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Assignment Question


Submitted By jjsecretary13
Words 1233
Pages 5
Lecturer : Total marks: 50

Intake : Campus : TPM
Handout Date : Week 1 Due Date : Week 13
A. Project Description: (TESCO)

This group assignment requires you to work as a team of four (4) members. Working in a term is an norm in the workplace. The assigned group project requires your team to look at the current information systems resources of a company selected by your module lecturer. A written report which consist of individual and group components is to be produced by the end of the submission date.

The paper should focus on the use of information systems resources within a company. Information systems resources play a key role in making a company successful. The paper should focus on how information systems resources contributed to that success. The organization of the paper is up to you and your group. You may consider organizing it by subjects (content title) of information resources, or organizing it by references, or some combination of both. Nevertheless, the paper should answer the following;

Your assignment is to produce:

1. As a group (30 % of the assignment marks)

You should prepare the following sections of the report (word limit: 1,000): up to 1500
• Introduction
• Background and current situation of the company (standing… their standing.. market share.. giant/ tesco/ aeon are competitor.. some chart.. graph pie chart.. (current market.)) o Country ?? u can choose.. different country got different situation.. search thing about thing = FACT… u have to provide analysis…. (some tools can be used can be used for purpose of of analysis…. Do NOT use SWOT/ o USE this>>PESTLE use this to analysis.. porter’s 5 forces… use all those 5 forces.. which and how it affect ur organization.. o Exclude table /reference list separate 4+1 reference list o o U can refer to tesco social media.. u can find links to twitter account/ fb / youtube channel.. u can have information from those source as well

30% before 2010 70% 2010-2015
• Group evaluation & conclusion o Evaluation = analysis.. 5 Forces that shape industry competition

The threat of new entrants
Bargaining power of suppliers
Bargaining power of buyers
Threats of subitute products or services

2. As an individual (70 % of the assignment marks) MAX 2500

Each one of you must choose one of the following information resources topics. There should not be any duplication of topic within a group. Word limit: 2,000-2500 for each topic.

a) Managing Strategic Use of IT (see what they are using on technology)
Long term…
Targets + action plan
3 components fact- analysis- suggestion and recommendation
a. B2Employee invert… within company
b. B2B across – with supplier (E-supply chain)
c. B2C outward.. (crm)
i. >> businesss point of view ii. Involve ceo cfo till down
Accident 2k
-find out cause/reason
-compare with last year..
Compare = something which are relevant / identical chair vs chair
Contrast find similarity/// eg apple and orange
Analysis no citation minimum citation.. support ur argument with some citation
b) Managing IT Operation
Involve IT department
How tesco manage its daily operation daily.. (eg TA answer the call of troubleshooting)
Service support – daily operation NOT SELLING.. NOT PURCHASING… how they do on daily issues.. maybe they implemented ITIL..
APU.. got help desk.. gt problem u can email..
They inhouse develop / oursource
ITIL standards how to operate and
Service delivery – long term
-how tesco decide for future

c) Managing IT System Development (Project Management)
Do not include quality of good
Do not include ?? maybe try to find failure then divert it to true methodology or success
Do not project methodology
1. Project methodology
2. Cases
3. Analysis
4. Recommendation
U have to find out tesco methodology
Do not go in detail on methodology.. SSADM/RUP..
U found weakness.. link facts..base on tat fact u analyse.. but on the anlyse.. u suggest..
This system /case is build under ssadm.. then start analysis and recommendation

d) Managing Telecommunication and Networking
Pure technical
Software that are using topology Network
Types of monitoring tools
Maybe networking floor plan
Centralized / distributed / data centre/green data centre
You should conduct researches on relevant references such as case studies, articles, publications, journals, interviews, books, online resources and lecture notes. Article selection is an important component, therefore be analytical in finding good articles. Come up with relevant keywords and take time to do a thorough search.
You can use the following guidelines (but not limited to) to analyze the chosen topic in your report.
• how the information systems resources being used in the organization
• how did the company use information systems resources to support its business processes
• how much the organization receive benefits, efficiency and gains from the information systems resources
• how much of the information systems resources contribute to the organization success
• issues/conflicts/problems/challenges/deficiencies related to information systems resources

The individual conclusion should state your evaluation and judgement on how the organisation manages the critical issues in information systems resources (based on your topic).

You should also state any assumption and limitation.

B. Breakdown of Marks

1. Group

a) Documentation 10 %
Materials are presented professionally using correct grammar, punctuation spelling and length. Addressed report guidelines.

b) Analysis & Research 20 %
Company background and current situation analysis. Any ideas extracted from other sources must be referenced and cited within the report (Harvard Referencing).

2. Individual

a) Research & References 20 %
Supporting research clearly explained and presented. Thoroughly lists references that are relevant to the topic. Any ideas extracted from other sources must be referenced and cited within the report (Harvard Referencing).

c) Original Ideas & Critical Thinking 20 %
Clear evidence of original ideas and critical thinking.

b) Argument Coherence 10 %
Paragraphs are in a logical relation to the whole and flows logically into the next.

c) Class Presentation & Questions 20 %
Impression of confidence, simplicity, clarity, structure and time management of the presentation and ability to answer questions
(analysis and recommendation of individual max 3 slides.5min each student)

C. Marking Criteria:


Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis performed, exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to application. This includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation. Documentation presented in a professional manner, following proper sequencing and flow. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal.


Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of understanding, analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms of application. Moderate level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results comparison. Good level of documentation presented. Some level of reflection was evident in the documentation. Moderate level of critical appraisal.


Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of understanding and knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. No evaluation and analysis of facts, no results comparison performed Satisfactory or low level of reflection displayed. No level of critical appraisal demonstrated.

D. Report Guidelines:

a) Line spacing: 1.5 lines
b) Font Size: 12 (except titles and headings)
c) Font Type: Times New Roman

E. Submission:

The assignment should be presented bound as a group report and four separate individual reports.

Details of what is to be submitted:

a) One group project document (hardcopy and softcopy) consisting individual project assignments.
b) Members of the group are required to present (approximately 5-10 minutes for each member) their assignment in the class.
c) Submission deadline: 26th June, 2015

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