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Explain The Four Effective Ways Of Keeping Children Online

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Four Effective Ways Of Keeping Your Children Safe Online.
Children are especially vulnerable in the digital age, despite the threats not being clearly visible. Because of their innocence and unsuspecting nature, children are very susceptible to manipulation. It is, therefore, a parent’s responsibility to protect children online and here are four effective ways of doing that.
Limit their social media exposure
Social media is the bane of a lot of child-targeted evil online. Social media for most children today begins soon after birth when their parents start sharing everything about the children from pictures to names and dates of birth. Unfortunately, this only exposes the child to unforeseen dangers of sharenting – the constant mix of social media sharing and parenting. Such dangers include; cyberbullying, identity theft, …show more content…
That is why it is important to ensure that they are capable of protecting themselves for all those times that you can’t. The best way of doing that is ensuring that they are not only aware of online threats, but they trust you enough to tell you about them. But this goes both ways, your children could end up being the problem for other children. That is why it is equally important to teach them about responsible internet usage.
Make use of an antivirus
There are many reasons parents should use antivirus software. For starters, it keeps your children’s devices free from malware that could compromise their online safety such as keyloggers. Aside from that, most antivirus software today includes comprehensive network security tools that detect and protect from hacking attempts such as phishing attacks. Most important, is the parental control feature that allows parents to lock out access to some sites and web content online. This feature blocks out children’s access to inappropriate content such as pornography.

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