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The Role Of PTSD In The Military

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It goes without saying that bravery, dedication, and strength are the primary aspects of any soldier serving their country. Literally risking life and limb to help contribute to the safety and well-being of our national security in order to help assure a better and brighter tomorrow for your nation is something that should be taken into consideration more often when discussing the military. Unfortunately, as one can expect of course, the heroic elements of warfare are far from positive. Even in particular instances where a particular platoon or group of soldiers ultimately win a specific battle or military campaign, the necessary requirements are predominantly associated with mayhem and disorder. Quite often many cinematic scenes depicted on television and Hollywood films with heroic battles mainly focus on the positive side of heroism. Moreover, survivors of these …show more content…
“In fact, the recent war on terrorism and the large-scaled negative emotional response has made PTSD a widespread household name” (Badkhen, 2012). At the same time, it makes it even more difficult to treat as quite honestly, memories of death, torture, and extreme violence are hard to suppress and impossible to truly forget. Perhaps one of the most renowned negative behaviors associated with PTSD is paranoia. Regardless of the amount of time spent within and away from areas of mayhem and conflict, the memories never truly fade away, and accordingly, the required emotional and physical responses developed to help ensure survival remain deeply embedded within the minds of soldiers. For instance, standing in a large crowded area overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan quite likely required constant surveying of any and all potential dangers including men, women, and children of all ages. After all, many elements of war have changed since major global conflicts such as the Second World

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