...CIS 517 WK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 IT PROJECT To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-517-wk-2-assignment-1-it-project/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 517 WK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 IT PROJECT CIS 517 WK 2 Assignment 1 - IT Project Management Assessment Research and read an article on recent recipients of the Project Management Institute’s Project of the Year Award. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize how the project manager or team exhibited exceptional and ethical project management practices. 2. Discuss the role of the project manager or team, the organizational setting, the recipient’s approach to project integration management, and obstacles that had the potential of adversely impacting the triple constraints. More Details hidden... Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 517 WK 2 Assignment 1 IT Project in order to ace their studies. CIS 517 WK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 IT PROJECT To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-517-wk-2-assignment-1-it-project/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 517 WK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 IT PROJECT CIS 517 WK 2 Assignment 1 - IT Project Management Assessment Research and read an article on recent recipients of the Project Management Institute’s Project of the Year Award. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize how the project manager or team exhibited exceptional and ethical...
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...Assignment Unit Title Project Management for Business Student Name Lecturer Name Ian Tindale / Md Nuruzzaman Unit Code PMB Student ID Date (re)Issued 21st Nov. 2012 Date to Submit 7th January 2013 Internal Verifier Name Rules and regulations Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism. Coursework Regulations 1 2 3 4 Submission of coursework must be undertaken according to the relevant procedure – whether online or paper-based. Lecturers will give information as to which procedure must be followed, and details of submission procedures and penalty fees can be obtained from Academic Administration or the general student handbook. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Admin Office and marked according to the guidelines given in your Student Handbook for this year. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one. Collect a coursework extension request form from the Academic Admin Office. Then take the form to your lecturer...
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...PROJECT MANAGEMENT COURSE ASSESSMENT 1 The final date for submission of this assessment without penalty is 24th March 2014 Assessment will be accepted for marking 14 days prior to the due date Late Penalty System Please refer to the Student/Programme Handbook This module is being delivered through the Manchester Blackboard virtual learning environment. All assessments must be submitted through Blackboard at: http://online.manchester.ac.uk/ If you have any technical difficulties using blackboard, please visit our support pages at: http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/blackboard Submitting your Assignment 1. Assignments should be typed, 10 or 11 point font size (Times Roman or similar if possible) double spaced with a 4 cm margin on the right side of the page with the page size specified as UK A4. All pages must be numbered. 2. Assignments should be submitted in either Microsoft Office and/or PDF format (.doc, .docx, .pdf etc.). File names should be kept simple and only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z0-9), spaces and underscores (e.g. Valid_filename_1.doc). Files with other characters such as apostrophes, brackets or commas may not be accessible by markers. 3. Assignments may be uploaded only once; substitutions are not permitted and students should therefore ensure that the version uploaded is their final submission. 4. Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference (PM/Student Number/Jan14/1) in all submitted assignments and that assignments...
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...Management 317: Organizational Behavior Spring Semester, 2012: 12:40-2:00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Professor: Dr. Kathi Lovelace Office/Email: Florence Moore 310A, kathi.lovelace@menlo.edu, (650) 543-3848 Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10:45-12:45 p.m., and by appointment. From March 1 to April 19: Thursdays 5:00-5:50 p.m. Required Texts/Materials: 1. Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2012). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 3. MyManagementLab: This is an additional online resource that goes with our textbook. More information will be provided the first week of class (e.g., how to register, how we will use it). 2. Readings, case studies and other class materials will be posted on our Moodle http://menlo.mrooms3.net and Menlo Library http://apps.menlo.edu/library/courses/reserves.php sites. Please log-in the first week of class to ensure you can access our sites. Course Description and Approach: Organizational Behavior (OB) “is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior in organizations” (Robbins & Judge, 2012; pg.2). Topics include perceptions, personality, team dynamics, problem-solving, communication and collaboration, conflict management, and motivation. Building positive organizational cultures, understanding power and influence and leading and managing change effectively and ethically are also key topics covered...
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...Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (HV4555) W IT7400 Project Management in Information Technology Assignment 2 (Part 2 out of 2) Assignment 2 (40%) This written assignment consists of two parts submitted separately. Each of them will contribute 20% towards the final grade (40% in total). Part 2 - Due on the 14th of June 2016 Project plan for an IT project This written assignment has to be submitted in the form of a project plan. Purpose of the assignment: To test your knowledge, skills, and ability to create a project plan for a complex business problem and preform risk analysis. Expectations: For this assignment, you are expected to: 1. Prepare a project charter for the Research Project (See attached case study). Assume that the project will take six months to complete and that the budget is $500,000. Use the project charter template (charter.doc) and examples of the project charters in Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook (Schwalbe, 2016) as guidelines. 2. Develop a scope statement for the project using the template (scope_statement.doc). Be as specific as possible in describing product characteristics and deliverables. IT7400 Assessments – Assignment 2-2 1 3. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to level 3 or level 4, as appropriate. Use the (wbs.doc) template as guides. Be sure to base your WBS on the project scope statement, stakeholder requirements, and other relevant information...
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...and Interactive Systems BSc/BSc (Hons) Computing (Information Systems Development) • (Web Systems Development) BSc/BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business BSc (Hons) Computer Games (Design) BSc/BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and Networks BSc/BSc (Hons) Networked Systems Engineering IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 module code M3G405252 MODULE HANDBOOK – TRIMESTER A SESSION 2015/2016 Module Code: M3G405252 Module Title: IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 Standard Module Abbreviation: ITPM1 Module Level: 3 Credit Points: 20 Module Leader: Edwin Gray, Office: M609, email:e.gray@gcu.ac.uk September 2015 Issue 1 01/09/2015 Edwin M Gray, BA, MSc, MBCS, CITP, CPSSADM Contents Page 1 Introduction 3 2 Module Overview 3 3 Module Descriptor 4 4 Module Assessment 7 5 Feedback 10 6 Indicative Reading 10 7 The Library, Saltire Centre 11 8 Learning Material Supplied By Module Leader 12 9 Module Delivery Structure 12 10 Learning and Teaching Plan 14 M3G405252 IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 INTRODUCTION This handbook gives details of the module content, teaching schedule, recommended reading, assessment and feedback strategies used for students undertaking the module IT Project Management 1 (M3G405252 (old code: COMU350) Module Leader contact details: Eddie Gray, M609, (e.gray@gcu.ac.uk) Programmes Taking This Module This module’s host programmes are: ...
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... |The Business School | | |Course Code/ID: |BSMAN 3005 | | |Course Title: |Project Management | | |Teaching Location: |(Insert Teaching Location) | | |Program(s): |Bachelor of Applied Management | | |Author: |Alan Labas | | |Level: |Advanced ...
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...FINANCE AND BUSINESS Coursework Structure/Instructions Course Code and Title: ABDM3314 Entrepreneurship Semester : 3 Year 2 Academic Year : 2014/2015 Programmes : Diploma In Business Studies (Marketing, E-Commerce & Marketing, Retail Management, Finance & Investment, Human Resource Management, International Business, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Accounting, and Banking & Finance) Lecturer/Tutor : Lee Lian Fatt (L&T), Augustine Lee (T), George Tan (T), Jerry Fong (L&T), Joann Lim (T), Joshua Wong (T), Lai Mun Keong (T), Nicholas Yoon (T), Oh Kim Yong (T), Owen Chan (L&T), Richard Chia (T), Sean Tee Poh Kiong (T), Serena Liong (T), Teh Koon Ching (T), Teh Peng Hong (L&T), Teh Seng Lye (L&T), and Wong Eng Dea (T) Mode of assessment: 1) Coursework 1 (Project assignment (group) – 50 marks) 2) Coursework 2 (Project assignment presentation – 40 marks) 3) Coursework 3 (Continuous assessment – 10 marks) Total = 100 marks Note: Coursework, which total to 100 marks, will comprise 60% of the total assessment mark for the course, i.e., the final examination (to be held at the end of the semester) will make up the 40%. Coursework 1: Project Assignment (group) 1. Project: Produce a Business Plan of an organisation. 2. Students will work in teams of 4 persons or less per group. 3. Each group of student is required to select OR form an organisation which shall be of ONE of the following sectors/industries: ...
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...Syllabus NT2799 Network Systems Administration Capstone Project SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact hours: 56 (34 Theory, 22 Lab) Prerequisite(s): Completion of a minimum of 72 credits earned in the program of study including NT2640 IP Networking or equivalent. © ITT Educational Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -1- 13/01/2013 Network Systems Administration Capstone Project SYLLABUS COURSE SUMMARY COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an opportunity for students to work on a comprehensive project that includes the design, planning and implementation of a network solution for solving specific business problems. Common project management processes are applied to identify deliverables and outcomes of the project. MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS 1. Project Management Techniques 2. A Fundamental Review of the Basics of Electronics in the AASNSA Program 3. Capstone Project 4. Research of Current and Emerging Technology COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Apply important concepts of project management to the actual capstone project proposed for this course. 2. Use Microsoft Office Project to help plan and manage the actual capstone project. 3. Analyze the requirements for the capstone project. 4. Integrate and apply the knowledge acquired in the program to provide effective technological solutions for given problems. 5. Work in teams on a large-scope project. 6. Document solutions to a problem in detail by applying...
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...UNIVERSITY THE GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STEPHEN M. RAPIER, Ph.D. MKTG 680.23 GLOBAL BRAND MANAGEMENT Fall 2014 WEDNESDAY 6:00 – 10:00 PM West L.A. Graduate Campus SYLLABUS 1 | Page Rapier @BCL@CC0C2FEF.docx Global Brand Management MKTG 680.23 Fall 2014 Wednesdays, 6:00 – 10:00 PM West L.A. Graduate Campus, Room TBD Stephen M. Rapier, Ph.D. Office Hours (By Appointment): Wednesdays, 5:00 – 5:45 PM E-mail address: stephen.rapier@pepperdine.edu Cell Phone# (310) 403-8271 Introduction Modern brands are a powerful force transcending the world’s borders, economies, and cultures. This course introduces the student to the global brand dynamic, and focuses on why a global brand is important, how to nurture and protect a global brand, global brand management, and the importance of the brand’s authenticity in the formation of the consumer’s brand trust and commitment. The students will draw on their oral and written presentation skills and will be highly involved in bringing the course material to life. Subject to availability, this course provides the opportunity for the student to apply course content to an assigned case/consulting client. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of branding concepts to global business. Prerequisites: MKTG 658 Marketing Management. Student Learning Outcomes Having successfully completed this course, students should at a minimum be able to: 1. Understand the nature, importance and context of a global...
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... | Management Effectiveness Using Technology Resources | Phase 1 - Task 1 | Task Type: | Discussion Board | Deliverable Length: | See assignment details | | | | | Primary Discussion Response is due by WednesdayYou have been called in by your boss. The company is considering buying another smaller firm; however, some business analysis is needed for your company management to make its final decision about purchasing. Your boss has asked you to look at the firm that he or she is considering to buy in terms of competitive advantage. You have been asked to explain to senior management how you would provide this information. You have been tasked with using Porter's five forces to make this determination. Discuss and defend to your management how utilizing Porter's five forces to analyze any organization or industry would provide an understanding of competitive advantage. | | Phase 1 - Task 2 | Task Type: | Individual Project | Deliverable Length: | See assignment details | The company that you are working for is considering buying another smaller firm. However, there is some business analysis needed for your company to make its final decision about purchasing. Throughout this course, you will be working on creating the Business Strategy and Management Plan.Keep in mind that the final Business Strategy and Management Plan template should contain the following elements: * Title page * Course number and name * Project name * Your...
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...[pic] Columbus State Community College Business Programs Department Business Management Technology COURSE: BMGT 2299 Case Studies in Strategic Management CREDITS: 3 CLASS HOURS PER WEEK: 3 PREREQUISITES: BOA 1200, ECON 2200 DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: This course is a capstone course for graduating Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and Accounting students and provides students an in-depth examination of corporate strategic planning. The course focuses on the application and reinforcement of the various functional disciplines and concepts of preceding business coursework. A framework for competitive company and industry analysis is provided. Students will apply decision-making, problem-solving, and accounting and financial analysis in reviewing contemporary businesses and industries, thereby strengthening business acumen. Instructor permission required. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES • Define strategic planning and explain what is meant by competitive advantage • Explain the key elements of the dynamic macro-environment • Describe what is meant by "distinctive competencies" and "competitive advantage" • Explain how efficiency, innovation and quality support developing a competitive advantage • Discuss competitive positioning and its relationship to the business model • Discuss the business life cycle stages and describe appropriate strategies for each • Distinguish between first mover advantages and disruptive technologies ...
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...DUBLIN Bachelor of Science (Singapore) MANAGING CHANGE (BMGT2001S) STUDY GUIDE BSc19 FT / Singapore Copyright June 2013 1 Authors: Dr. Evelyn Roche and Mr. Mogan Swamy (June, 2013) This manual was prepared for University College Dublin as a comprehensive support for students completing the above mentioned Degree programme. © This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without permission in from University College Dublin. Module Co-ordinators: Evelyn Roche & Mogan Swamy Contact details Tel: 65-3095755 Office: 65-3095755 Email: e.roche1954@gmail.com Email: mogan.swamy@kaplan.com 2 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Welcome message 1. INTRODUCTION a. Background details b. Module aims 2. MODULE OUTLINE a. Module learning outcomes b. Themes and topics c. Learning supports 3. MODULE DELIVERY SCHEDULE a. Session arrangements b. Student engagement c. Office hours arrangements 4. ASSESSMENT DETAILS a. Assignments b. Module assessment components i. Assignment 1 – Individual Assignment ii. Assignment 2 - Group Project iii. Assignment 3 – Written Examination 4 5 6 10 13 5. GRADING a. University grading policy b. Grade descriptors for assessment components 6. CONCLUDING COMMENTS APPENDICES 17 24 25 3 Welcome message Welcome to the Managing Change module. Studying change management is important because factors such as the availability of credit, technological advances, increasing competitive pressures, changes in...
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...BCO1102 Information Systems for Business 2014 Semester 1 Prepared by Paul Darbyshire Prepared by Paul Darbyshire Welcome Welcome to BCO1102 Information Systems for Business for Semester 1, 2014. For the vast majority of you it will be a compulsory unit of study as it is part of the Business Core in all undergraduate Bachelor of Business degrees. The major focus of this unit is on how computer- based information systems can support decision making in organizations and businesses. Those decisions often need to be made by professionals who come from discipline areas you are studying such as accounting, management, information systems or marketing. One of the most important elements of an information system is people, so all of us need to know what role we can play and what role information and communication technologies (ICT) can play in supporting decisions. This unit will look at the theoretical side of information systems as well as personal productivity tools such as spread sheets and databases. In addition we will look at global trends in information systems and in particular the emerging use of Cloud Computing and Social Networking, which is sometimes called Web 2.0. The unit of study requires the textbook Introduction to Information Systems by Rainer, Prince and Cegielski 5th Edition. The textbook is used for the theory and some of the practical work in tutorials. All reading for this subject during the semester is assigned from this textbook. Feedback from previous...
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...2010-12 Batch MBA Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem (IDP), if possible for conducting his/her Project. The work of the CP report is divided in Semester -III and Semester -IV and students have...
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