“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not important; we must do”, a famous motivational quotation by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe keeps triggering in my mind all the time.Since my childhood, I have always loved cars!I always wondered how cars are designed and developed, and I hope that one day I can be a part of this exciting process of cars development.This coupled with a natural flair for science and mathematics motivated me to take up engineering in college. The reason I took up mechanical engineering was that I had a passion for cars, planes, trains, trucks and all devices for transportation.Studying subjects like manufacturing processes, transmission system design, theory of machines and mechanisms gave me a clearer view of what I wanted to do. I seek to design, build and engineer cars and trucks. PhysicalScience as a subject has always fascinated me, right from school days, when it answered many questions that grilled my mind. . I completed my Bachelor’s degree from ///////////////////////////of Science and Technology ///////////////////////, affiliated to ////////////////////////// University ///////////////// .The amazing task of moving the world is the monopoly of machines, so I made Mechanical engineering my choice.I received the award of “Gold medal and best outgoing student of /////” for securing thehighest percentage of 89.90% in Mechanical Engineeringas well as College Topper. I also utilized the opportunity of taking the advantage of Project based learning. I have worked on a mini project in June 2012 titled ‘Study of Compressors’, in BHEL(Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited), Hyderabad which is one of the ‘Maharatna’ Companies in India. I have done my main project on ‘Design and development of a Gripper mechanism for SCARA Robot’.Beginning of my undergraduate program I was keen interest and zeal towards my Master’s program in Automobiles. During the course of my undergraduate study I have learnt many things but I have also realized that I need to learn more to advance in my field of interest and I came to know that if I have a practical experience before going to pursue masters that would be establish myself in good position and that knowledge would helpful in master studies. After my undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering, I was chosen as a project associate by the Director of //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Government of India.My stint at /////////////for the last 24 months for development activities in field of design and precision application.Also, my keen interest to stay abreast with the evolving methods of designing has helped me in gaining an appreciation for languages such as Pro-E, Catia V6, ANSYS Fluent and SolidWorks. I worked on NDT methods for the maintenance of materials.The project involved the application and checking the viability of the present NDT methods for detecting flaws in the various mechanical components. I have also worked in shop floor of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab.I had the opportunity to gain knowledge about basic machining processes like facing, turning, drilling by hands-on experience in a CNC workshop. I got the opportunity to gain a lot of insight into Selection of tools for Milling and Turning according to the machining requirements. During my College days I was an active member of “A rupee today for a better tomorrow” and “National ServiceScheme (NSS)”. I always use opportunity todevelop myself as socially responsible citizen of my country and the Globe.
Why Germany?
I wish to be in a place, where I can learn, learn to conceptualize, formulate, evolve methodology and successfully implement an idea and strive to excel with scientific integrity. Germany is the Mecca of mechanical engineering. It is the birthplace of car companies like Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen and lot more, which represent the pinnacle of development in the automotive industry.
Why Esslingen?
I have gone through your website- and discovered that by taking graduate studies at TechnischeUniversitätMünchen. I find that it would be the best place for me to pursue masters and doctorial research and will motivate me to set and achieve higher goals in research.I am confident that I possess the basic aptitude, discipline and perseverance to sustain the motivation and drive needed for a research career. I look forward to have a long and memorable association with your esteemed university.