In the beginning there was only light. No one was around and nothing existed except for light, of course. Then out of the void came Calida and Deniz. Calida was the element of fire whereas Deniz was the element of water. Although even though they were complete opposites the two were best friends that rarely argued. However, they had one intense argument that lead to the end of their friendship. Nobody really knows what the argument was about but many believe the conflict ended with Deniz putting out Calida’s flame. In anger both of the former friends created new friends from the light, Avani and Aria. Avani was the element of earth and Aria was the wind element. Right from the start Avani and Aria hated each other because Avani was Calida’s friend while Aria was Deniz’s friend. They were enemies even though the natural elements they represent did not clash in any way. From then on out there was nothing but chaos. With their elements they divided the light into two separating it with walls of fire, long rivers, wing storms, and mountains. As all of this war going on the light began to get agitated and started to create more. The most important thing that was created was darkness. A half of the light that hasn’t been taken over turned ravens black.…show more content… Darkness was something new, and authentic and with it came Carys and Kaelem. Carys was love and Kaelem was honesty. However, with them came Atol and Anwir and they were the complete opposite. Atol was hate and Anwir was lies/dishonesty, they were here to cause more trouble. Despite all of the war and trouble going on or beginning to start Carys and Kaelem were there on a mission. They were both created by darkness to show that darkness is not all bad and to start something beautiful in the light and