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Ethnicity In Civil War

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The definition of ethnicity can vary between different researchers. Overall, all author have the same meaning expressed in diverse ways. Authors propose criteria for ethnic groups but there is no clear-cut definition of ethnicity. To begin, an ethnic group needs to be: predominantly self-perpetuating, having core cultural values which serve as communicating and interacting tools and a membership that can be self-identifying. Also, ethnic groups have some specific particularities that they share like their historical background, their physical location, the concentration of ethnic group and their identity through values and cultural traits. Some ethnic groups have a name for their group. One of the most important characteristics of those ethnic …show more content…
About half of the civil wars are initiated by the difference in the ethnicity of rebel groups versus the government. Since the Second World War, most of the civil wars were based on ethnicity. That is the reason why so many researchers are trying to collect and analyse data to find similarities in civil wars base on ethnic causes. Some Researchers found out that ethnic wars then to last longer than normal civil wars; ethnic wars are around 5 years and half longer. This date demonstrates that something needs to be done in order to reduce the quantity of civil wars because the more time it last, the greater the consequences will …show more content…
The more positive outcome is a peaceful reconciliation, which do not occurs often even though it should be considered as the best option, groups tend to engage in conflict. The second outcome is an ethnic separation, which dissolve legal ties of two groups and they will govern themselves by their own. The worst consequence is a war because it does not only affect the people involve in war but also the outside world that want to intervene to stop or reduce the conflict. There are many ways that the outside world could be affected, like economically, there is a cost to civil wars and there will be many refugees to feed and take care of. In addition, there are direct consequence of ethnic wars like there could be attack on civilians, the proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, ethnic groups could pressure their neighbouring states to get more authority and other states could intervene to protect or promote broader strategic and political interests. Finally, if a multiethnic state decides to fragment or engage in a civil war, it might allows some ethnic groups to want to do the same thing and inevitability press for more

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