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The Spartacus Revolt

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The Roman Republic was immensely powerful, bringing law and order to just under half of Europe at it’s peak. However, all great things must come to an end which is exactly what happened to the Senate before it was replaced by Julius Caesar and his followers thereafter. A big trigger which caused the fall of the Senate was the Spartacus Revolt, a massive slave rebellion from 73BCE to 71BCE.

The way Slaves or servi were treated obviously varied from owner to owner, but some slaves were inherently treated poorly to say the least. Miners, farmers and all manual labourers were treated in conditions that no human should endure. They would work in all conditions despite clothing that barely protects from any weather, something that the roman Columella pointed out, saying “The foreman should choose the slave’s clothing with an eye to utility rather than fashion… and thus no day is so unbearable that no out-of-doors work can be done”. However, Slaves …show more content…
An Ancient Roman Historian, Livy stated that “Crixus was crushed by Praetor Quintus Arrius” and when the same man persued Spartacus with the help of a Consul, they were both defeated. Livy then stated that “Spartacus forced over 300 captives to fight each other in gladiatorial games to avenge Crixus.”. After Spartacus was defeated in 73 BCE by Praetor Marcus Crassus, the Roman Republic had now lost a lot of faith in the Senate, after Spartacus defeated and killed an immense amount of Romans, most of which were Roman Legions and so began the fall of the Senate. The First Triumverate, an alliance between Pompey, Crassus and Caesar which caused the three to become the most powerful men in the Roman Republic, leading to Caesar becoming the first Dictator of Rome since the old Kings and ultimately crushing the

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