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Early Voting Fraud Case Study

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When speaking of ethics it is important to call into question your own sense of character. Character as a whole is a defining element when it comes to making ethical decisions. For instance, when I was a little girl, I used to hang around a rowdy group of people. Well, one day they decided to steal something from a store instead of following them I left and never hung around them again. I decided that day, as a person, I do not want to be a thief. I knew that wasn't who I am or who I want to be perceived as.
As a member of the Early Voting Board in my county and as someone who is personally involved I find this circumstance quite controversial. Due to the complication situation, I have been put in I can only see two choices that I need to decide on, I can tell the Early Voting Board or keep the voting fraud a secret. However, both decisions come with their own consequences. Firstly, If I were to turn in Margaret Martin she could be implicated. Secondly, If I were to keep this a secret if I were found out I could lose my position on the Early Voting Board. Lastly, if it were to get out all the votes …show more content…
Responsibility informs me I should tell the Early Voting Board, as they could be seriously implicated if it were ever revealed. Also, I have to consider my own character as a factor. Furthermore, empathy must be considered because my actions could affect the people I care about that are involved. Empathy informs me I should not tell the Early Voting Board, as I feel that since her sister’s stroke she has already had enough worries in her life. When deciding on what to do authority is a factor because I am expected by law and by my peers to act a certain way. Authority tells me that I should notify the Early Voting Board because as a member they expect me to do my job without

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