...5 Diploma in Leadership and Management skills Task: Assessing your own leadership capability and performance There are so many definitions of leadership and it is difficult to establish a specific definition; The Oxford English Dictionary definition of leadership is: "The action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this." Drucker’s summed up leadership as “The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers” whereas, John C Maxwell said “leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less”. Warren Bennis focuses more on individual capability and defines leadership as "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential." Compare these to allegedly one of the greatest leaders of all time where it is written that this leader had the ability to influence the behaviour of other people toward group goals in a way that fully respected their freedom. The emphasis on freedom was important to this leader who influenced many but he didn’t compel anyone to follow him, albeit he had many followers. This of course could not work in the world of business as we must in my opinion have people who can lead effectively supported by followers, because without followers there cannot be leaders. Review the prevailing leadership styles in the organisation (based upon leadership theories and...
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...Assessing your own leadership capabilities and performance Understanding leadership styles within an organization A leadership style is a way of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people. Every company applies its own leadership styles, choosing to adopt those which best suit their particular needs. no one style of leadership fits all situations, so it's useful to understand different leadership frameworks and leadership styles and adapt your approach to fit your situation. Looking through leadership theory, we find that different books and studies opt to split leadership differently. However for this assignment we will be using the Situational leadership theory, developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in the 1960’s. The model rests on two fundamental concepts; the Leadership Style and the individual or group Maturity Level. Hersey and Blanchard categorized all leadership styles into four behaviour types, which they named S1 to S4: S1.Directing This is where leaders make all of the decisions within the company, then give specific instructions to their (followers) expecting them to follow, all whilst supervising closely the work which is being carried out. S2.Coaching The Coaching style of leadership clearly defines the roles of each follower while still seeking input and suggestions from them. Final decisions are still made by the leader but communication is two way. S3.Supporting The supporting...
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...Institute of Leadership & Management Unit M5.29 Assessing your own leadership capability and performance A S P M E L Unit: M5.29 Assessing your own leadership capability and performance: Assessment with Session Plan M5.29 ‘Assessing your own leadership capability and performance’ Assessment with Session Plan Session Plan: M5.29 Assessing your own leadership capability and performance Session Length: 2 half-day sessions plus guided learning in the workplace set by tutor (16 glh total) Venue: TBC Tutor Resources to include: · · · · · Flip charts and pens Assessment M5.29 Sufficiency descriptor M5.29 NHS LQF NHS Leadership Framework. Additional information about the sessions: These two half-day sessions together with guided learning set by the tutor in the learners’ own workplace are designed to cover the minimum 16 glh for the ILM unit M5.29 ‘Assessing your own leadership capability and performance’ and to enable the learner to complete to a satisfactory standard the ILM assessment for the M5.29 unit. The sessions are intended to further develop the skills and knowledge of learners working in the NHS who are existing or aspiring middle managers with some previous knowledge of leadership and motivation theory. Time for tutorials are not included in the sessions. A S P M E L Page 2 of 11 M5.29 © ILM 2012 Copied under licence Unit: M5.29 Assessing your own leadership capability and performance: Assessment with Session Plan Reflective...
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...Leadership Communication Skills Assessment Read through the list of skills and for each one check off your present capability in the chart below. Excel = You have mastered this skill and are excellent in it. Competent = You are competent in this skill but could polish it some. ✓ Need to Develop = This is a skill you need to develop further. | | | |Need to | |Area and Skill |Excel |Competent |Develop | |Part 1 – Assessment of the Core Abilities | |Audience Analysis and Strategy | | | | |Analyzing the context for communication | | | | |Analyzing audiences | | | | |Tailoring messages to different audiences | | | | |Selecting the most effective medium (channel) | | | | |Developing a complete communication strategy ...
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...Identify factors that will influence your choice of leadership styles and explain why your leadership styles are likely to positively affect your team. Before we look at what leadership styles there are it is important to define what the difference is between management and leadership. The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate people to follow them. Managers have a position within the organisation, their teams work for them to complete tasks and in turn manage situations as they occur. Leaders on the other hand do not have teams when they are leading. Instead, formal control is given up, as to lead is have followers and this is always a voluntary activity. Telling people what to do does not inspire them to follow, rather than to be effective they must want to follow. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leadership. While further research has identified more specific types of leadership, this early study was very influential and established three major leadership styles. • Authoritarian or autocratic • Participative or democratic • Delegative or laissez-fair Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style. When doing my own research into leadership styles I found that we now recognise and use four main subtitles which are: authoritative, consultative, supportive and delegative...
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...Transformational Leadership Style I am often told that it is difficult to not be excited when I am expressing my goals and ideas. Leadership styles often vary from person to person. According to the assessment my leadership style is mostly transformational. I believe that there is more than just completing the tasks at hand. There are transformational leadership styles present in many aspects of my life, showing expression in a charismatic way and implanting the same goals and vision that I have into those around me is already a subconscious act on my part. What is Transformational Leadership According to Bass (1985), a transformational leader is one who “actively seeks to change personal values among the followers, so that they can go beyond their self-interest for the good of larger entities such as a group or an organization.” A leader whose style is transformational, leads people to look past their own interests and motives and make some sacrifices to support the organization as a whole. Rather than just working for the sole reason of a weekly paycheck, a transformational leader inspires people to work towered a higher purpose or vision (Bass and Steidlmeier, 1999 as cited in O’Connor & Mortimer, 2013). A transformational leader will try to get his workers to care about the goal in the same way they do. This type of leadership encourages employee satisfaction and makes their work feel more fulfilling (O’Connor & Mortimer, 2013). Accurate Assessment Results When working...
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...1 of 16 Gain insight into your leadership skills. Learn what areas you can improve to become a more effective transformational leader. Increase your impact with self, others, teams, and organizations. Name of Participant: Sample Tester Date of Assessment: 2011-09-30 by Terry D. Anderson, Ph.D., with Ken Keis, M.B.A. Published by Consulting Resource Group Canada: PO Box 418 Main, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z7 * USA: PO Box 8000 PMB 386, Sumas WA, 98295-8000 Website: www.crgleader.com © 1990-2011, CRG Consulting Resource Group International, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected by law and may not be reproduced in any form. Printed from http://www.crgleader.com 2 of 16 Online Leadership Skills Inventory - Self (LSI-S) © 1990-2011 Consulting Resource Group Professional Development and Planning Section Why Become a Transforming Leader? Skilled Leaders are critical to the success level of any venture, both profit and non-profit. This was validated in the research Jim Collins and his team conducted for his book, Good to Great. They confirmed that the most successful organizations had skilled Transforming Leaders at the helm. (Jim Collins called them Level 5 Leaders.) Our research, however, has shown that fewer than 1 in 10 professionals (as observed in video-taped assessment sessions) have competency in the whole range of skills to Level 4 competency (scores of 7 to 8). And even fewer individuals have the abilities—Level 5 competency, scores of 9...
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...Introduction Assessing and planning are two big components of the supervisory process. They can be done through clinical supervision and/or peer coaching. It depends on which model will work best for your school. Clinical supervision looks more at data whereas, peer coaching involves more around. However, they are both similar and different in many ways that will be discussed in this paper. Clinical supervision Clinical supervision has changed over the years. It started in 1969 with five steps to include preconference, observation, analyzing of data and planning for post conference, post conference with teacher, and critique of the previous four steps (Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon, 2014). Over the years, twelve principles were added. They are classroom based, purpose for instruction and teacher’s long term development, separate from summative evaluation, understanding of child development, education, and teacher improvement, supervisor needs to have relational and problem solving skills, open-minded, reciprocated trust, collegial affiliation, data-based, gathers data based on the teacher’s lesson to be observed, has reflective conversation with teacher and supervisor, and is recurring ((Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon, 2014). It involves a teacher receiving feedback from a colleague that observed the teacher but wears many hats like a sounding board to enables the teacher to examine and alters their own professional practice (Pajak, 2003). Strengths and Weakness...
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...Successful leadership – how would you know? Boardrooms and business school classrooms are equally preoccupied with leadership, and success is often assumed to be about profit or Total Shareholder Return. It’s neither. For leaders wanting to measure their own success, for those who appoint leaders to know what they are aiming at and for outsiders assessing the quality of leadership, Andrew Likierman shows how to do it. Thinking W as Julius Caesar a successful leader? What about Ghenghis Khan? Simon Bolivar? Or Napoleon? Because we tend to think of these as military leaders, the answers look pretty straightforward. Each achieved major military successes. But then Napoleon was ultimately defeated – does that make him a failure? After all, he won a lot of battles before Waterloo, and his sweeping political and legal reforms have been the basis of French administrative life for nearly 200 years. Now let’s move to the politicians. How do you feel about describing Bill Clinton as a successful leader? George W. Bush? Tony Blair? Vladimir Putin? This is altogether more difficult ground. Some of you will have already decided; those of you who have not made up your minds could argue that it is too early to say. The historic verdict on Bush and Blair will probably depend on what happens to Iraq over the next 20 years. Those better informed about Russia than I am can make up their own minds about Putin. Moving next to business territory, with a few exceptions – say Bill Gates, Herb...
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...Learner Name | TASKThe purpose of this unit is to enable candidates to plan and lead a complex team activity which demonstrates their leadership skills note:An ILM Assessment Task provides an opportunity to relate your learning directly to your current organisation. It is recommended that you discuss the assignment with your line manager to explore and agree how the task could be used to support the needs of your employer (as well as evidencing your learning as part of completing your ILM qualification).If you are not currently working within an organisation, then you may complete this task in relation to an organisation with which you are familiar. This could include experience working in a voluntary capacityThe nominal word count for this assignment is 2000 words: The suggested range is between 1500 and 2500 words, however individuals have different writing styles, and there is no penalty if the word-count range is exceeded. | Please use the headings shown below when writing up your assignment | Assessment Criteria | Be able to plan a complex team activity Provide the purpose, aims and measurable objectives for a complex team activity and to identify the tasks and resources required, taking any operational constraints into consideration.You are then required to produce a correct and appropriate implementation plan for the activity, assessing operational or safety issues that apply. | * Define the purpose, aims and objectives of the activity (8 marks) * Identify the...
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...Potential — for what? What every CEO should know – new insights into selecting the right leaders to secure your competitive future. Potential — for what? 1 Contents Potential — for what? Break-through approaches to selecting future leaders 2 3 5 Is your employee or candidate ready, willing and able to take on the next role? The ‘growth’ factors that enable people to develop over time Derailers: Is it them? Is it you? (It is probably both) Potential — for what? A roadmap Understanding the job and its context Best practices in assessing potential Summary – 5 key steps to Identifying and Managing Potential Leadership Roles Matrix Leadership Competencies 8 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 ©2006 Hay Group. All Rights Reserved www.haygroup.com Potential — for what? Potential — for what? CEOs at the world’s most successful companies know that they can only safeguard their business’s competitive future if they have the right leaders to develop and implement their strategy. While CEOs know they can also hire external candidates, they also know that the track record of outside hires can be very unpredictable. CEOs and HR Directors from those organizations seen as best by their peers for managing talent, prefer to ensure they develop a good bench-strength of talent from inside their own organizations. For many years CEOs at the world’s most successful companies – such as GE, P&G, BP – have seen the importance of securing their long term competitive...
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...My Leadership Style By Berthe Chenekan To Dr. Boseman June 7, 2010 My Preferred Leadership Style I consider myself a democratic leader because I am relationship- and people-oriented. I believe that policies and decisions made in a group setting are best for all involved. Democratic leaders emphasize theme work and are willing to share responsibilities. I like to lead through cooperation, not by bossing around others. This means that I would seek to promote policies through group discussion, and place strong emphasis on teamwork. I believe that an effective manager not only encourages, but listens to input of the workers; an effective manager not only instructs the worker, but shows how the instruction should be carried out; the effective manager eliminates inspectors, and instead teaches the worker the value of doing their own inspection, fostering their own self-worth on the job and their part in making the company works. Effective leadership thus enhances job satisfaction, efficiency and work production (Huber, 2006). Leadership Theory I believe that I would be a good leader because I believe that all effective leaders recognize that their power to achieve organizational objectives comes from having a motived workforce who shares in the organization’s vision. In addition to my ability to establish clear visions and identifies ways to achieve goals, I am a people-oriented individual who believe that people perform at their best when the work that they do enables them to achieve...
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...The Role Of A Team Leader In The Public Services Roles Of A Leader There are many different roles and responsibilities that a leader must have or have as many as they can. They don’t have to have them all because while being a leader they will be able to improve their skills and knowledge and will be able to gain more of the roles. These main roles are; * Enabler – They need to be an enabler to make sure the job has been/getting done. * Planner – Without planning what the team are going to do then it will be ciaos and no one will have an idea of what to do so under planner you will have to be organised because If you don’t have good organisation skills then the team will be everywhere and the job is less likely to get done. * Counsellor – When being a team leader there may be times when the members are having a bad time and this is when the leader steps in and speaks to them and tries making them have a positive attitude towards work again. * Coach – You need to be able to coach the team in the job they are given, giving them clear instructions and supporting them with their strengths and weaknesses. * Disciplinarian – You need to be able to give out discipline but not just appoint it at certain individuals you need to make it fair. * Team Builder – Being a leader you need to ensure that the team are bonding together and build each of the members’ skills. * Communicator – If you are a leader you need to make you communicate with everyone...
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...MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES IN THE ORGANIZATION Prepared for Professor Dan Riding Florida Institute of Technology Prepared by Student Elzbieta Kociolek Florida Institute of Technology February 19, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….3 Understanding the concept of motivation………………………………………………4 Assessing your approach to employee motivation 5 Identifying manager's role in motivation process6 Applying motivational techniques7 Use appropriate methods of reinforcement.7 Provide people with flexibility and choice…………………………………………….8 Encourage employees to set their own goals and objectives………………………8 Have a flexible management style…………………………………………………….8 Provide immediate and relevant feedback that will help employees improve their performance in the future……………………………………………………………....8 Establish a climate of trust and open communication……………………………….9 Demonstrate your own motivation through behavior and attitude…………………9 Conclusions and Recommendations………………………………………………………10 References……………………………………………………………………………………11 INTRODUCTION Motivation is defined as the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual needs. Motivation is necessary element and the most crucial aspect in achieving goals in the organization. When people get motivated, they will put more effort and try harder on what they doing to achieve better goals...
Words: 1942 - Pages: 8
...Relationship” written by Howard Carlson. Board members are likely to react in different ways because technically people are resistant to change and so their mannerism will be reflective of their own personal style of administration. The embracing of new philosophies and practices 2 does not occur as expected but results from hard work, trial and error. It would be important that the board recognizes this fact in moving forward. I am drawn between thoughts on effective communication here, as I believe you can be collaborative in private and decisive in public. But of note to self is to survive and succeed in exercising leadership, you must work as closely with your opponents as you do with your supporters. Most of us cringe at taking abuse from people who do not share our vision or passion. Too often we take the easy road, ignoring our opponents and concentrating on building an affirmative coalition. But rather than simply recognizing one’s own anxiety and plow ahead. Assuming the role of a superintendent, I think people might view this as a weakness because we often times don’t understand the difference between an adaptive and a technical change. No one learns only by staring in the mirror. We all learn and are sometimes transformed by encountering differences that challenge our own experience and assumptions. It is therefore important to orchestrate the change as this may be easier to do when placed in an authority role because people expect those in authority to manage the...
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