...Our company will highly recommend obtaining Microsoft Office. In purchasing Microsoft Office the user will in turn buy with it Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access. All three of these tools are extremely useful in any science field. Any veterinary technician should also purchase a medical software such as IDEXX Laboratories IDEXX Cornerstone or McAllister Software Systems AVImark. We would also recommend a type of labeling and scheduling software. There are various types of technology to recommend to a business in this field. There are general types of needed, yet it would be more helpful if the company specialized in a certain area of the field. Overall we can recommend the use of general purpose laboratory test tubes, chemical sterilizers, stationary x ray equipment, and x ray cassettes. Each one of these tools preforms a specific task; weather it is to examine the animal for internal injury or test them for an unseen virus. Every equipment recommended is useful to any veterinary technician. Each piece of equipment, hardware, and software mentioned and recommended are very important in this particular science...
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