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Australian Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)

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The Australian legal system acts in the interest of family relationships to ensure the family is financially secure and any children of the relationship are efficiently cared for. Many of the amendments made to legislations centre on enforcing parental responsibility and ensuring decisions are made in best interests of children. A function of the family is to care and protect its members. Our changing society has resulted in changing family structures. This has created a need in the community and law to reform and amend law in order to better protect society. The law has given married couples the option to separate and divorce for the benefit of their wellbeing and others. The law has put in place procedures during and after the fact of divorce …show more content…
Families in which child abuse and neglect are reported have been identified as having a history of family violence, parental drug and alcohol abuse and parental mental health problems. These diminish parent’s capacity to provide adequate care for their children, especially if isolated, unemployed, homeless or impoverished. The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1988 (NSW) is the key legislation that governs child protection in NSW. The safety, welfare and wellbeing of the child are considered paramount in the legislation. The Act established the Office of the Children’s Guardian to promote the interests and rights of children and young people. Most importantly, those in legal professions and in care and protection professions, especially those concerning children, are required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect. The NSW Ombudsman Wood Inquiry (Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW) says the number of ‘at risk of harm’ reports made to Family and Community Services has increased steadily and continue to grow. In 2009-2010 the number of suspected child abuse and neglect reports decreased by 53 017 reports. As a response, the government put forth the Children Legislation Amendment (Wood Inquiry Recommendations) Act 2009 (NSW) which introduced the concept of significant harm which meant only serious cases would be referred to FACS which would place less stress of FACS resources. The government also introduced a five year action plan to improve child care and protection in NSW, dubbed Keep Them Safe that finished in 201 by establishing the Family Referral Services. The Family Court of Australia assembled the Court Magellan program for cases involving allegations of sexual abuse and/or serious physical abuse of a child. The program is designed

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