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Aya Coming To America

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Humans of New York (HONY) breaks many boundaries by telling many stories of citizens around New York City. These citizens agree to share their story and have their picture taken, and share it with millions of people. HONY did a special series of stories, where they went to the Middle East to tell of immigrants to come to America and their stories. Aya, though, is not coming to America. She was accepted, then, suddenly, rejected to come to America with no reason after overcoming amazing challenges. Aya’s story, broken into eleven parts, breaks boundaries for many reasons from beginning to end all throughout. Aya has witnessed many things we have not through her whole life, and she has overcome many things we do not wish to face at all. Immigration is a very touchy subject, but when listening to a first hand witness, it can feel like reality. Finally, Aya’s story does not have a happy ending like the others - yet. Spreading the word of Aya’s story can ignite change in our society from the ways his story breaks boundaries, and …show more content…
Aya said that during an explosion in the car in front of her while driving, “It was like Titanic but it was really happening and it was in the street” (3/11). Aya makes her experiences sound terrifying and horrifying, something that we may never experience in our lifetime. This gives Aya’s story an emotional feeling; we want to feel the same way as Aya, but we can’t because we’ve never gone through what she had to. When Aya was young, her friends’ house was destroyed by a bomb. “I went to see if she was OK and I saw Miriam on the ground. She didn’t have any legs and she was screaming and I can still hear that sound now” (2/11). Aya’s story sounds unreal to hear. It makes us feel lucky to be where we are and not have had to go through what she has. If Aya’s story did not sound unreal or scary, it definitely wouldn’t have broken boundaries like it

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