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...5 program languages for each decade, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000. 1. The 1970’s a. Ada was created in the 1970s, primarily for applications used by the U.S. Department of Defense. The language is named in honor of Countess Ada Lovelace, an influential and historical figure in the field of computing. b. Pascal was created in 1970, and was originally designed for teaching programming. The language was named in honor of the mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Blaise Pascal. c. C and C++ (pronounced “c plus plus”) are powerful, general-purpose languages developed at Bell Laboratories. The C language was created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. It was intended for the UNIX operating system but due to its portability and speed it became wide spread. Now it’s taught in colleges worldwide. d. Developed in 1970, Structured Query Language (SQL) was developed by IBM as a language to query relational databases. e. Apple soft Basic was developed by Microsoft in 1977 for the Apple II computer. It’s now being shipped out on every Apple II computer sold. 2. The 1980’s a. Basica was developed by Microsoft for MS-DOS in 1981. It was created for use with IBM pc. b. Turbo Pascal was developed by Anders Hejlsberg in 1983 as an extension of Pascal. Turbo pascal was bundled with a full IDE, and was a great improvement in speed, and is often credited with greatly aiding Pascal’s popularity. c. C++ was developed by AT&T by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983. C++...
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...Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University T.Y. PuneSemester V & VI of Pune of B.C.A. University University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune Pattern 2008, w.e.f. 2010-11 Semester – V Course No. 501 502 503 504 505 506 Subject Name VB.NET or VB.NET Programming Internet Programming and Cyber Law Principals of Marketing Core Java Project work ( VB ) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (.NET + Core Java ) Semester – VI Course No. 601 602 603 604 605 606 Subject Names E-Commerce Multimedia Systems Introduction to Syspro And Operating Systems Advance Java Project Work (Banking & Finance, Cost Analysis, Financial Analysis, Payroll, EDP, ERP etc.) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (Multimedia + Advanced Java) University of Pune, T.Y. B.C.A., Semester V & VI 2 T.Y. B.C.A. Semester V Subject Name -: VB.NET or VB.NET Programming. Course Code -: 501 Sr. No. 1. TOPICS .NET Framework (Introduction to .NET Framework) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 CLR 1.3 CTS 1.4 MSIL 1.5 Garbage Collection 1.6 Assemblies 1.6.1 Assembly content 1.6.2 Assembly types VB.Net Programming 2.1 Windows Forms 2.1.1...
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...11 ASP.NET In this chapter you will: o o o o o o Learn about client/server architecture Study server-side scripting Create ASP .NET applications Learn about object collections Study ASP .NET’s core objects Create a guest book CHAPTER Y our Web browser is a client in the client/server environment of the Web. Up to this point, this book has focused on client-side JavaScript development in Web browsers. For you to develop a full complement of Web development skills, you also need to understand the server side of the Web— in particular, how server-side scripting fits into Web development. In this chapter, you will study server-side scripting with ASP.NET. But before getting into server-side scripting, it’s helpful to set the stage by reviewing the fundamentals of client/server architecture. 507 508 Chapter 11 ASP.NET CLIENT/SERVER ARCHITECTURE There are many definitions of the term’s client and server. In traditional client/server architecture, the server is usually some sort of database from which a client requests information. A server fulfills a request for information by managing the request or serving the requested information to the client—hence the term, client/server. A system consisting of a client and a server is known as a two-tier system. One of the primary roles of the client, or front end, in a two-tier system is the presentation of an interface to the user.The user interface gathers information from the user, submits it to a server, or back...
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...colenak.eu/?v=RFIEEEE4 http://www.bsp.gov.ph/banking/pbs_new/48.htm http://www.bsp.gov.ph/banking/bspsup_rural.asp https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=298736910283770&set=vb.211921458965316&type=2&theater http://prezi.com/2l36dp1y17iy/stimulus-motives-and-motivation/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/23973102/motivation-and-types-of-motives http://books.google.com.ph/books?id=Yz8HuBFXb6cC&pg=PA308&lpg=PA308&dq=Sensory+stimulation+as+stimulus+motives&source=bl&ots=SohwCKd-Wg&sig=ofU9VKEAP7Q3tMwkBkzy2bTQvr8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zUIWU_n-MqmXiQfV34GwDQ&ved=0CFsQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Sensory%20stimulation%20as%20stimulus%20motives&f=false http://www.csus.edu/indiv/b/blakeh/mgmt/documents/OPM101SupplC.pdf http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/13-things-remember-when-life-gets-rough.html http://thefaultinourstarspdf.com/docs/tfios-jg-english.pdf http://www.petron.com/web/Media/uploads/Petron_2012_Annual_Report_-_FORGING_AHEAD.pdf http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/financialHighlights?symbol=PCOR.PS http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/financials/ratios.asp?ticker=PCOR:PM http://www.bsp.gov.ph/banking/bspsup_rural.asp http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tm/profile for conclusion http://www.investopedia.com/university/banking-system/banking-system9.asp Formula http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/econ2199 http://educ.jmu.edu/~drakepp/principles/module2/finratios.html...
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...Management System 1 Hotel Management System Group 3 Fatima Al-Ghannam 200600561 Fatima Al-Tuhaifa 200700818 Advisor Mr. Mohammad Zikaria Prepared for: ASSE 4311 Assessment 3 Dr. Loay Al-Zubaidi June 20, 2011 Hotel Management System Abstract The project aims to build a system for managing the reservation of hotel. This system has a front-end by 2 using ASP.net with VB and it has a back-end of database which will be built with Oracle by using Oracle 10g and dreamcoder for oracle. The system will be able to add, delete and update the room, guest detail, and transaction. This system will find a solution for recording guest detail, searching for specific guest or available room in easy way; also it will find solution for calculating the bill automatically. The procedure of hotel reservation has been analyzed by logging into booking web site for hotel; such as, holiday inn’s web site and booking.com. Also; we installed Hotel booking system, which has been downloaded from http://www.hotelsystems.co.uk/, for more clear understanding of hotel reservation system. The ASP.net and VB are a new knowledge that we are going to gain during our working in this project. Keywords: hotel reservation system, booking, database of hotel. Hotel Management System Contents Part I Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………... 8 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................
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...CURRICULUM VITAE FRANCIS MURIITHI MURIUKI MT.KENYA UNIV. Bsc. Business Information Technology A. PERSONAL INFORMATION |FRANCIS MURIITHI |Nationality: Kenyan | |ID: 28989938 |Languages: English and Kiswahili | |Email: francmuriithi@gmail.com |Age: 23 years | |Cell Phone: 0719688118 |Gender: Male | |P.O. Box 1070 -10300 |Marital Status: Single | |Kerugoya, Kenya | | B. CAREER OBJECTIVES To provide excellent services in the ever dynamic information technology field, and be able to utilize acquired skills and abilities to contribute towards achievement of the organization’s goals to correspond with the global new technologies. To acquire and enhance my working knowledge, appreciate dynamics of Computing and IT as well as gain competency in a challenging environment. To improve on my I.T knowledge and knowhow and gain experience in hardware, software, web...
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...Anx.31 J - M Sc CS (SDE) 2007-08 with MQP Page 1 of 16 Annexure No. SCAA Dated BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE – 641 046 M. Sc COMPUTER SCIENCE For School of Distance Education (Effective from the academic Year 2007-2008) Scheme of Examinations 31 J 29.02.2008 Year Subject and Paper I Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Practical I Paper V Paper VI Paper VII Practical II Project Advanced Computer Architecture Computer Graphics & Multimedia Software Engineering Computer Networks Computer Graphics and Multimedia Lab Advanced Operating System Internet programming and Web Design Data Mining and Warehousing Internet programming and Web Design Lab Project Work and Viva Voce Total University Examinations Durations Max in Hrs Marks 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 1000 II For project work and viva voce (External) Breakup: Project Evaluation : 75 Viva Voce : 25 1 Anx.31 J - M Sc CS (SDE) 2007-08 with MQP Page 2 of 16 YEAR – I PAPER I: ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Subject Description: This paper presents the concept of parallel processing, solving problem in parallel processing, Parallel algorithms and different types of processors. Goal: To enable the students to learn the Architecture of the Computer. Objectives: On successful completion of the course the students should have: Understand the concept of Parallel Processing. Learnt the different types of Processors. Learnt the Parallel algorithms. Content: Unit I...
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...“Can Do” attitude * Dynamic troubleshooting problems on emergency notice * Proficient computer software and applications experience * Clearance - Secret * Willingness to learn and grow in multicultural environment * Ability to pay close attention to detail with a high degree of accuracy * Substantial related clerical/administrative skills and experience * Great personality and professional manner toward others * Flexibility to work effectively in a changing environment * Extensive customer service/data entry * Obtained forklift certifications in all areas COMPUTER LITERACY * Operating Systems: Windows 98/00/XP/07/8/8.1, UNIX, Linux, Oracle VB, VMware * Databases: MS SQL Server 05/08/12, MS-Access, SCRT Database Linux. * Languages: HTML, ASP, XML, DHTML, CSS, PL/SQL, JavaScript, C, C++. EDUCATION Strayer University of Huntsville 7/2013 – Present Bachelor’s Degree – Cyber security Management Expected Graduation – 9/2016 ITT Technical Institute of Madison 12/2009 - 6/2013 Associate Degree - Computer Networking Systems 6 Honor Awards: 3.5- 4.0 GPA Davidson Technologies Inc. 04/2013 – Present System Administrator * Experience with Configuration Win XP, Vista, 7 Pro, 8, 2008 R2, 2012 R2, VMware, and Linux OSs * Security wipes on HDD and reloads on HDD with new OSs for workstations....
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...Online Movie theatre’s Ticket booking system Objective: • This is a online web site on which user as well as theatre owner register themselves and use this site to update movies in theatre and search for particular location of theatre as well as book tickets for particular movie. Also theatre authority can check by ticket number for valid user. Database Design: ER-Schema: FirstName UserID CreditInfo Name Movie Ticket ZipCode StreetAddre f s TheatreID NameofMovie Actor Movie City State Location 1-n Lastna me UserID UserInfo ExpDate Favorite Answer NameofTheatre Theatre NumofScreen TheatreID County MovieID MvoieID Director Screen n-1 1 n TheatreID Capacity Actress Rated Releas eYear Time1 n-n n-n n-n ScreenID ShowTime TheatreID ScreenID Capacity MovieID Tables: CreditInfo: Attributes NumofCreditCard Type Name UserID ExpDate Ticket Movie UserInfo: Attributes FirstName LastName UserID Password Favorite Reply Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Data Type Number Text Text Text Text Number Data Type Text Number Text Text Text Number Text Data Type Number Number Number Number Data Type Number Number Text Data Type Number Data Type Number Text Text Text Date Number Text Location Attributes ZipCode State City StreetAddress County TheatreID Movie: Attributes NameOfMovie MovieID Actor Actress Director ReleaseYear Rated Screen: Attributes MovieID ScreenID TheatreID Capacity Theatre: Attributes TheatreID NumofScreen NameOf Theatre ...
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...sistemi Metin içinde APA: - Metnin tümü, ara başlıklar dahil, son notlar (endnote) hariç, iki satır aralıkla yazılır. Metinde paragraflar soldan girintili olarak başlatılır. İlk sayfa kapak sayfasıdır. Kapakta sırasıyla, makalenin tam başlığı, yazarın adı, yazarın kurumu sayfada ortalanmış olarak alt alta ikişer satır aralıkla sıralanır. Sayfanın altına doğru yazar hakkında kısa bilgi notu sola yaslanmış olarak yer alır. Bu notta yazarın şu anki durumu, ilgi alanları, ödülleri vb. bilgiler, yazının bir proje kapsamında desteklenmesi vb. bilgiler ile iletişim için elektronik adresi yer alabilir. Metin içinde kitap, dergi ve film, TV programı adları italik yazılır. Örneğin, Siyaset Meydanı programında (…). Ayrıca yeni veya teknik bir terim metin içinde ilk geçtiği anda italik yazılabilir, sonrasında italik yazılmaz. Örneğin, 1990‟lardan sonra alımlama çalışmaları Türkiye‟de de artış göstermiştir. İngilizcede yaygın olan ifadeler ve kısaltmaları italik yazmayın. Örneğin, a priori, vis-a-vis, per se vb… Metinde bir ifadeyi daha çok vurgulamak amacıyla italik yapmayınız. Sayıların kullanımı: Cümlelere başlarken...
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...Robert Ronec PMP, PMOP, CSM, ITIL v3, CSSGB +1.704.779.0072 | robert@ronec.com PROFILE A dynamic, certified IT program and project manager, with broad expertise in all phases of project lifecycle planning and implementation. Highly skilled in solving complex engineering, operations and technology problems, along with managing budgets, risk and vendors. Extensive experience in bridging technology and business goals to provide productive solutions. Expertise in managing and working on large-scale development, rollouts, implementations, and migration projects. Depth of experience complemented by international leadership of large outsourcing and infrastructure projects. Diverse experience in many industries including technology, finance, entertainment, and consulting. Natural leader with the unique ability to empower and motivate teams. Big picture focus and flawless execution. Proven areas of expertise include: • Budget planning/management • Negotiations with clients & vendors • IT systems integration • Relationships development management • Software development/implementation • Program/Project management • Vendor Selection & Management • Proposal/project planning and WBS development • Global Project Team • Risk assessment/management • IT service management • Configuration/Asset Management QUALIFICATION HIGHLIGHTS • A tried and tested “hands-on” IT PM professional with experience in IT, ITSM, ERP, QA, Strategy Development, Process Improvement, Team...
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...India Community Initiative .NET Tutorial for Beginners Special thanks to the following who have put in sincere efforts to write and bring this tutorial together. Akila Manian (MVP) | Ajay Varghese (MVP) | Amit Kukreja | Anand M (MVP) | Aravind Corera (MVP) | Arvind Rangan | Balachandran | Bipin Joshi (MVP) | C S Rajagopalan | G Gokulraj | G Arun Prakash | Gurneet Singh (MVP) | Kunal Cheda (MVP) | Manish Mehta (MVP) | Narayana Rao Surapaneni (MVP) | Pradeep | Saurabh Nandu (MVP) | Shankar N.S. | Swati Panhale | Reshmi Nair Content 1. Getting Ready .......................................................................................... 4 1.1 Tracing the .NET History..............................................................................4 1.2 Flavors of .NET...........................................................................................5 1.3 Features of .NET....................................................................................... 10 1.4 Installing the .NET Framework SDK............................................................. 12 2. Introduction to the .NET Initiative and the .NET Platform ...................... 15 2.1 Understanding the Existing Development Scenario........................................ 15 2.2 Challenges faced by developers.................................................................. 18 2.3 NET Philosophy / Where does .NET fit in? .................................................... 21 2.4 Understanding...
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...UNIX, Linux, and Windows Server Critique Abstract The following sections in this paper focus on analyzing operating systems for Riordan Manufacturing Inc. that specializes in plastic molding and design. Team B concentrated on five main areas of UNIX, Linux, and Windows Server. The five areas include Security, Administration, Networking, Performance, and Programmability. The team explains the existing systems, followed by comparing advantages and disadvantages of each operating system. The comparisons provide insight for Riordan’s IT specialist and administration considering which system to implement. Interesting topics that relate to security weaknesses, and advantages that UNIX® and Linux® compare against the operating giant, Microsoft Windows Server®. Security At the present time, Riordan Manufacturing’s network configurations consist of a heterogeneous UNIX and Windows environment. UNIX has been around for more than 40 years and is known for its’ robust power and scalability. According to the Open Group, “Security, which is often seen as a weakness for UNIX-based systems, is ensured using dedicated communication lines and secure communications protocols, along with strict authentication procedures” (para. 42). This means UNIX, just like Windows, requires configurations to make it a more secure system. Setting up file permissions, user access controls, as well as shutting down network services not currently active are just a few of the ways that help close the gap...
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...UNIX, Linux, and Windows Server Critique POS/420 Name Professor Date University of Phoenix Abstract The following sections in this paper focus on analyzing operating systems for Riordan Manufacturing Inc. that specializes in plastic molding and design. Team B concentrated on five main areas of UNIX, Linux, and Windows Server. The five areas include Security, Administration, Networking, Performance, and Programmability. The team explains the existing systems, followed by comparing advantages and disadvantages of each operating system. The comparisons provide insight for Riordan’s IT specialist and administration considering which system to implement. Interesting topics that relate to security weaknesses, and advantages that UNIX® and Linux® compare against the operating giant, Microsoft Windows Server®. Security At the present time, Riordan Manufacturing’s network configurations consist of a heterogeneous UNIX and Windows environment. UNIX has been around for more than 40 years and is known for its’ robust power and scalability. According to the Open Group, “Security, which is often seen as a weakness for UNIX-based systems, is ensured using dedicated communication lines and secure communications protocols, along with strict authentication procedures” (para. 42). This means UNIX, just like Windows, requires configurations to make it a more secure system. Setting up file permissions, user access controls, as well as shutting down network services not currently active...
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