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Dick Lugar Research Paper

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Richard Green Lugar otherwise known as Dick Lugar, was born to Marvin L. Lugar and Bertha Green, in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 4, 1932. Lugar attended Shortridge High School in his hometown and graduated first in his class. Later, Lugar went to the Denison University in Granville, Ohio where again he graduated first in his class in 1954. After Denison University, he went on to Pembroke College at Oxford University and there he studied politics, economics and philosophy as a Rhodes Scholar and graduated with a degree in 1956. In 1956 Lugar got married to his wife Charlene and they had four sons and now have eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Lugar also volunteered in the U.S. Navy from 1957 until 1960 as an intelligence briefer for Admiral Arleigh Burke, the chief of Naval Operations. After serving in the U.S. Navy, Richard lugar and his brother Tom managed …show more content…
Advisory Commision on Intergovernmental Relations, two terms serving as the vice-chair of the commission and he also served as president of the National League of Cities during his third term of being a senator. Again, during his terms of serving as a U.S. Senator, Lugar was a leader on issues that included, food security, energy independence, free trade and reducing threats of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. In 1991 Lugar and Sam Nunn, a Senator at the time, worked together to destroy the former Soviet Union’s weapons of mass destruction. In 2000 they were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for their doings. The Nunn-Lugar program is known to have deactivated over 7,600 nuclear warheads that were aimed to hit the United States. During his time running, Lugar was also a chairman of the Agricultural Committee where he got support from other political parties for the 1996 federal farm program reforms which ended the 1930’s federal production control. In this he has promoted more options for farmers including

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