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Rhetorical Analysis Of The Washington Times

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“Discrimination by another name” by The Washington Times is an example of an editorial with strengths and weaknesses in their argument. Overall, the two claims that were made are that the Supreme Court should set aside the Affirmative Action laws and end them once and for all, and that Affirmative Action laws do not help improve race relations in this day and age. These claims were backed up by evidence that I believe is mostly sound.
In this editorial, rhetoric was a tool used frequently. However, ethos and pathos were lacking. An example of logos found in paragraph 5 is “Qualified minority applicants suffer the assumption, false and unfair, that they didn't earn their place through hard work and determination” (The Washington Times). This is logos because it is a simple logical conclusion many people can pull from the evidence given based on common sense. On the other hand, one example of pathos that could be found in paragraph 8 is “A colorblind court should be colorblind, and end …show more content…
He used logos which supports his claim, but failed to mention the other side of the argument. The heavy connotation used showed how he tried to sneakily persuade the audience to his side. However, his argument still has sound reasoning and truth to it, even though he is one-sided.
The overall effect that rhetoric, connotation, and bias has on the audience convinced them to support this editorial’s opinion. Logos and facts were used to support the author’s statements, while connotation was used to make his side sound more appealing. Even with bias, he strategically used evidence and emotion to persuade and convince the audience effectively.
All in all, I believe the editorial “Discrimination by another name” by The Washington Times is a great example of an editorial done right. The claims made in this article were supported by sound and clear evidence which ultimately results in a convincing

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