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Ap English Short Speech

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Hi Ken! Do you know? I believe also here many people will need build houses on stilts if the weather and the government continue in this way, since several places of the country are under the water due to the rain, the rising of some rivers, and the lack of public works; for instance, much of the province of Buenos Aires is under water, with all the losses that represents. Certainly the melting of both Ends of the Earth is a reality but I hope English people haven't got the necessity to build their houses on stilts and the sea doesn't get snatch lands to England ever, I know this may be impossible due of the climatic change, but I hope that never happen. Days ago, I was looking at pictures of the Yorkshire Wolds, what a beautiful place, Ken! for me, it's a dreamed place, does in English language exist the expression 'dreamed' for expressing that anything is very beautiful?... …show more content…
isn't it? haha!, definitely Rushmore is a copy of the LP sleeve of Deep Purple, how was that possible?perhaps they also had a time machine like ours? :/ I love those TV programmes too, Ken; but also I like the programmes which talk about the human brain, the DNA, the beginning of the life on the planet, or the different species and their evolution, among other topics, do you like all these themes too, Ken? And talking about life on the planet, have you seen the pics that 'supposedly' were taken by a spatial probe in which they would pretend to demonstrate the existence life over there? even there's a pic of what would seem to be a woman, according to those pics, the martians would have an appearance quite human....

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