...Professor Date Autism Spectrum Disorder All around the world, there are several children and even grow ups that have or suffer from autism. Unfortunately, it is a condition that is not easily detectable especially in children. Most people either do not understand the condition that manifests itself in children or take it for something else all together. For the families that are fortunate enough to identify the condition in children, they at most times have no idea at all on how to handle the child. Most people have misunderstood autism and taken it as insanity in children. It is therefore, necessary to demystify the misinterpretations in most people and make them aware of the condition, and how to handle it when a child is found to be autistic. Autism is a spectrum of closely related conditions or disorders which all have symptoms of a shared core. Every child said to be on the autism spectrum disorder has to some degree problems with communication, social skills, flexible behavior and empathy. However, the degree of disability and symptoms combinations varies enormously from one child to another. Surprisingly, children with the same diagnosis may be very different when it comes to abilities and behaviors. It is vital to note some few facts about autism. Autism is not contagious and is not acquired through environmental contact. It is a neurological disability presumed to be present from birth and apparent before the age of three in a child. Even though, autism is a condition...
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...Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Autism spectrum disorder is a really interesting disorder to learn. In 2012, approximately 1 in 88 child in the United States was diagnosed with Autism by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. This is a tremendous increase compared to the reporting’s in the 1980’s; it was reported as 1 in 10,0000. ASD’s are a “spectrum disorders”, which means it affects each person in distinctive ways, and can also range from mild to severe circumstances. This disorder is a group of developmental disabilities that cause a great social, interaction and ways someone responses to challenges. Therefore these people with similar characteristics handle cognitive information in a different way than other people. Since the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder differ on each individual. Children with ASD fall into three categories such as; social defacement, hard time with communicating, and rhythmic behaviors. Social difficulties are common with all ASD disorder. Social impairment has an effect on a child’s everyday life. For example, a child will not be able to respond to parent or others by 1 year of age. The child might like solitary better and not play with others, has facial expressions that are improper, does not know the difference of personal boundaries and also may have trouble understanding about their own feelings etc. Let’s say that a typical child starts to understand and learn things as...
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...AUTISTIC SPECTRUM 1 Autistic Spectrum Disorder Clinton T. Ashe Professor: Dr. Janice Spagenburg February18, 2013 AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS 2 Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism is a disorder that use to affect an estimated 3.4 out of every 1,000 children ages 3-10. And now research suggests that autism now affects 1 out of 110 children. These types of Disorders can cause disruption in families and unfulfilled lives for many children who have this disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorders range from a severe form which is called autistic disorder to a mild form known as Asperger syndrome. The risk for this disorder is higher for males than females. In 1942 while working at John Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Leo Kanner conducted a study with a group of 11 children and at the end of the study introduced the label of “early infantile autism” into the English language. During that same time frame and half way around the world, Dr. Hans Asperger described a lesser form of the disorder that became known as “asperger syndrome”. These two disorders have been described and are currently listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as two out of five pervasive developmental disorders and are often referred to as autism spectrum disorders...
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...Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is attributed to various conditions distinguished by complications with “social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as unique strengths and differences” (“What Is Autism?”, 2012). This is the reason why the term “Spectrum” is used, it “reflects the wide variation in challenges and strengths passed by each person” (“What Is Autism?”, 2012). ASD does not come in one form, but varied types caused by distinct blends of genetic and environmental influences (“What Is Autism?”, 2012). ASD can be diagnosed by 18 months, but symptoms usually arrive at 2 and 3 years of age. There is currently no medical test that diagnoses ASD, but behavioral evaluations that are done by trained physicians...
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...Autism Spectrum Syndrome is a term used to describe abnormalities in neurological and brain developments. People affected by Autism suffer a wide range of symptoms with varying severities. Autism is characterized by symptoms such as social impairments, difficulties in emotional connection and communication, and repeated stereotyped behaviors such as hang flapping and rocking (as cited in Uno, Y., Uchiyama, T., Kurosawa, M., Aleksic, B, and Ozaki, N, 2012). Since the discovery of the fist vaccines up until now, thousands of lives have been saved. Contagious diseases speared so rapidly and the effects can be devastating and sometimes irreversible. Infectious diseases spread quickly in communities; in the past some of these diseases effected large...
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...Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an incredibly complex condition that affects each individual differently, primarily depending on what point of the spectrum they reside. Despite the differences, there are some overarching themes that can be discussed to better understand how ASD affects an individual’s life. By understanding topics ranging from social life and bisexuality to behavioral intervention and comorbidities, we can become better advocates and supporters of individuals living with ASD. Beginning early behavioral intervention shortly after a diagnosis can be incredibly effective in strengthening positive living habits, provided that implementation is consistent and rigorous. The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) uses operant conditioning...
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...because you are not like them. This is what it feels like to live in America with Autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a complex brain development disorder. ASD has varying degrees of severity and many sub groups, including Asperger's syndrome. Most people with ASD are born with the disorder and can be diagnosed as early 2 years old, although symptoms...
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...Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represents an etiologically heterogeneous disorder in which a myriad of genetic and environmental risk factors perturb common underlying molecular pathways in the brain. ASD patients along with core behavioral deficits also exhibit other psychiatric and medical conditions, such as intellectual disability, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and sleep disorders1-3. Significant ASD population also exhibit increased anxiety such as phobias, withdrawal in social situation and obsessive compulsive disorder 4, 5. Additionally, there are subsets of ASD population who exhibit impaired fear conditioning 6. Evidences from a vast majority of twin and family studies have suggested ASD to have a strong genetic basis7-11. Autism genetics is highly...
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...Down Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Seven years later, I am still assistant coaching and more than ever I want to learn more about the disorder. After learning that “as many as 1 in 110 people have autism, which is more common in guys than in girls” (Teenshealth) I wanted to learn a little bit more about the disorder that is becoming so common in today’s society. Autism has many different characteristics which helps identify the disorder but unfortunately where the disorder is from is still unknown. However, with constant research and with the information that is known treatments are being introduced to those who are diagnosed with Autism. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke “Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Autistic disorder, sometimes called autism or classical ASD, is the most severe form of ASD, while other conditions along the spectrum include a milder form known as Asperger syndrome, the rare condition called Rett syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). ASD varies significantly in character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and affects every age group” (Ninds.nih). Another way to describe Autism is the “lack of...
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...stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder and can also be called Autistic Spectrum Disorder. ASD’s are any developmental disabilities that have caused brain abnormality. A person with ASD typically has difficulty with social and communication skills. A person with ASD often prefers to stick to a set of behaviors and may resist any major or minor changes to daily living. Autism Spectrum Disorder has no single cause, but both genetics and environment may play a role.Several genes seemed to be involved in ASD. Even for some some children, ASD can be associated with a genetic disorder such as Fragile X syndrome. (Fragile X syndrome is an inherited condition when the X Chromosome is abnormally susceptible to damage especially by Folic Acid Deficiency)....
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...National Autism Association website is extremely helpful for families that are searching for answers to the day-to-day challenges that are experienced when a loved one has Autism Spectrum Disorder. The website’s main goal is to assist families with improving and maintaining the personal safety and the quality of daily living for their loved ones that live with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Was the website easy to access and navigate? The National Autism Association website was extremely easy to navigate and access information regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Each tab contains up to the moment information regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Autism and Safety tab provides family members with information regarding wandering prevention and response, as well as, addressing bullying and swimming...
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...Autism spectrum disorder is defined by the The American Psychiatric Association as a developmental disorder that severely affects the development of a child’s social interaction and communication skills. The child has a limited range of interest and insists on sameness and repetitive, nonfunctional routines and behaviors. Symptoms of autism are usually not noticed at birth, but eventually become obvious, usually during the first three years of life, when some aspect of communication development is delayed (cite). Autism can occur in all individuals regardless of their religion, race, culture, or social class. It is more common in males than in females. In March 2014, the autism prevalence report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
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...Autism Spectrum Disorders constitute a major public health problem affecting 1 in 68 children in America. Autism Spectrum Disorders are brain development disorders and are typically diagnosed in children before the age of two. Some of the characteristics consist of impaired social interaction, communication issues, and restricted or repetitive behaviors. Autism is more common in males than females. The development of communication and language skills is a very important milestone that most children should reach. Children with autism may never reach this milestone or reach it many years later. All depending on the severity of their Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children with Autism tend to have problems with conversations, verbal utterances, syntax,...
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...Behavior Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorder Psychology PS501-03 Dr. Valerie Balldin March 18, 2014 Behavior Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorder Abstract Autism refers to a group of development brain syndromes, collectively known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).The term spectrum is a wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability, or impairments that children with ASD can have. Some of the ASD children are insignificantly impaired by their symptoms while others are severe. Behavior Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorder According to American Psychiatric Association; "Autism is a neuro-development syndrome defined by deficits in social reciprocity and communication, and by unusual restricted, repetitive behaviors.” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is a condition that usually begins at infancy-before or by three years old. Affected children begin by not using words to communicate though they may recite the alphabet and familiar passages. There is a wide variation of the degree in the way autism spectrum affects individuals. Each child with autism has a unique abilities, challenges and symptoms. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Even though Autism is not a single Disorder; but it is a spectrum of closely related Disorders with a shared core of symptoms:...
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...Autism Spectrum Disorder Out of the estimated 12-16% of developmental and behavior disorders that children may develop, autism spectrum is one of the common ones. Autism spectrum disorder is one the neurodevelopmental disorders that begins in early childhood and are characterized by impaired social interactions and communication, with restricted interests, activities, and behaviors, and repetitive patterns of behavior. (Ball, Bindler, Cowen, p.865). As recently as 1990, autism was considered a rare and hopeless disorder. The prevalence was thought to be 1 in every 2500 children. (Bell, p.1) Today, on average, about 1 in every 100-150 children are diagnosed with this disorder. (Ball, Bindler, Cowen, p.865). Where does this disorder come from?...
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