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Attempt at Seamless Race


Submitted By swatmaster94
Words 790
Pages 4
The Holocaust was probably one of the most devastating human death events to ever occur. The term Holocaust actually is the root of the word “holokauston” which in term means “sacrifice by fire.” This was the perfect term seeing how Jews were tormented. Plenty of Jews also used the word Shoah when describing the Holocaust since it is defined as devastation, ruin, or waste.” (Holocaust Facts) It all started when Adolf Hitler was put as the ruler of Germany after World War I. He had the right chance to claim power for Germany because everyone was devastated because of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles destroyed Germany’s economy, industries, facilities, and almost all their land was lost. Adolf Hitler came in and raised the people’s confidence in saying they can do anything they can. Once he did this, people started supporting him. With the power of the people and the government on his side, Hitler associated the Enabling Act. It was officially called the Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich. If passed, it would be the end of democracy in Germany and make Adolf Hitler the dictator of Germany. (Holocaust Facts)
With Hitler as the new ruler of Germany he started his so called attempt of a “Perfect Race.” On April 1, 1933, the Nazis started their first action against German Jews by making a boycott of all Jewish-run businesses. (United States Memorial Holocaust and Genocide Studies) At this time, The Nuremberg Trials were being held. These trials were held for all the nations that were defeated in World War I. The Nuremberg Laws included a law that stripped German Jews of their citizenship and a law that prohibited marriages and extramarital sex between Jews and Germans. The Nuremberg Laws set the legal law for further anti-Jewish legislation. (United States Memorial Holocaust and Genocide Studies) After that legislation, there were more rules

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