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Unavailability In Health Care

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Insurance unavailability has become a major issue in recent years. Individuals throughout the United States are struggling to obtain insurance due to the cost or the acceptance process. Numerous attempts have been implemented to try and resolve this growing issue, though none have been successful. However, the crisis could be settled by forming a government funded agency that offered insurance to everyone, without regards to their race, ethnicity, religion, or financial situation. Without question, changes in the availability of insurance need to be made. Without any modifications, the health care industry will cease to exist. This crisis will not go away on its own. Overall, the insurance unavailability crisis deserves urgent attention …show more content…
Families suffer from the issue of not having insurance and lacking proper treatment. Eight in ten uninsured individuals are members of a working family (Epstein, 2002, pg. 525). This implies that the middle class is struggling to obtain insurance. Middle class families are considered to make too much to qualify for Medicaid, yet the amount they do make still does not cover the costs of insurance and needs of a family. Without insurance, the middle class are scared about the potential debt that treatment at a health clinic may bring. Therefore, they avoid them altogether, resulting in less business for the health care …show more content…
Some say that the government is not taking enough responsibility, while others say that the government needs to butt out. Marcia Clemmitt (2009), previous editor-in-chief of Medicine and Health, says in “Health-Care Reform” that the government is worried about “meddling” in the people’s lives too much. She states, “Congressional Republicans and some Democrats argue, however, that the plan would be too expensive and would allow government to meddle too much in health care” (Clemmitt, 2009, p. 790). The government’s main duties include serving the people. They should not be worried about “meddling” too much in an individual’s life if they control everything that society does. They should want their people taken care of, but, instead, the government are only focused on themselves and the way they are viewed. This argument is only delaying the process of resolving the problem, resulting in an increasing number of individuals without insurance for a longer period. This will, again, lead to individuals avoiding health care facilities because of fear of going into

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