓了其中的一種景況而已。而從實際的詩歌寫作及評介來看,惟有超越某些具體的現實因素的束縛,詩歌的內蘊才能得到更為充分地挖掘,才能不斷地回應某些具體的場景並不斷地得到續寫。 以20世紀上半葉漢語詩歌的發展來看,中華民族遭遇了苦難深重的現實,“悲憤出詩人”,“苦難出詩人”,摹寫悲憤與苦難的詩篇可謂不計其數,但真正能夠將苦難精神與藝術表現有效結合起來的並不在多數。惟其如此,《手掌》雖遠不完美,但也了可堪討論的價值。誇張一點說,有了《手掌》(還可包括艾青的《我愛這土地》、穆旦的《贊美》,等等),20世紀漢語詩歌精神傳統也有了更為深切的內涵。
抗日戰爭的槍林彈雨把一批現代派詩人打出了象牙塔。他們再也沒有閑情“站在橋上看風景”,“裝飾了別人的夢”。現代派給人的印象似乎就是這樣,是一批精神貴族關起門來的自我欣賞。因此,當戴望舒寫下他那首感人至深的《我用殘損的手掌》時,人們發現了與其早期作品的纖細、精致、憂傷、神秘截然不同的寬廣、博大、深沉、明朗。許多評論家認為他走向了現實主義。也有一些外國文學造詣很深的學者兼詩人,如袁可嘉,看出了其中骨子裡的現代派手法,但似乎同意這種觀點的是少數。我認為,一個人也許在不同的時候說出不同的話,而這些話背後的言說方式卻未必改變。《我用殘損的手掌》之所以有著強烈的感染力,原因也正在於此。 這首詩首先運用了一種超現實的手法:“我用殘損的手掌/摸索這廣大的土地”是全詩的靈魂。戴望舒說過:“詩是由真實經過想象而出來的,不單是真實,亦不單是想象。”殘損的手掌本來是很小的,但它能摸索廣大的土地,一會兒“觸到荇藻和水的微涼”,一會兒又讓“黃河的水夾泥沙在指間滑出”。這一大一小的強烈反差構成了獨特的語境,在這種語境的作用下,“手掌”的內涵與外延之間產生一種張力。“手掌”已不單是個人的手掌,同時還是整個民族的受傷的、“殘損的”手掌;它受了傷,但依然是博大的,和廣大的土地一樣博大。它超越個體的有形的手掌而化為民族的“無形的”手掌:“無形的手掌掠過無限的江山”、無形的手掌“粘了”同樣無形的“陰暗”。浪漫主義與象征主義也要創造超現實,但它們主要依靠虛幻誇張的形象。而現代派作品中這種超現實效果主要是通過語言獲得的,強調通過悖論、反諷等反常搭配的運用,使語義在某種獨特語境的作用下拓展或變形,從而達到一種“不合理中之合理”的效果。 作品對主觀的感情,抒情主人公的形象進行了一定程度的隱匿,將它們寄於一個生活化的形象與相應動作上,即“殘損的手掌”和以手掌“摸索”。內心的創痛化為殘損的手掌;對祖國的摯愛與對河山淪落的痛惜化為深情的摸索,猶如母親撫摸著孩子,又像孩子愛撫著母親。正是通過這既超越現實又非常生活化的形象和動作,作者與現實之間形成了一種審美距離。當“無形的手掌掠過無限的江山”時,當“我用殘損的手掌輕撫”時,當“我把全部的力量運在手掌”時,都仿佛是一個靈魂從更高的地方觀照,審視著這種苦難、依戀和信念。這樣,詩中就出現了兩個自我:一個自我是廣大的土地上生活的一員,殘酷的戰爭與生活給他一雙殘損的手掌,他是生活的體驗者;另一個自我是我們民族受傷的靈魂,具有普遍性、永恒性,他超越時空,用深邃的目光注視著這歴史的一頁,既看到苦難,也指出希望和力量。仔細體會後一個自我,似乎還能隱隱感到一絲與作者早期作品相通的神秘主義氣息。 中國現代抒情詩大體上可以分為三種抒情方式:浪漫主義(主情主義)、象征主義和現代派。浪漫主義的抒情方式是直抒胸臆,以飽含感情的語句直接撞擊讀者的心胸,如和《我用殘損的手掌》幾乎誕生於同一時期,同樣傳誦一時的高蘭的那首《哭亡女蘇菲》:“你哪裡去了呢?我的蘇菲!/去年今日/你還在臺上唱“打走日本出口氣”!/今年今日啊!/你的墳頭已是綠草淒迷!……”短短的五行詩裡就用了四個感歎號和一個問號。艾青及其受他影響的七月派詩歌則更多采納了象征主義的抒情方式,賦予某個意象,某種光、色以普遍性內涵。如艾青的“灰黃”的色調,“土地”、“太陽”,以及阿壟的“纖夫”等。要領會其中的意蘊、感情,主要靠讀者的聯想。而現代派的抒情方式,盡管與象征主義有類似之處,也包含了象征的成分,卻更為含蓄,強調通過某種日常經驗的再現,喚起讀者相應的記憶表象,使讀者通過對自己的類似經驗的追憶和體驗,體會到這種經驗背後的感情。這種感情既是作者的,也是讀者的,它並非作者施加於讀者,而是作者以某種日常經驗為媒介,從讀者心中喚起的。這種感情一旦從讀者心中喚起,它就是發自內心的,內在的,深沉的,持久的。 我們不妨將艾青的《雪落在中國的大地上》的中心句“雪落在中國的土地上,寒冷在封鎖著中國呀”和“我用殘損的手掌/摸索這廣大的土地”做一比較。前者就是一種象征主義的抒情方式,以大自然的現象象征中國社會的現狀,以自然界的寒冷象征心理的寒冷,讀者通過聯想,眼前會呈現出日寇鐵蹄下的中國生靈塗炭的悲慘景象。而後者呢,在當時的中國,有多少人在抗敵的戰場上,在逃難的道路上,在敵人的監獄裡(如作者本人),在被焚毀的村舍旁,用自己那“沾了血和灰”的殘損的手掌撫摸著自己的親人、戰友、土地和土地上的殘垣斷壁。這兩句詩正是當時中國人普遍經驗的再現,是最具體最細節化的,又是最普遍最抽象的。這兩句詩的語氣十分平靜,而在這平靜的語氣中,卻蘊涵了中國人在這樣的日常經驗背後所飽含的極為豐富、複雜、深厚的感情。中國現代派詩歌追求“華美而有法度”,力圖將西方的新詩學與中國傳統詩學相結合,在強調“親切與暗示”的同時,又要與中國“哀而不傷,樂而不淫”的詩歌傳統相通,從這首詩的情感表達效果來看,這個目標得到了實現。 現代派藝術是對現實、人生、自我的更加深刻與獨特的揭示。它同樣也可以成為“批判的武器”,比如畢加索為抗議法西斯暴行而創作的《格爾尼卡》和為和平而作的《和平鴿》。在戴望舒30年代的現代派風格作品中,他所再現的日常經驗或是陰暗的,如《我的記憶》;或是寂寞的,如《獨自的時候》;或是晦澀而詩化的,如《夜》。而當他在《我用殘損的手掌》中寫出了中國人的普遍經驗,從而顯現出強烈的現實性時,不少人就認為他的創作道路轉向了。從以上分析可以看出,在這首詩裡,作者仍然運用了現代派的抒情方式,而且正是這種抒情方式,使讀者與作者之間,讀者與讀者之間產生了內在情感上的交流與共鳴,從而使這篇作品獲得了巨大而持久的藝術感染力。

亭以雨名,志喜也。 以:用,介詞。名:命名,動詞。志:記載。○《古文觀止》評:“起筆便將'喜雨亭'三字,拆開倒點出,已盡一篇之意。” 古者有喜,則以名物,示不忘也。○“不忘”是全文主旨。 周公得禾,以名其書;據《尚書·周書·微子之命》記載,周成王的同母弟唐叔得兩株苗同一穗的禾,獻給成王,成王要唐叔送給周公。周公受禾,作《嘉禾》,文已佚。 漢武得鼎,以名其年;據《史記·孝武本紀》記載,漢武帝元狩七年(116)夏六月,汾陰發現寶鼎,奏聞,迎鼎至甘泉宮,改年號為元鼎。叔孫胜狄,以名其子。 據《左傳·文公十一年》記載,狄入侵魯,魯文公派叔孫得臣擊敗狄軍,獲其首領長狄僑如。為記其功,叔孫得臣將其子宣伯改名僑如。其喜之大小不齊,其示不忘一也。○有喜則名物,古有先例。 第一段,說明“亭以雨名”是為了“志喜”,是為了繼承古代傳統。這是全文總起。 予至扶風之明年,始治官舍。 扶風:即鳳翔府(今陝西鳳翔縣),蘇軾於宋仁宗嘉祜六年(1061)到鳳翔府任判官。明年:第二年。治:修建。為亭於堂之北,而鑿池其南。引流種樹,以為休息之所。○先說造“亭”,原與“雨”無關。是歲之春,雨(y ù )麥於岐(q í )山之陽,其占為有年。是歲:這一年。雨:下(雨雪),動詞。雨麥:天上下麥子。岐山:在今陝西岐山縣。陽:山的南面。佔:占卦。有年:豐年。年,年成,收成。○縱一筆:先虛喜——“佔為有年”。 既而彌月不雨,民方以為憂。 既而:後來。彌月:整整一個月。彌,滿。方:開始。○跌一句:由“喜”轉憂。越三月,乙卯乃雨,甲子又雨,民以為未足。 越三月:過了三月份。乙卯:四月初二日。乃:才,副詞。甲子:四月十一日。○再跌一句:憂仍未去。 丁卯大雨,三日乃止。丁卯:四月十四日。○再說“雨”,異樣的雨。 官吏相與慶於庭,商賈(g ǔ )相與歌於市,農夫相與忭(bi à n)於野。憂者以喜,病者以愈。相與:共同,一起。庭:廳堂。商賈:商人。賈,古時特指坐商。市:集市。忭:高興,喜歡。以:因,介詞,後面省略了賓語“之”。○再寫“喜”,異樣的喜。而吾亭適成。適成:恰好建成。適:恰好,副詞。○緊接此句,筆力千鈞:亭以雨名,是必然的了。 第二段,敘寫修亭的經過和官吏商賈農夫喜雨的情景,並把喜雨和亭成聯繫起來。 於是舉酒於亭上,以屬(zh ǔ )客而告之,曰:“五日不雨可乎?舉酒:舉起酒杯。以:並且,連詞,連接“舉酒”與“屬客”。屬客:勸客飲酒。屬,同“囑”,勸請。五日不雨:指再旱五天。 曰:'五日不雨則無麥。' 曰:指客答。無麥:是說麥子會全部枯死。 十日不雨可乎? 這是作者再問的話:再旱十日會怎樣。 曰:'十日不雨則無禾。' 曰:指客人又答。無禾:沒有禾苗。當時正是麥子將熟,稻穀下種之時,所以這樣說。無麥無禾,歲且薦飢,獄訟繁興而盜賊滋熾,則吾與二三子,雖欲優游以樂於此亭,其可得耶? 且:將要,副詞。薦:一再,頻頻。飢:飢荒。獄訟:訴訟案件。獄,官司。訟,訴訟。繁興:頻繁出現。滋熾:更加猖獗。滋,更加,副詞。熾,旺盛。二三子:指諸位客人。優游:疊韻連綿詞,悠閒自得的樣子。其:語氣詞,表示反問語氣,可譯“難道”。○亭和雨關係密切。 “今天不遺斯民,始旱而賜之以雨。使吾與二三子得相與優游而樂於此亭者,皆雨之賜也,其又可忘耶?”天:上天。遺:棄。斯民:這裡的百姓。○照應首段的“不忘”,解釋以“喜雨”名亭的原因。 第三段,說明作者與客能“優游而樂於此亭者,皆雨之賜也”,不可忘。 既以名亭,又從而歌之, 以:用,介詞,後面省略了代詞“之”。指“喜雨”。既以名亭:已經用(喜雨)命名亭子。歌之:用歌來頌這件事。歌,名詞活用為動詞。○承上啟下。曰:“使天而雨珠,寒者不得以為襦(r ú ) ”;使:假使。雨珠:下珍珠。不得:不能。以為:以(之)為,把它當作。襦:短襖 。○珠、襦押韻。使天而雨玉,飢者不得以為粟。○雨貴於珠玉。玉、粟押韻。 一雨三日,繄(y í )誰之力? 繄:句首助詞,無義。○日、力押韻。民曰太守,太守不有;歸之天子,天子曰不(f ǒ u)。太守:郡的最高長官。宋時已改郡為州或府,太守也改稱知州或知府,但人們仍習慣稱太守。當時鳳翔府的知府叫宋選。不有:沒有(這力量)。不:同“否”。○守、有、不(f ǒ u)押韻。歸之造物,造物不自以為功,歸之太空,造物:造物主,指創造萬物的自然界。太空:天空。○功、空押韻。太空冥冥。不可得而名,吾以名吾亭。”冥冥:高遠,深遠。以名:以(之)名,用喜雨命名。○冥、名、亭押韻。 第四段,以歌來頌雨之功作結,並以“吾以名吾亭”照應開頭的“亭以雨名”。
這篇文章善於立意,巧於佈局,很有特色。在官府之內修建亭子,作為官吏們“休息之所”,本與老百姓毫無關係;但作者卻把它寫得與百姓“憂”“喜”相關,表現了作者關心民生疾苦,與百姓同憂患、共歡樂的思想感情。為了表現這一主題,作者在第一段先總說“亭以雨名,志喜也。”在第二段,先寫建“亭”,再寫旱後“喜雨”,並把“喜雨”與“亭成”聯繫起來。在第三段,再進一步寫自己能“樂於此亭者,皆雨之賜也”,這樣就把自己的憂樂與百姓的憂樂聯繫在一起了。最後一段以歌詞頌雨之功,並且不歸功於太守,不歸功於天子,不歸功於造物,不歸功於太空,語雖幽默成趣,但把“喜”字寫透了,而且觀點科學可貴。 全文圍繞著“雨”這個中心,層層展開,結構嚴謹,層次清楚,語言流暢,句法靈活,筆法多變,在記敘中有議論,有抒情,充分體現了蘇軾散文行雲流水,變化莫測的風格。

蒼蠅是一平凡無奇的昆蟲,甚至在我們的生活經驗裡,對牠總有些惡感。一般而言,牠不太可能成為寫作的題材,也極不容易寫成一篇好的作品。周作人偏偏取以為題,而且寫來揮灑自如,趣味橫生,不愧為大手筆。 文章從蒼蠅是小兒的玩物寫起,寫到蒼蠅喜歡在人的顏面手腳上亂爬亂舔,順勢引出希臘神話的情節──蒼蠅原是一個名叫默亞的處女,因愛戀月神情人恩迭米盎,月神發怒,把她變成蒼蠅。其下續就蒼蠅總教人「揮之不去」的特質,寫牠在荷馬史詩以及法勃耳心目中的形象;繼則轉寫中國詩經以及日人小林一茶俳句裡對蒼蠅的觀感,乃至中國筆記、兒歌中對蒼蠅的描寫;最後幡然再生出「默亞」又為女詩人、妓女的兩種身分。作者一路寫來,蒼蠅的形象迭變無窮,而讀者也就因迭變無窮的蒼蠅形象,乃不斷產生出各種不同的閱讀趣味。 事實上,本文的精采與成功即在作者藉其廣博知識,旁徵博引,古今、中外、雅俗均收納筆下,信手寫來,一氣呵成。作者讓蒼蠅一忽兒為小兒玩物,一忽兒為神話中戀情固執的處女,一忽兒又如勇敢的戰士,一忽兒又為林中紅巾黑衣的暴客,而最後又變為女詩人、妓女。讀者讀來,先是感覺如觀看萬花筒中百變的圖案,繼而覺得彷彿欣賞不停映現眼前而形貌迥異的畫片,於是自然充滿了應接不暇與驚訝不已的興奮心情,最後終於獲得一種極為特殊的閱讀經驗與閱讀享受。

難登大雅之堂的蒼蠅。 從周作人筆下寫出,卻讓人耳目一新,倍感神清氣爽。 作者似乎在扭轉一個誤區:蒼蠅並不可惡。 只是我們只知其一不知其二,或者說我們對蒼蠅並未完全了解。
蒼蠅之並不可惡,首先在於它帶給我們的無窮童趣。 其次,蒼蠅的固執與大膽,為詩人們提供了浪漫的素材和無盡的靈感。 而在日本的俳諧中蠅則成為普遍的詩料。 即便是說它的壞脾氣,作者也融入了一個美麗的神話,使這可惡的小生靈變得那麼多情而溫婉。 因此,縱觀全文,除了幾句貶抑的話外,整篇文章都充溢著對蒼蠅的溢美之詞。
周作人的小品散文以平淡質和的風格見長。 作者把現實和理想合而為一,既有童年捉蠅玩耍的細節描寫,也有那浪漫的神話傳說,以及多情的詩作。 文中多處運用了比喻的修辭手法,而這則增加了文章的趣味 性。

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First Chinese Dynasties Essay

...There are many unique aspects in the first Chinese dynasties. These unique aspects include their use of bronze, the belief in dangerous spirits, and the record keeping of the first dynasties. An example of a unique feature of the first Chinese dynasties is the fact that the ancient Chinese people recorded history through dynasties. The earliest writing from China was from the Shang Dynasty. During this time, the Shang Dynasty was creating pottery that had engravings of a pictographic writing system. This system was used by priests to tell the future. The priest also engraved the questions they had on turtle shells and animals using sharp tools. The writing on the animal bones and turtle shells developed into the Chinese people’s current written language. The style in which they used to crave the symbols is now known as...

Words: 500 - Pages: 2

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Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress Essay

...In the book Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, there were two forms of reeducation introduced: Communism Reeducation and Western Literature Reeducation. These two ways of reeducation differentiated extremely, bringing up two contradicting ways to achieve this: one by following the rules, the other cheating the rules. Communism reeducation does not have the intended effect on the boys, as it unsuccessfully changes the mindset of the boys due to the influence of Western Literature, causing them to take dangerous risks, feel jealous of others, and involve others with the ideas of Western Literature, which goes against Communism reeducation. One way how Communism reeducation unsuccessfully changes the mindset of the boys is acts of taking dangerous risks. One example of a dangerous risk the narrator and Lou took...

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Essay Summary “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua

...In her article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” Amy Chua asserted that children raised by Chinese mothers are more successful than children that are raised by Western mothers. Chau claimed that the strict and direct nature of the Chinese parenting style allows their children to have excellence in everything that they do. She noted there are many parenting studies that showed measurable differences between Western and Chinese immigrant mothers. In particular, she described one that consisted of 50 Western mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers which revealed a majority of Western mothers believed that emphasizing academic success was not good for children, and that Chinese mothers consider the academic success of their children a direct consequence of their good parenting and that any failures were a result of parents not “doing their job” (Chau, A. 2011). Chua also stated that Chinese mothers spend ten times longer working with their children on academic activities compared to Western mothers, and noted that Western children are more likely to be involved in sports. According to the Chau, there are three differences between Western and Chinese views on parenting. First, Western parents are overly concerned about their child’s self-esteem and are constantly trying to comfort their children, whereas Chinese parents presume their children are strong enough to take criticism for anything less than perfection. Second, Western parents believe it is their responsibility...

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Essay Summary “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua

...In her article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” Amy Chua asserted that children raised by Chinese mothers are more successful than children that are raised by Western mothers. Chau claimed that the strict and direct nature of the Chinese parenting style allows their children to have excellence in everything that they do. She noted there are many parenting studies that showed measurable differences between Western and Chinese immigrant mothers. In particular, she described one that consisted of 50 Western mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers which revealed a majority of Western mothers believed that emphasizing academic success was not good for children, and that Chinese mothers consider the academic success of their children a direct consequence of their good parenting and that any failures were a result of parents not “doing their job” (Chau, A. 2011). Chua also stated that Chinese mothers spend ten times longer working with their children on academic activities compared to Western mothers, and noted that Western children are more likely to be involved in sports. According to the Chau, there are three differences between Western and Chinese views on parenting. First, Western parents are overly concerned about their child’s self-esteem and are constantly trying to comfort their children, whereas Chinese parents presume their children are strong enough to take criticism for anything less than perfection. Second, Western parents believe it is their responsibility...

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Chinese Essay

...Ancient Chinese Contributions Ancient Chinese Contributions Roland Moreland Prof. Harry Stansbury HUM111 15th November, 2011 Ancient Chinese Contributions Introduction Innovations and inventions have significantly shaped the world today (Sayre, 2012, pp. 213-214). There are several inventions and developments that may be thought to have come from the Western countries. However, many of the inventions have their origin in China. Just as, Frater (2007) argues, “everything that can be invented already has been invented in China”. This is a proof that China has been of significant help to put the world where it is today. Today’s world is based on technology and, most of it is from China. (1) Identify eight to ten of these useful inventions or contributions Several useful inventions or contributions come from China. One of the most significant and known to almost everyone is row planting, which was started in the 6th century BC (Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, 2005). As they made this invention, it was believed that plants in rows grew stronger and faster with less wind damage. Wind passed through the well developed lines without damaging the crops. Another invention was the compass done in 4th century BC (Frater, 2007). Although the first compass was facing the south, it helped as direct finder and a divination tool. The seed drill was used in 2nd century BC to help the Chinese farmers to plant their seeds at a standardized...

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Fed Up

...Cree playwright and novelist’s dazzling yet bitter truthful essay “what a certain visionary once said” are a hard one to compare and comment on. Though both highway’s and gore’s introductory and concluding paragraphs are effective and persuasive, both of them use a different vocabulary style. Firstly, Highway’s introduction is very descriptive which paints an image in our mind (readers).whereas gore’s introduction in “The Moment of Truth” is effective because of providing scientific data to prove we are in a crisis and about criticism of the former president of the united states Mr. George Bush’s irresponsiveness to the number of environmental issues. Highway’s introductory paragraph is catchier because he use a descriptive way of narration which he gained from his real life experiences on the beauties of his countryside’s landscapes. (2) Highway’s description of the landscapes of northern Canada paints a beautiful image in the reader’s mind. The words used to represent the beauty of the landscape. And also Al Gore’s introductory paragraph in “The moment of truth,” is also equally effective. He starts off with letting the readers about the big crisis we about experience. He makes it even more interesting by explaining the meaning of crisis in Chinese and the characters’ meaning. This makes the introductory paragraph more informative too. The whole reading “The moment of truth” is categorized based on the Chinese characters for crisis mentioned in the introductory paragraph...

Words: 762 - Pages: 4

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...born in a non-English family. I started to learn English when I was in primary school in China. After that, I became gradually interested in this new language and, nowadays, my English level is continuing to improve. From my English learning experience, I have really learned many valuable things. First, it helps me realize not to give up halfway when facing difficulties. Also, it helps me know that I must take everything seriously. Thus, English actually has a significant effect on my life. Studying in the primary school was happy and easy for most of the pupils. For me, it was different. When I heard that I had to learn English in primary school, I was surprised and a little frightened. I was just a Chinese boy and I did not know the knowledge of reading and writing in Chinese very well. How could I learn a new foreign language? I still remember my first English class, and it was really a great challenge for me. In the class, the teacher taught us to say "Good morning" and "Good afternoon." At first, the teacher read the words slowly, and I knew how to pronounce them. Then the teacher asked us to read the sentences one by one, but I suddenly felt nervous and forgot how to read them. When it was my turn, I just read them ambiguously. After class, I felt ashamed, and I did not have confidence to learn English anymore. When I came home and told my mother what had happened,she encouraged me and told me that it was just a start. Everyone would make mistakes, and I would just need...

Words: 630 - Pages: 3

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Why Is It so Difficult to Be Understood

...| Why is it so difficult to be understood? | by | | Herman Jacobs | | Why is it so difficult to be understood? For this essay we were asked to place imagine ourselves as the main character of a short story and then answer a simple question about her motivation. The challenge is that the main character is a Japanese-American woman living more than 50 years ago. The story “Two Deserts” by Valerie Matsumoto tells of Emiko Oyama, a young mother who lives in California’s Imperial Valley. Emiko is married with one daughter. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Emiko was interned during World War Two. This is no doubt one of the two deserts referred to by the story’s title. Emiko also revelas in the story that she has never been to Tokyo, and therefore we assume that she has never been to Japan. Emiko’s relationship with new neighbors is the heart of the story. More to the point Emiko’s relationship with Roy, a retired man who is very pushy, is the story. Emiko suffers Roy and adapts her life to try and discourage him from bothering her, but does not confront him directly. At the end of the story Emiko kills a scorpion and this signals that she has overcome her fears and that Roy won’t bother her any longer. The question is, why doesn’t she confront Roy sooner or in a more direct manner? Can language, culture and gender explain this? One reason Emiko doesn’t confront Roy directly has to do with linguistics, Robin Lakoff wrote about “Women’s Language...

Words: 1252 - Pages: 6

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Literature & Essay

...non-fiction—and two major techniques—poetry and prose. Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), as well as on original imagination, such as polemical works as well as autobiography, and reflective essays as well as belles-lettres. Literature can be classified according to historical periods, genres, and political influences. The concept of genre, which earlier was limited, has broadened over the centuries. A genre consists of artistic works which fall within a certain central theme, and examples of genre include romance, mystery, crime, fantasy, erotica, and adventure, among others. Important historical periods in English literature include Old English, Middle English, theRenaissance, the 17th Century Shakespearean and Elizabethan times, the 18th CenturyRestoration, 19th Century Victorian, and 20th Century Modernism. Important political movements that have influenced literature include feminism, post-colonialism, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, post-modernism, romanticism, and Marxism. ------------------------------------------------- Essays An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or byCharles Lamb. "Essay" in English derives from the French word for "to attempt," essayer.[citation needed] Thus, one can find open-ended,...

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I Like Stuff

...prizes awarded for the best essays and such awards could help to support your University Application as evidence of outstanding academic work and independent effort. How long and of what nature should my essay be? Your essay should be between 2,000 and 2,500 words (excluding notes and bibliography) and represent original and independent work. There may be a case for writing a slightly shorter essay if one of your universities requires a shorter sample essay. Supplying an accurate word count is in any case crucial. Your essay should aim to be quite a focused piece and be a work of analysis and interpretation rather than just description. You may need to seek advice on the planning, structuring and the title of your essay. Some modifications may be necessary for scientific submissions. Where will inspiration for my essay come from? Your essay may, or may not be, a further development of normal subject work (e.g. Physics Research and Analysis, English Phillimore, History Gibbon Prize etc); it may be on subjects which have no existing prizes; it may be on a subject which is not on the curriculum (e.g. Anthropology) or which is cross-curricular (e.g. English and History of Art); or it may have emerged from Cultural perspectives lessons, the Cultural Perspectives timed essay which you take at the end of this term, be inspired by Critical Thinking work or be a ‘further developed’ praebendum essay. You should state in a covering note how and why the essay came about. Of course,...

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Handbook for Referencing

...DEPARTMENT of LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION THE BUSINESS SCHOOL HANDBOOK FOR REFERENCING 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF REFERENCING There are three main reasons why accurate referencing is important: * it provides relevant background information, illustrations of ideas or theories, or evidence for an argument that you are making in your essay or report. Your ideas need to be based on prior reading, and referencing is a way of showing that you have done this and are familiar with the field. * it enables readers to find any source of information mentioned in the text, if they want to follow up on a point or examine a theory more closely. In other words, if you refer to someone's work in an essay or report, you have to give enough information to allow readers to find it for themselves, if they find it interesting or relevant. * it gives due credit to the person(s) from whom you acquired the information. Using those ideas and/or words as if they were your own, or without acknowledging where they came from, is equivalent to 'stealing' someone else's ideas and counts as an academic offence in Britain known as plagiarism. 2. FORMATTING STYLES: HARVARD REFERENCING There are many different formatting styles for referencing, and each journal uses a specific style. So in that sense, there is no single, correct way in which to format your references. Nevertheless, it is inappropriate...

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Children of the Holocaust

...For other uses, see Essay (disambiguation). Essays of Michel de Montaigne Essays are generally short pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay is an attempt to cover a topic with a linked series of photographs;...

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Essay Formats

...Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay is an attempt to cover a topic with a linked series of photographs; it may or may not have an accompanying text or captions. Contents...

Words: 1269 - Pages: 6

Free Essay

Ssk12 Assisgnment future business endeavour. I have found that after so long out of the education system it has been a difficult transition juggling study and work. The first units that were chosen for me in study period 2, I thought were difficult to understand having never written an essay before and without the knowledge or know how, I was not able to complete these units. SSK12 has given me a good understanding of what it takes at becoming a university student and in particular the skills on writing essays. As I have mentioned previously up until study period 2, I had never written an essay and did not fully comprehend how important the set out of a university essay was. Choosing an Essay Question was an important part of my learning in week 6 because this has now given me the beginning step in writing a university essay using the correct format. I am feeling a lot more confident when approaching the subject of essays as I now understand and have the knowledge on the procedure in completing an academic essay and what is required. I now know that by firstly choosing a question will then help you to with your thesis and this in turn will give you your main idea and sets the way in which to write your essay. During the time that I was employed by the government it was necessary for me to constantly refer to certain policies and procedures on a daily basis. I was able to use the marking text system to allow me easy reference by indicated the pages with tabs and then within the...

Words: 4682 - Pages: 19

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Essay On Chinese Education In China

...Students who study in Chinese senior high school have no time to get a part-time job. They have to take about 12 hours to study at school, and they also have to take about 11 classes which are about 45 minutes. After a busy study time, they have to do a lot of homework until midnight. During all weekends and holidays, they should take a pound of after school classes so that they have no time for leisure and entertainment. They do all of these is just for college entrance examination, the most important exam that is more likely determine their life and future. If they fail the test, they should do it again next year or just go to work and have no chance to going to the university. It is very difficult to gain a good grade in the exam and going...

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