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Submitted By brucewilliam417
Words 255
Pages 2
EXAMINATION FORMAT (Asian Management, MGMT 3016, Trimester 1A, 2015)


This examination is in two sections, Section A and Section B.

Section A is compulsory. It requires a long answer (about three to four A4 pages).

An answer to Section A is worth 50 marks.

Section B requires candidates to answer any two questions out of four. Answers must be medium-length (about two A4 pages each).

Answers in Section B are worth 25 marks each (total 50 marks).

Where possible you should illustrate your answers with relevant examples and discussion.

SECTION A: Compulsory. It is worth 50 marks.

A question on emerging market multinational enterprises (which is similarly based on the company your group selected to work on for Assessment Three: Group Portfolio)

(50 marks)

SECTION B: Answer any two (2) of the following four (4) questions. Each question is worth 25 marks.

1. One question based on Cluster (1) of “Discussion Questions”:

• Topics 1 & 2, “Business System model and business systems of Asia” (25 marks)

2. One question based on Cluster (2) of “Discussion Questions”:

• Topic 3 “The Role of Culture in Asian Management”

• Topic 4 “Leadership Styles and Technology in Asia”

• Topic 5 “Asian Living” (25 marks)

3. One question based on Cluster (3) of “Discussion Questions”:

• Topics 6 “Sustainability Issues in Asia”

• Topic 7 “Production networks in East Asia” (25 marks)

4. One question based on Cluster (4) of “Discussion Questions”:

• Topic 8&9 “Emerging Markets and Base of the Pyramid”

• Topic 10 “Asian Multinationals” (25 marks)

End of

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