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Assess the Arguments in Favour of the Greater Use of Direct Democracy in the Uk (25 Marks)


Submitted By marcusalter
Words 781
Pages 4
Assess the arguments in favour of the greater use of direct democracy in the UK (25 marks)

Direct democracy is a form of government in which all laws are created by a general vote of society. Direct Democracy is supposedly meant to remove the division between the government and the people being governed. The UK currently has a representative democracy with aspects of direct democracy.
Direct democracy is genuine democracy in action. With popular participation emerges the precise and true view of all the citizenry. The people determine their future and shape accurately their society. There is no vacuum or distinction between the government and the people. For example this clear link can be seen in the case of the Scottish referendum on independence in 2014.
However, the above may be more a reflection of an ideal and an aspiration than a functional practical possibility. In a large scale society direct democracy is not achievable, with voting population of almost 45 million. This means there is too many varying opinions for the public to come up with clear concise decisions. Representative Democracy requires the voter to vote for some candidate or party with whom they are very unlikely to agree on everything - the 'take it or leave it' option. Direct Democracy allows voters to vote on the issues separately. The problems with representative democracy can be seen in the case of the Liberal democrats as once they got into office very few of their policies came to fruition.
However in general when representative democracy is used the majority of the policies of the parties are followed when the party comes into office. For example in 1997 it was said in Blair’s manifesto he wanted to push democracy to the people. This was followed through by two referendums in 1997.

With Direct Democracy people become engaged within the political process, and hence to be

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