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Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee , is one of the many timeless classic literatures that we have come to preserve throughout the years. When considering what truly makes this story and dialogue a classic, one has to only recall the characters in which played the main roles of this narrative. Atticus Finch, one of the many characters in this story, stood throughout the entire novel with multiple divine attributes. Many times he exhibited the following aspects of a caring, wise, and protective father figure and man.

An exhibition of this father’s caring characteristic was clearly manifested when Atticus’s only daughter, Scout, came home ,somewhat dismayed, yet seeking no comfort or help. However, Atticus being the caring father he was, noticed instantly that Scout had an experience that left her somewhere “in the dump”. Instead of carrying on with the many duties that he held as a …show more content…
This near death experience for the children was halted by non other than Boo, a highly misjudged character in the book, defends the children by stabbing the man in the back. Very soon afterward, the case is brought to the law and Atticus exhibits a strong sense of protectiveness as he fears he will “lose” his children if the matter is silently hushed up.
,” If this things hushed up it'll be a simple denial to Jem of the way I've tried to raise him. Sometimes I think I’m a total failure as a parent, but I’m all they've got. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I've tried to live so I can look squarely back at him...if I connived at something like this, frankly I couldn't meet his eye, and the day I can't do that I'll know I've lost him. I don't want to lose him and Scout, because they’re all I've got.” This very statement makes his protectiveness of his children and his fatherly fear of losing them very

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