...THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The Effects of Technology There is no escape from technology. In most cases this is not a problem though. Many people respect and admire technology because it is there to benefit them. Without the technological advances we have had over the years, the world would not be what it is today. What people don’t understand is that technology can actually be a bad thing. In society today, people are looking for more and more ways to be entertained, and all it is doing is causing problems. People are doing less and less thinking and more and more watching, listening, and playing, all because of technology. Forms of entertainment like the Internet, television and even video games seem harmless to people, but they are really not. When the Internet was first introduced, people never thought it would be as big as it is today. The Internet is an easy to use technology that can do just about anything. But what people understand is that the Internet is not all good. Much of the information posted on sites on the Internet is merely opinions, not factual information. When people look at this information, it looks and seems like trustful information, but most of the time, it is not. Although the Internet is a relatively new technology television has been around for about fifty years. There are many problems with television though, mainly with the content of the shows. Many of the shows on television portray...
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...Kristal Charles November 11, 2013 EDU 225 Christy Faux Software to Support Assessment Using assessments can be very a very difficult part of teaching. Evaluating a child’s performance in school can be very hard, but a necessary part of the educational process. For many, assessments mean test. Students and parents view these assessments as a way to out-do their classmates and compete to see who is able to get the highest grade. They don’t view these assessments as a way to know if they understand the things being taught. Assessments are created to serve a purpose. They help diagnose learning disabilities, identify a student in need, and help the district meet their yearly goals Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning Teachers are able to use technology in many different ways. Teachers us observation, making adjustments when needed in a lesson, communication, written assignments, and giving tests to help each student know their strengths, and weaknesses. To make sure no child is left behind a teacher needs to evaluate the child’s daily, monthly, and quarterly progress. This will help the teacher understand what is each child still needs help on. By modifying the curriculum for some of the children this will help each one individually. Students should have the opportunity to use assessments in their class to help understand all the tasks that are being assigned during. The software being used can include many things. Including presentation...
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...Lesson 17: Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning Lesson 17: Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning SUMMARY: WHAT IS ASSESSMENT? It is the process of making some evaluation; the act of assessing. WHAT IS CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY? Constructivist theory is a theory to explain on how knowledge is constructed in the human being when information comes into contact with existing knowledge that has been developed by experiences. Constructivism as a theory of learning has existed for over one hundred years but has no been widely accepted or applied in public schools.this theory is just a posed of behavioral theory. WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY-SUPPORTED LEARNING? It is used to encourage students especially in facilitating student centered learning activities. It is more than technology enhance instruction. It recognizes that learning is supported in many different ways, even if there is no formal teaching involve. Students study and learn based on the way they are tested. The type of assessment anticipated appears to influence how and what they learn. therefore, the quickest way to change the way students learn is to change the way learning is assessed. In a technology-supported classroom, the student learns from and with the technology. Technology is seen as a source of information that the students learn from in the same way that the teacher are the source of information.. the students master facts from the concepts...
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...Modeling, Visualization, and Assessment Modeling, visualization, and assessment are three tools that when incorporated properly, can make any classroom successful. Visualization is now being used in several careers. Disciplines such as mechanical design and architecture have traditional utilized drawings such as plans, sections, and elevations as the primary medium for design communication as well as documentation (Guidera, 2010). Highway design engineers now use visualization as an opportunity to improve the entire planning, design, and construction process for all types of projects, big and small, and from start to finish (Taylor, & Moler, 2010). The following sections will discuss incorporating modeling activities, creative ways to use visualization tools, technologies for assessing student progress, and difficulties expected with the incorporation of modeling, visualization, and assessment. Incorporating Modeling Activities Modeling activities can be tailored to fit any classroom situation. There are several things to keep in mind when using or creating modeling activities for instruction. One thing to keep in mind is that the activity is should be interactive. The modeling should also provide opportunities for them to experiment with the model or modify. The second thing to keep in mind is that the purpose of using a model is to help bridge the gap between observations and the real world. The final thing to keep in mind is that modeling can introduce students...
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...ESD-90-TR-225 Software Engineering Process Group Guide Priscilla Fowler Stan Rifkin September 1990 Technical Report CMU/SEI-90-TR-24 ESD-90-TR-225 September 1990 Software Engineering Process Group Guide Priscilla Fowler Technology Applications Project Stan Rifkin Software Process Development Project with an appendix by David M. Card Computer Sciences Corporation Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. JPO approval signature on file. Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Table of Contents Preface Introduction Part I — Starting a Process Group 1. The Process Group 1.1. Costs and Benefits 1.1.1. Costs 1.1.2. Benefits 1.2. Organizing for Process Improvement: The Collaborators 1.2.1. The Steering Committee 1.2.2. Technical Working Groups 2. Assessments 2.1. Example of an Assessment Method 2.2. Principles 2.3. Phases of an Assessment 3. Action Plan 3.1. Structure 3.2. Development 3.3. Ownership 3.4. Action Plans With Multiple Assessments 3.5. Action Plans Without Assessment 4. Describing and Defining the Software Process 4.1. Describing the Existing Process 4.1.1. Documenting the Process: One Approach 4.2. Defining the Desired Process 4.3. Process Definition and CASE Technology 5. The Process Database 5.1. Measurement 5.1.1. Visibility 5.1.2. Types of Measurement 5.1.3. Definition of Measures 5.1.4. Suggestions 5.2. The Database 5.3. Defect Prevention 5.4. Accessibility 5.5. Lessons Learned: Beyond...
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...Draft Proposal on Impact Assessment of Urban Agriculture Research and Development in Nairobi By William Omoto Department of Research Development Nairobi Kenya 1. INTRODUCTION Background Kenya’s leading development challenges today include alleviation of poverty and environmental management in the context of rapid population growth and urbanization. Kenya’s population was 28.6 million people in 1999 and is expected to reach 43 million in the year 2020. According to the government statistics, the national level of absolute poverty increased from 44% in 1992 to 56% in 2002 (GoK 2002). Nairobi has registered the highest rate of urbanization (4.5%) with a population of 2.2m in 2000 projected to reach 3.2m in the year 2010. About 50% of people in Nairobi live below the absolute poverty line of Ksh. 2 648. As the urbanization trend continues, urban environments are deteriorating. Most of the urban poor are concentrated in the informal settlements where there are no infrastructure and services to address environmental problems and are engaged in urban agriculture. One of the biggest policy challenges today is the inclusion of environmental policy into urban policy. UPA can be an integral part of a set of policies for sustainable urban environmental management. Urban AF can play an especially vital role in waste management by transforming waste into food and fuel. Waste management approaches in place include waste collecting, sorting, treatment and recycling...
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...Defining Needs Assessment By: Thomas Ferguson Argosy University Training and Development MGT430 Instructor Martin Dibello November 26, 2014 Defining Needs Assessment By: Thomas Ferguson In my own words and interpretation is that “needs assessment” is based on the following: * Assessment of the employee training program * Assessment of current knowledge of company policy, expectations, goals etc. * Assessment of current ability of current employees; meaning they have to know sales, financial status, customer service and customer knowledge, as well as trends in the local market, etc. * Financial understanding of current training programs and progress of current employees as well as past employees. * Ensuring that management is understanding of their programs as well as success and trouble areas. * Ensuring that management is up to changes where needed and support when things do change with intentions of progress. * Interview employees as well as management to see where the moral is and determine what direction would be best for the company...
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... |Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities | |Assessments Type |Report Writing & Presentation | |Assessment No: |One | |Delivery and Assessment Mode(s) |Classroom | |Term |One | |Unit Duration |Three Weeks | Assessment 1-Report Writing & Presentation BSBMKG501B Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities BSB50207 Diploma of Business Version 2.1 Australis Institute of Technology and Education ABN 17 120 701 911 Address Level 2, 25 George St, Parramatta, NSW 2150 AUSTRALIA P +61 2 9633 1222 F +61 2 9633 1888 E info@australisinstitute.nsw.edu.au W www.australisinstitute.nsw.edu.au RTO Name: Australis Institute of Technology and Education National Code: 91630 CRICOS Provider Name: Australis Institute of Technology and Education Pty Ltd. CRICOS Provider Code: 03173K Instructions for the students This...
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...IT General Controls Risk Assessment Report Foods Fantastic Company Siqi Li Oct 29TH 2013 Foods Fantastic Company is a public company which mainly operating regional grocery store in Maryland. This Company relies on application programs, such as bar-code scanner, to entre sales to the system. The FFC majority depends on the computer system to run their business. Based on this situation, the Information General Controls review is necessary for this company as the reason that ITGC is the foundation of every categories of the internal control. To review the ITGC will help the audit committee to determine the risk assessment of the internal controls in the company’s information system. The ITGC mainly classified by five areas, such as IT Management, Data Security, Change Management, System Development and Business Continuity Planning. The auditor need to review all the internal controls for this five area to define the risk assessment level in order to main and improve the company’s information system. This will help the company keep operating their business by using their information system correctly and continuously. As I am one of the external auditor team for Foods Fantastic Company, we work to auditor the company’s internal controls for the information technology general control respective. Our team first review the company’s internal controls through five areas that I have talked above; and set up the key aspects for review, which we specialized to suit the FFC....
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...Understand the significance of the environment on business activity. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Explain the features of business activity. Indicative Content 1.1.1 Explain the business organisation as a transformation process. 1.1.2 Describe the different ways in which a business may structure its activities. 1.2 Discuss the complex interactions that operate between a business and its environment. 1.2.1 Discuss the complexity, volatility and uniqueness of an organisation's environment. 1.2.2 Explain the influence of shareholders on the internal environment of an organisation. 1.2.3 Outline the nature of the external environment (PEST). 1.3 Explain the need for change and its management within an individual business. 1.3.1 Discuss the need to monitor changes in the external environment. 1.3.2 Discuss the implications of environmental change for a business, its stakeholders and society. 1.3.3 Explain reasons for resistance to change by firms, managers and employees. 1.3.4 Describe ways in which resistance to change may be overcome. Learning Outcome 2 The learner will: Understand the structure and organisation of business. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 2.1 Discuss the impact of industrial and legal structure and size on organisational behaviour. Indicative Content 2.1.1 Classify businesses by sector – primary, secondary and tertiary – and discuss reasons for changes in industrial structure, including concentration. 2.1.2 Apply...
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...Contemporary Issues in Information Management BIN3010-N Block Delivery 2013 - 2014 Jim Innerd & Steve Pattinson [pic] Microsoft launches Office in the cloud Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13943437 (9/9/2011) Contents Module aim 1 Module team 1 Module learning outcomes 1 Module delivery pattern 2 Learning strategy 2 Module timetable 3 Assessment strategy 4 Key texts 5 Assessment Referencing 6 Module Assessment Feedback 7 Assessment Marking Criteria & Feedback Grid 8 Module aim This module provides an insight into the development of technology, current issues and how it effects organisations. It provides students with an opportunity to explore the relationship between Information Management and the strategic formulation of technology in businesses and its implications/consequence for support of business change processes. Module team • Jim Innerd (module leader) • Steve Patterson (module tutor) Block delivery tutors: |Group |Tutor |Contact details* | |ML |J Innerd |Email: Jim.Innerd@tees.ac.uk | |MT |S Pattinson |Email: S.Pattinson@tees.ac.uk | * Please check the module VLE for a definitive list of group tutors. Module learning outcomes ...
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...Make vs. Buy Revisited Reassessing your company’s manufacturing strategy M ake or buy? The classic manufacturing question still has no easy answer. Amid signs of demand recovery, but with capital still limited and resources thinned by restructuring, top executives today are revisiting the issue. To come to the right make-or-buy decision, leading companies resist the temptation to “feed the beast.” Instead of focusing only on short-term gains, these leaders keep their long-term strategy and corresponding core competencies in mind. They adopt a clearly defined manufacturing strategy, and then adopt the right tactics that can lead to smart decisions and a competitive advantage. The trade-offs between making a product inhouse and buying it externally are well known to most senior executives. The “buy” approach— a manufacturer purchasing a necessary part from an outside source—frees up resources, reduces capital demands, increases flexibility and improves returns on capital employed, but in a tough market companies may seek to avoid potential quality concerns and supply risks. On the other hand, a “make” approach—developing and building that same necessary part internally—enables the company to utilize available internal capacity, absorb fixed costs and protect intellectual property, but it can lead to unnecessary complexity and divert time and attention away from highervalue activities. Choosing “make” simply because the capacity already exists, or “buy”...
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...Understand the significance of the environment on business activity. Assessment Criteria The learner can: Indicative Content 1.1 Explain the features of business activity. 1.1.1 Explain the business organisation as a transformation process. 1.1.2 Describe the different ways in which a business may structure its activities. 1.2 Discuss the complex interactions that operate between a business and its environment. 1.2.1 Discuss the complexity, volatility and uniqueness of an organisation's environment. 1.2.2 Explain the influence of shareholders on the internal environment of an organisation. 1.2.3 Outline the nature of the external environment (PEST). 1.3 Explain the need for change and its management within an individual business. 1.3.1 Discuss the need to monitor changes in the external environment. 1.3.2 Discuss the implications of environmental change for a business, its stakeholders and society. 1.3.3 Explain reasons for resistance to change by firms, managers and employees. 1.3.4 Describe ways in which resistance to change may be overcome. Learning Outcome 2 The learner will: Understand the structure and organisation of business. Assessment Criteria The learner can: Indicative Content 2.1 Discuss the impact of industrial and legal structure and size on organisational behaviour. 2.1.1 Classify businesses by sector – primary, secondary and tertiary – and discuss reasons for changes in industrial structure, including concentration. 2.1.2 Apply...
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...STUDY GUIDE for C475 Care of Older Adult Objective Assessment Exam questions are taken from the Learning Objectives under the 9 Competencies: #1 Competency 742.1.1: Compassionate and Respectful Care of Older Adults The graduate integrates principles of compassion and respect for patients and their families into the planning and delivery of care to a diverse population of older adults and into advocacy for vulnerable older adults. This topic addresses the following learning objectives: * Recognize the impact of attitudes, values, and expectations about aging. * Describe how the RN’s personal beliefs and values may impact the care of older adults. * Articulate the concept of individualized care as the standard of practice with older adults, considering the right care, at the right time, in the right place and by the right provider of care. * Define Baby Boomers (those born from 1946–1964) reach retirement age (as of 2011) A large group of people born between 1946 and 1964, in the time after the Second World War. * What are the five racial groups listed in your text? African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander/Asian, Hispanic, White * How would you perform discharge teaching to an Hispanic patient Teach the family as well because more than likely, pt is going home and family is his/her primary caregivers. * Apply effective and respectful communication strategies in the care of older adults and their...
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...Skill Assessment/Technologies innovative Apple solution (see Figure 2). The key aspects are being able to plan effectively, being able to solve problems via understanding not only Apple’s technology, but being aware of how the competitor’s technology operates, and being influential. Furthermore, it is important to understand the skills needed to be proficient in the development of Apple products and to be innovative. If the current staff does not have the skills to be successful, Human Resources should take a look at the pre-hire skill assessment as potentially the pre-hire qualifications may need to be revised based on company needs, goals, and objectives. Assessment Costs The analysis of training costs is an important process in any organization. The training costs of this process include things such as the materials used during the process, travel costs and accommodation of all of the people involved during the entire exercise, as well as the fee for the facilitator and if found necessary some other small key costs. Although a lot of the training costs are given upfront and direct, there are also some indirect costs that come into play. These include things such as the costs of administration, all of the utilities that are used during the process and the time management costs (Larson & Gray, 2014)....
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