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Plate Tectonics: Article Analysis

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My article was about a sea floor spreading hypothesis that collates with the theory of plate tectonics. The belief of sea floor spreading was a theory that oceanic crust developed along submarine mountain zones, which is recognized as the mid-ocean ridge system, and spreads out horizontally away from them. This statement was the primary reasoning behind the development theory of plate tectonics. In 1960, an American geophysicist, Harry Hess suggested new found discoveries about the deep ocean floor in regards to sea floor spreading. He believed based on his discoveries that the molten material from Earth’s mantle endlessly shafts up along the ridges of the mid-ocean ridges that wind for 50,000 miles all throughout the earth’s oceans. When …show more content…
All of the continents bordering with the Atlantic Ocean are alleged that they are moving away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a distance of 0.4–0.8 inch per year. With that being said, it is increasing the span of the ocean basin by doubling that amount. When continents are bordered by deep-sea trench systems like in the Pacific Ocean, the ocean floor is plunged down. It forces all of those the continents and ultimately returning and dissolving into the Earth’s mantle from where it was originated. Studies have been led with thermal probes and indicates that the heat movement through lowest remains is most commonly compared to that through the regions excluding over the mid-ocean crests, where at some other places the heat flow measures three to four times the average rate. The high values are measured to imitate the intrusion of molten material nearby the tops of the points. Examinations has also been exposed that the ridge peaks are categorized by a low frequency of wave velocities, which can be accredited to thermal growth and micro fracturing accompanying with the eruption

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