...Paper #3 Every child has their ideal career choice of what they want to be when they grow up. Their dreams and aspiration of what, and who they will become. Since I was eight I wanted to be a lawyer, although it wasn’t until a little later I decided on the type which is a district attorney. My first reason is I would like to be able to speak out for the people who are afraid and no longer can, also protect and make a difference in my community, lastly do what’s fair and right. Like other types of lawyers, district attorneys need to earn a law degree to become a licensed attorney in the state they wish to practice. In order to obtain a license a prospective attorney must pass the bar exam first. Some requirements must be fulfilled before receiving...
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...familiarize myself with the process to pursue my future career as an attorney. During my junior year at John Jay College of criminal justice, I became a CUNY Citizenship Now Volunteer Corp. I’ve been volunteering with this organization for 3 years. This program has afforded me with the opportunity to gain hands on experience and training in the immigration field. I assist immigrants in overcoming barriers to naturalization and help them become U.S. Citizens. As an application assistant/ interpreter I provide free citizenship application assistance during the events taken place twice a month in which I help applicants complete their N-400 Application for Naturalization and supporting documents....
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...Since the time I turned thirteen I was aware of the fact that I wanted to be an attorney when I grew up and had the chance to go off to college. With this in mind, I ventured into the law office of Boothby Perry, LLC, located in Turner, Maine, and asked to become a seasonal intern for the many attorney’s that were employed by said law firm. As luck had it, the partner attorney in charge of the office agreed to meet with me and offered me a job as an intern starting the following week. The work I helped to complete at the law firm from that point on involved mostly probate law, therefore, I grew very comfortable with the process of probate and the paperwork that went along with it. Along with this growing feeling of comfortableness, I also grew a slight feeling of boredom as I began to mindlessly complete the same work day in and day out. This slight boredom led my mind to wander, which later led me to determine that I wanted to focus more on family law in my future rather than probate law. Regardless of my wandering thoughts, time flew by while I was working at the law firm, and before I knew...
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...CAREER LAUNCHER & ARCHIES GREETINGS Marketing Assignment Submitted by: Arijit & Group Pradnya Shirley Ann Sunanda Ratha Isha Pandit Purnima Oka Swapnil Deshmukh Arijit Dey Market Segment and Target Market – Archies Gallery MARKET TARGET MARKET SEGMENT Greetings & Gifts purchasers for personal purposes (Physical & Online) – •Adolescents (13 – 19 yrs) •Young Adults (20 – 35 yrs) •Adults (above 36 yrs) Corporate Gifting (Physical & Online)– •C2C •B2C •B2B TARGET SEGMENT Greetings & Gifts purchasers for personal purposes (Physical & On-line) – •Young Adults (20 – 35 yrs) Corporate Gifting (Physical & On-line)– •C2C •B2C People who want to send Individuals who gifts and non- want to purchase verbal greetings greetings and gifts & wishes Market Segment and Target Market – Career Launcher MARKET People who want education/ Job & Skill building TARGET MARKET Students who want higher education from premier institutes Parents who want quality basic education for their kids SEGMENT Career Counseling Services and Test Preparation for High School and UG level students for Higher Education – Business & Hotel Management Law Engineering & IT CA Fashion Design CBSE Board Exams XII Mainstream education – Schools Colleges Institute for Profession Courses Test Preparation for Civil Services – UPCS State Public Service Commission Test Preparation for Bank – PO Clerical Skill Schools – Pre-hire Training Livelihood Skills Program Vocational Training at – Institutes Corporate Govt...
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...Rodriguez, Rizal Career Planning What is a Career? Career is an occupation or a profession, that one undertakes for a long period of his life time & derives monetary benefit from it. What is Career Planning? * Career planning consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve your individual career goals. * It is way by which one can achieve goals & ambitions successfully * It is a difference between success & failure which always leads to satisfactory results * It is a Vision Career Planning Process Career planning process is simple process of self analyzing, self upgrading & self improvement which leads you toward success. There are five steps to active career planning: * Self Assessment Self assessment revolves around the thoughtful consideration, reflection, and evaluation of your interests, personality characteristics, values, and skills through a variety of methods, such as the use of a whole host of career-related tools and instruments. * Exploration and Research The career planning component consisting of exploration and research is all about being in information gathering mode. This is the time to explore, collect, and organize all available resources to eventually begin analyzing them to see what top options arise. Pointers for Exploring Careers * Know more about the career of your choice * Nature of work * Work roles * Emerging trends * Career path / Study route ...
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...OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING CAREER CHOICES Interests Career choice will also be influenced by your interests. Most students tell us that they would like an ‘interesting’ job. Interests are of course, very personal, and two people may be interested in the same activity for quite different reasons. A chess player might relish the company, the intellectual challenge, the competition, the elements of psychological warfare. So what do you mean by ‘interesting’? Think of a couple of activities - work, study or leisure that you have enjoyed. 1 2 What interested you? · Mental stimulation? · Using your abilities? · Sense of achievement? · Excitement? · What else? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which of your activities give you the most enjoyment? By choice, to which do you want to give most time? Is there an overall pattern? If so can you use it to take the following from 1 (most) to 6 (least) preferred? SCIENTIFIC/TECHNICAL (Experimenting, researching, design, analysis) PEOPLE(CARING) (assisting, caring, advising) PEOPLE (INFLUENCING) (organising, controlling, communicating) CREATIVE (art, craft, music, design) INFORMATION/DATA (numbers, analysing, classifying) PRACTICAL (making...
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...needs to be done. If you have heard all of this and the job fits your personality, then you should be doing research on how you can be a business manager. When you are making plans for the career change, you will want to make sure that you know a lot about the field you are considering. Some jobs look good but once you find out what they entail you will find they are not right for you. This is usually true in those coveted high paying careers. People usually get hung up on the prospect of making more money and they forget that they need to choose a career that is fun and interesting. If you don't want to make this mistake you will want to get a hold of at least one educational essay on your chosen careers in business management. When looking for those essays that describe you career of business management, try to make sure it isn't by companies looking to hire new people because they tend to spin it towards their business. Consider that if it sounds far too good, then throw the essay in the trash. Don't waste your time on pipe dreams, when what you need is the facts. There may be a few great websites that will help you find information about working in those careers. You will want to try an essay about business management because the information will be unbiased. Reading essays on careers on business management that has someone who may be bitter abut their current position or even their last one is just as bad as reading the one that is too much like an advertisement. If you...
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...Work Culture Preferences XXxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXX BCOM 275 December 8, 2013 Professor XXXXX xxxxxx Work Culture Preferences Having an appropriate understanding of your ideal work culture is indispensable in developing both strategic plans to plans to achieve organizational goals. When conducting a Work Culture Results analysis there are certain competencies that are necessary, each of the competencies involved is important in developing a Career Building Plan, but the level of significance varies between individuals. Based on the outcomes of my Career Plan Building Activity, in the Work Culture Preferences survey of my ideal work culture three competencies are most prevalent, Supportive, Ethical, and well resourced. As the results of my assessment illustrate, strengths are a significant element in my achieving organizational goals. Specific examples are a secure and stable environment combined with factors such as recognition and celebration of success; and the ability to be at a safe place to work. Equally important in developing strategic and operational plans to achieving organizational goals are available opportunities with emphasis on fairness. Specific examples are the opportunity for varied and ground breaking work, innovative and creative atmosphere and the opportunity to control my own work schedule and organization. The manners in which my specific competencies relate to the required competencies for conducting a Work culture analysis are that my competencies...
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...| Career Advancement and Professional Growth | Activities | | Colin B. Dameron | 04/30/13 | There are activities you can do to help you through the process. There are four different kinds of activities and/or places you can go to help yourself along the way. | ACTIVITIES TO HELP TOWARDS CAREER ADVANCEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH When planning your future it can become very frustrating and at times a never ending road. When you apply yourself to your future career anything is possible. The key is to never get discouraged or give up. There are activities you can do to help you through the process. There are four different kinds of activities and/or places you can go to help yourself along the way. One source of information that you have on hand is the library. Most schools and community libraries have extensive career information sources. You can use the library to gather career publications, government materials, and even industry brochures. The use of libraries can be a key part in gathering the information needed to pursue certain careers. An additional method to gain information is from media career information. Most newspapers offer articles and columns referring to job searches and career trends. Ways to gain information through the media regarding career opportunities is from newspapers and magazines, as well as television and radio news reports. These sources provide useful information about economic and social influences on careers...
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...TE AM FL Y FEARLESS INTERVIEWING How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence Marky Stein McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2003 by Marky Stein. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-141572-6 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-140884-3. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at george_hoare@mcgraw-hill.com or (212) 904-4069. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of this...
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...Career Management and Development for Research Faculty Good Practice Guidelines for Research Faculty As well as the support you should receive from your principal investigator and the University to help you with your career development, you have an integral role in managing your own career. There are many ways you can develop and effectively manage your career while working at the University. What You Should Do To Manage and Develop Your Career: [ ] Think ahead ! You need to start thinking about the next step in your career as soon as possible and at least six months before the end of your contract. You also need to think about how your next step fits in to your overall career plan Decide if you want your next career step to be academia or elsewhere To help you do this: - talk to your supervisor about ways of continuing working in the School/Unit, if that's what you want to do e.g. who the relevant funding bodies are etc. look at the internet sites of funding councils for possible sources of funding - ask your supervisor, your peers or the careers service to help you identify the skills that you are developing as a researcher. Once you know what you can offer you are in a better position to start identifying possible employers - talk to your supervisor about your goals. Involve him / her in helping you to achieve them wherever possible - find out if there is a School/Unit research faculty contact, or another member of staff you can talk to, if you are unhappy about talking to...
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...Career Plan Reflection Paper B/COMM 275 Oct 6, 2014 Steven Johnson Career Plan Reflection The My Career Plan program and individual assignments were intended to help me develop a strategy for my career goals. The process revealed my career interests, competencies, work culture preferences, and thinking style. It also helped me identify strengths and weaknesses that will be key throughout my career. My interest profiler results were realistic, conventional, and social. Although I did not agree with most of the job titles listed, I definitely identified with the interests. Realistic occupations regularly involve practical activities, hands-on problems, and solutions. Conventional occupations follow set procedures and routines, and social occupations work with, communicate with, and teach people. The BCOM/275 program has provided me with many practical applications I can use to attain my career interest goals. During the career competencies exercise, I received 4 of 5 marks in the areas of adapting to change, writing, and logical thinking. I received only 3 of 5 marks for organizing, strategizing, delivering results. Although the exercise helped me validate traits I “thought I had,” it also made me realize there is much I need to improve. My work culture preference results were ethical, high powered, and supportive. These outcomes revealed my desire to be in a demanding, secure, and fair work environment that promotes personal development and...
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...Career Planner Chris McLoy Com 530 10 February 2014 Monique Georges Every person is different in the workplace. Our personalities can range from expressive and ambitious to quiet and content. The workers have a specific way of communication, leadership, and motivation, goal setting when working in specific careers and teams. After completing the Career Planner Tool for the course, it was evident what type of work culture, career path, communication strengths and personal strengths would fit my personality best. Most importantly, the Career Planner Tool was able to set me up for my future career plan. Career Plan Future The results that I obtained from the Career Planner Tool showed that I fit into a high power, expert work environment that tends to be on the supportive side. I am a strong, ambitious worker, who loves to create new ideas within the workplace. The Career Planner Tool helped me understand where I am able to thrive and grow in my career path. By knowing and understanding all aspects of the type of worker I am, I am better able to search and work for my future career path. This course and career tool have helped me better understand where I would thrive and in what conditions. My future career path has always been one that involved a high-powered work environment and fast paced ideas. After viewing the Career Planner Tool, I was able to truly understand how I am able to put what I have always know into action. Conclusion The workplace is not just...
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...After I made a research into the Career Exploration tool provided for the University of Phoenix, I found out possible careers opportunities available to all of us studying a Master of Accountancy. I completed the process of analyze the Career Areas, Our Recommendation and Specific Occupations tabs provided on it. In every one of those, I found out valuable information that helps me to organize my ideas toward a more clear point in my professional life. All the suggested careers and occupation fit well with the idea I have about my goals, possible jobs and salaries aspiration. The career exploration suggests positions such as auditor, tax analyst, treasure/controller and financial analyst, would be successful position that matched with my skills and expertise. Of course, I still have other requirements I need to pursuit in the educations, general degrees and certification licenses to achieve to assure a final conquer in the area of business and financial operations. All the information I got from the career exploration tool did not surprise me at all. I had in mind all those kind of positions recommended but I had not any idea about the requirements to get into and neither the possible salaries. I really appreciate that I have that tool in hand. The results given to me after pass by all the steps made me feel confident and add force to all those ideas I have had about my professional future. Before pass for this experience, I had idea about what I wanted, now I found a better...
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...Human Resource Management, 12e (Dessler) Chapter 10 Coaching, Careers, and Talent Management 1) Which of the following terms refers to educating, instructing, and training subordinates? A) mentoring B) coaching C) appraising D) grading E) recruiting Answer: B Explanation: Coaching means educating, instructing, and training subordinates. Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Recruiting refers to searching for job candidates. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 344 Chapter: 10 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 2) The process of advising, counseling, and guiding employees is known as ________. A) coaching B) appraising C) assessing D) mentoring E) training Answer: D Explanation: Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Coaching means educating, instructing, and training subordinates. Both coaching and mentoring skills are needed for appraising employees, but appraising and assessing refer to rating an employee. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 344 Chapter: 10 Objective: 1 Skill: Concept 3) ________ focuses on helping an employee make long-term career plans, while ________ addresses an employee's short-term job skills. A) Mentoring, coaching B) Coaching, mentoring C) Recruiting, coaching D) Recruiting, mentoring E) Mentoring, recruiting Answer: A Explanation: Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding an employee towards long-term career goals. Coaching means educating, instructing, and training subordinates in performing short-term job-related...
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