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Associated with the Inniative and Financial Effects They May Have


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Words 1763
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Environmental Factors
Marilys F. Robles Rivera
July 25, 2013
Professor Thelma Gonzalez

Environmental Factors
Environment global international field is a key field of the environment of most managers, today more than ever. In addition, several groups are pushing for new forms and higher levels of ethical behavior of managers and greater corporate social responsibility.

The overall feel, sometimes called macro environment, includes the external factors that usually affect all organizations or most of it, in every company is present although the specific types of forces and environmental conditions vary from industry to another.

International business transactions are understood as all commercial, private or government between two or more countries. Private companies conduct such transactions for profit; governments may or may not do the same in their transactions. Enter these transactions are sales, investment and transport.

For firms involved in international trade.

When a company operates internationally should be considered his mission (he tried to do and that will become long-term), goals (specific performance goals to fulfill its mission) and strategy (the means of achieving its objectives) are presented below :

• Expand sales

• Acquire resources

• Minimize the risk


Sales of businesses depend on two factors: consumer interest in their products and services and their willingness and ability to purchase. The number of people and amount of their purchasing power are higher in the whole world in one country, so companies can increase their potential market to go find international markets.


Manufacturers and distributors are looking for products, services and components produced in foreign countries. Edema, seeking capital, technology and information from abroad that they can use in their home countries, sometimes do so to reduce their costs.


To minimize fluctuations in sales and profits, companies must seek foreign markets to take advantage of differences in business cycles (recessions and expansions) that exist between countries.

Social factors The influences that come not only receive all of our families, we must be very aware of other aspects of our lives, connected with friends, the sports we play, the environment in which we operate, our cultural tastes, fellow students, the way of life we have, and so on.

Personal relationships and the environment in which they develop the way we are determined future.

On the other hand we must bear in mind the icons that influence, often decisively, in our personalities. Taking as reference figures whose sacrifice famous to become known as zero, will create people seeking quick success at any price and will surely be very ephemeral.

Instead considered successful if the references provided to us by the media and we see daily are people who have made themselves, through effort and work for years, getting to be happy after taking out a personal project, the options imitation are older and mostly better.

When analyzing a company through an extra-financial lens, taking into account the impact that she and their activities on society. The social impact is one of three extra-financial factors that are taken into account, along with the environmental performance and corporate governance. The social impact measures may include labor management policies of the company and the approach to equal opportunities and human rights as well as the direct impact of their activities in the local community.

Every culture values some people more than others, such distinctions determine the class or social position that an individual has within a culture, as in business would value the managerial group members rather than members of production groups . But what determines the position (or class) aria considerably in different countries. The position of a person, in part, is determined by individual factors, and partly by the membership or the person belonging to certain groups. Membership is determined by birth (known as group memberships assigned) include those based on gender, family, age, caste and ethnicity, racial, or national. Affiliations not determined by birth are called acquired group memberships and include those based on religion, political affiliation, professional and other associations. Sorting affects business functions MARKETING. For example, companies decide to use people in their ads to their target markets admire or with whom they identify.

The following discussion focuses on some of the characteristics and group memberships that influence the position of a person in different countries besides adding two factors: Education and Social Relations.

• PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION: some countries reward people for the improvement and excellence of their performance more than other countries. For example: United States and New Zealand than in Greece or Japan. The more egalitarian or open a society is, the less influence of belonging to a group assigned to receive gratuities. The companies manage labor forces differ greatly from country to country as to who is calling and who among those qualified can hire. In some countries like Malaysia, companies must keep records very expensive systems.

• GENDER BASED GROUPS: there are differences between countries with regard to the attitudes of men and women. In China and India there is an extreme preference to the male gender. As a result of governmental and economic restrictions on family size and the desire to have a son to preserve the family name, the practice of aborting female fetuses and kill babies with female sexes are widespread despite government opposition . Barriers to employment generated in the genre are declining significantly in many parts of the world. A change has been the growing number of women and men in the United States that have been employed in occupations previously dominated by the other gender.

• BASED ON AGE GROUPS: many cultures assume that age and wisdom are correlated, and usually have systems based progress longevity. But in the United States, retirement at 60 or 65 was compulsory until the 1980s, which revealed that the youth was a professional edge. It is clear that companies need to consider when considering reference groups to whom to hire and how to better market their products.

• FAMILY-BASED GROUPS: in some societies, the family is the most important group membership. The acceptance of an individual in society depends mainly or respectable social status of the family, rather than individual achievements. Because family ties are strong.

• OCCUPATION: in every society people perceive that certain occupations have more economic and social prestige than others. This perception generally determines the number and preparedness of people to seek employment in a particular occupation. Another international difference is the desire of citizens to work as entrepreneurs, rather than an organization.

• Motivation: employees motivated to work hard and long hours are more productive than those who are not motivated. Overall this influences economic development positively. International companies interested in economic development for markets for their products grow with the growth of economies. They are also interested in the motivation for higher productivity that typically reduces production costs.

Cultural Factors

Creating cultural awareness is no easy task, nor is there a foolproof way to create it, culture is learned specific rules, based on attitudes, values and beliefs that exist in every nation, ie refers to the unique pattern of characteristics Shared as values that distinguish members of a group of people within another. Tourists stand cultural differences, experts write about them and international business people discover that affect operations. But this is controversial because people do not agree on what they are. Some differences as related to dress codes, easily discerned, others may be less obvious.


Besides national boundaries and geographical barriers, the language is a factor that greatly affects cultural stability.

Thousands of languages are spoken worldwide, but few of them dominate. The English, French or Spanish is the primary language in a significant portion of the world's countries. Some other languages such as Mandarin and Hindi, spoken in one country, but are important for international business in the world of speakers you have.

Economic Factors
Economics is the discipline that focuses on understanding how individuals or nations produce, distribute and consume various goods and services. Are important economic issues of wages paid by the workforce can, inflation, taxes paid by workers and organizations, the costs of materials used in the production process and the prices at which they sell these goods and services. Competition in the free market, private contracts, profit incentives, technological progress and the organized workers are essential elements in an economic system in countries.

Political and legal factors
The companies try to resolve conflicts over values and beliefs through its political and legal system. For example, the United States and Canada the concepts of individual freedom, press freedom, property rights and private empres broadly accepted. But legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, interest groups and courts often conflict with each other, defining the meaning and influence of the real interpretation of these concepts.

use their upper middle managers to lobby for them. Motorola, Microsoft and Coca Cola, among others lobbied Congress to be granted to China favored nation status for trade even after the massacre of students protesting in the square Tiaranmen Beijing. These organizations agreed that
Alliance. The word partnership is defined as the union of two forces to compete against a stronger one, in the case of companies or businesses, a union or contract made by two or more companies are carried out in order to be more competitive in the market and / or to be more involved. These partnerships or contracts are carried out strategy to try to move beyond the competition in customer requirements and needs, to develop and implement them, there must be a negotiation between the two companies and know that profits will short , medium and long term depending on the duration of such treatment.

Partnerships are often used for the following purposes:

• To oppose or support legislation, holders nomination regulatory agencies and regulations issued by these agencies.

• Improve the competitiveness of two or more organizations through collaboration

• Promote products or services, such as oranges, computers and electricity

• Build facilities that would be beyond the resources of any organization as new plants.

• Represent interests of specific groups such as women, the elderly, minorities and particular industries.

Socialization is the process by which all people learn the values held by an organization and the larger society. The assumption is that people who accept and act in accordance with these core values are less likely to sympathize with positions that threaten the organization or society. The so-called American business creed stresses the idea that a decentralized system of private property and competitive in price which is the main regulator, should be continued and that citizens should oppose government actions that interfere with this system or threaten him.

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