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Ptsd In Women Research Paper

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Words 1553
Pages 7
Linda Ramirez
Kellen Pagan
20 November 2014

Is There A Significant Problem With Combat Related PTSD In Women?

Is there a significant problem with combat related post-traumatic stress disorder in women service members? In the past two decades, with soldiers being deployed on frontlines of combat in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, or with random terrorist attacks, PTSD has become an increasingly challenging issue, and needs to be taken more seriously by society. Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder resulting from direct or indirect exposure to traumatic situations such as violence, serious injuries, or life threatening situations that can negatively impact a person’s life. …show more content…
PTSD has an impact on a soldier’s military career and their families. Discharging our troops from the military is not the answer. There should be more education and psychological care for PTSD victims. More opportunities, treatment, and education for soldiers, and families of soldiers, suffering from PTSD would greatly improve the quality of life and understanding for those affected by combat. War is the most prevalent cause of PTSD and it has recently been acknowledged by military medical command that PTSD symptoms including irritability, insomnia, aggression, hostility, and isolation can be attributed to combat related operation in which almost all combat veterans experience in some degree. With many soldiers deploying and returning from combat, and with many of those being women, the PTSD rate for women has increased. Laura Kasinof, writer for Washington Monthly stated “while it’s clear that war is hell for everyone, men and women alike”, “[a female veteran] has to find that on her own being a woman after being a warrior’ (19). Female soldiers had been denied insurance coverage for treatment for PTSD until …show more content…
“Post deployment Alcohol Use, Aggression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”. Military Medicine, Vol.177, Pp1184-1191. (October 2012)
Friedman, Matthew J. “Finalizing PTSD in DSM-5: Getting Here From There and Where To Go Next”. Journal of Traumatic Stress. Pp548-455. (October 2013)
Kasinof, Laura. “Women, War, and PTSD: Are Female Warriors More Likely To Be Traumatized By Combat?” Washington Monthly. November/December. Pp18-23. (2014)
Kim, Paul Y.; Britt, Thomas W.; Klocko, Robert P.; Riviere, Lyndon A.; Adler, Amy B. “Stigma, Negative Attitudes About Treatment, and Utilization of Mental Health Care”. Military Psychology. (2011)
Weaver, Terri L., PhD; Walter, Kirsten H., PhD; Chard Kathleen M., PhD; Bosch, Jeane, MPH. “Residual Injury, Appearance-Related Concerns, Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Depression Within a Treatment-Seeking Veteran Sample”. Military Medicine. Vol.179. Pp1067-1071. (October

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