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Astp Checklist

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The Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) is coming to your chapter! The chapter must fulfill the responsibilities listed below.
There are four handouts that are essential to you as your chapter prepares for the ASTP program:
1. ASTP FAQ & Logistics
This handout is your reference and gives you more information about the ASTP program and the planning process.
2. Responsibilities of the Risk Management Chairman
Once the ASTP Program is scheduled, you will receive the "Responsibilities of the Risk Management Chairman" handout. It is critical that this checklist be followed.
3. Chapter Policies and Procedures
You will receive this document once the ASTP program has been scheduled. This outlines …show more content…
A: The Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) is unlike most alcohol programs because it acknowledges that college students drink. Rather than trying to impose abstinence on college students, it recognizes that any steps toward reduced risk are steps in the right direction.
The ASTP was designed to provide drinkers and nondrinkers with information regarding alcohol use and associated negative consequences. It provides individuals with the skills needed to reduce risky use and/or abstain from alcohol use altogether. The ASTP is not intended to be used to treat those students who meet criteria for alcohol dependence, nor those students who are most at risk for continued alcohol problems associated with chronic heavy alcohol use.
Research has long established that information alone does not necessarily change behavior. The goal of ASTP is to educate students about alcohol-related behavior, while increasing students' interest in critically examining their drinking patterns and eventually implementing the skills they learn. By doing so, students learn to recognize high-risk situations and to minimize the potential negative consequences through preventative action, reduced consumption, or abstinence.
Q: Who should …show more content…
Once your program is scheduled, you will receive a comprehensive checklist to assist you with planning the event.
Program Expenses
If this program is a required workshop as part of probation terms from Fraternity Council, the chapter may be required to cover some, if not all, of the program costs. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Chapters who are selected to receive this program not through terms of probation will have the program cost covered in full. Please see the Chapter Policies and Procedures document for cancellation terms. Other costs that may be associated with the program are outlined below and the responsibility of any chapter coordinating the ASTP workshop.

Scheduling for ASTP
You will need to schedule 2.5 hours to complete the ASTP program. The program can be done on a weekend (example: Saturday 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.) or weekday night (chapter meeting night). To conduct a program on a weekday evening, there must be a facilitator who can be available for your date request. If your chapter is larger than 100 women, work with your facilitator to determine workshop logistics. Your chapter may need to be split into groups and the program will be offered at two different times during the day. If you are including a meal/snack, please include extra time for

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