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Assistant District Attorney Case Study

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In the small town of Tidewater, an Assistant District Attorney was found guilty of child molestation and sexual exploitation of children. These counts are already looked at as a disgrace by society, but even more so when involving a person of law. These acts hurt both the life of the child, the community, and even that of the Assistant District Attorney. In this particular case, the Assistant District Attorney was sentenced to five years in prison and ten years on probation. Some may believe this to not be a fair sentence in terms of justice for the child. One of the most popular topics of our social contract is the right of the state to issue punishment. Part of this right also includes correction. The goal is to punish the wrong doer, correct his behavior, and send him back into society as a productive member. In this case, the Assistant District Attorney is first punished by having his freedom taken away from him. The goal of this is to protect the freedom of others, especially the victim and their family. This is known as the “ethics of care”, which is centered …show more content…
His recent history will now follow him for the rest of his life. The Assistant District Attorney will have lost his government job and will be registered as a sex offender. He will experience loss of relationships and will forever be viewed differently. Even on probation, he will still be in counseling and will have to make frequent check-ins with a probation officer. While he would have gained back some of his personal rights, it will still be a difficult journey for him to function as a citizen. He will also have to abide by such rules as not being allowed to reside near schools and other places frequently visited by chidren. With his record, he will have lost all credibility and trust that he once had and will have a difficult time finding another

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