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Associate Degree vs Bsn Nursing


Submitted By Yolanda2681
Words 1180
Pages 5
Differences and in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at Associate-Degree versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level in Nursing

Yolanda Youngblood

Grand Canyon University

Some will argue that there is Avast difference between nurses that possess a BSN vs those that possess an AND. Nurses with a BSN when compared to nurses with a AND display apparent variances and likenesses when the amount of education in various programs, the years required to obtain a degree, how educational/degree rankings affect delivery of patient’s care and effect, and the various requirements needed for licensing where all analyzed. It is understood that nurses with a BSN and nurses with a AND are held to the same standards, have the same responsibilities and liabilities, and usually work in the same healthcare settings. Nevertheless; a nurse’ professional experience, work setting, and level of education could possibly create a difference in the manner in which said nurse might administer patient care, handle stressful scenarios, and work towards their career trajectory. The direction in which modern technology and the healthcare industry are heading in a nurse’ level of education should be brought to the forefront. There isn’t substantial evidence to prove that nurses with BSNs are better equipped than nurses with ADNs, but there are those in the healthcare sector that are leaning towards requiring nurses to have their BSNs.

A BSN is vastly encouraged in the healthcare sector. I am student at Grand Canyon University because my colleagues and family encouraged me to obtain my BSN because they all believed it would make me a well-rounded nurse. The direction and merger between technology and the healthcare sector continues to grow, the demand for patient care is rising, and physicians and other members of the healthcare sector are facing increasingly

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