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Attorney-Client Confidentiality


Submitted By mommyofmonkeys
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Attorney-Client Confidentiality
Melissa Eichelberger
CJS 220
December 14, 2011

With attorney-client confidentiality we think of this as a conversation between a client and their attorney. This conversation allows the client to talk to their attorney and let him or her know any and all information that would help their attorney to determine a legal defense for their client. Any information that the client tells their attorney is a privilege and cannot be used against them in court. So by this happening the client will feel comfortable telling their attorney everything about the case so that there is no information that might come up as a surprise during the trial or court case that would surprise their attorney and maybe hurt the client at the same time. This is important part of the justice system because the client has an attorney that they can confide in and that they can trust that will have their best interest in mind, and anything that the client tells their attorney cannot be used against them in court and will be kept confidential. One concern about the client-attorney confidentiality could be where the attorney doesn’t keep good records in source and some information would leak out with information about the client. When there is out sourcing that means that there is a chance that information that is privileged could get out to the wrong people and could possibly hurt the client’s case. This is called Metadata which means the transferring of any and all information through things like a fax machine, downloads or emails that got hacked and leave trails which allows privileged information to get to the wrong people.

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