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Australia Persuasive Speech Analysis

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‘To govern is not to crush the persons or processes governed, or to dominate them, but to mobilise them toward some ends’ (Rose, 2005, p.151)

The act of governing in today’s liberal society ensures that political subjects can understand and enact their own freedom. As Rose says (or ‘It is said…’), ‘to govern is not to crush,’ but rather, to stimulate the persons or processes governed ‘toward some ends’ (Rose, 2005, p.151). The process of democratic governing allows us to see that whilst there are freedom notions which exist, there are also some restricting and repressing elements such as the detention of refugee children. These breaches of liberty occur through an attempt for the government to appease those it supposedly has power over (the Australian public). In order for governments to mobilise those they have power over, rather than simply …show more content…
Despite efforts by the government to appease its publics by controlling who is allowed to seek refuge in Australia, students at St Pius X Primary School have been motivated by the knowledge they have gained about the struggles of children in detention. Dolls and teddy bears were tied to a school fence alongside a banner which reads: ‘no to kids in detention centres, not a place to learn’. In this show of solidarity for children in detention centres, the prime location of Waterdale road is being used to stimulate community support and raise awareness of ‘the plight of children in immigration detention centres’ (XXX, 2015). Their strive for liberty to be upheld exemplifies how power is productive. It has produced a movement against the dominating actions of the government who enforce mandatory detention for asylum seeker children. The governing power of the state may limit those in detention from obtaining freedom or an education however, it has not repressed the protestors among the Australian public from

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