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Henry Ford


Submitted By axelsmasher253
Words 1449
Pages 6
AP World History Summer Assignment
Dear Students – Welcome to your 2014-2015 sophomore AP World History course! In preparation for our busy year, you are expected to complete the following FOUR assignments over the summer! Please review the descriptions of the activities listed below and the anticipated due dates and assessments for each assignment. We will begin our course of study in the year 8,000 B.C.E. and finish the school year looking at modern day issues. The majority of your summer assignments will require you to read, reflect and analyze the one book selected from the list provided. You will also have to complete three basic world religions charts, answer questions about the Neolithic Revolution and complete a geography assignment. You may find links to the documents required for these assignments on my teacher Website
Please feel free to email me over the summer if you have questions.

Ms. Dunnavant Assignment One – WORLD RELIGIONS
The influence of major religions and semi-religious philosophies on societies will provide a reoccurring theme throughout the course. It is important for you to be familiar with each religion as we proceed. Please follow the directions below:

1. Visit the following sources:
• BBC Religion & Ethics Website

2. Complete each of the following charts (use the link in the handouts section of my teacher web to print the charts):
• Western Eurasian Religions Chart
• Eastern Eurasian Religions Chart
• Classical Eastern Semi-Religious Philosophies Chart

An example of the detail expected of you can be found on the Classical Eastern Semi- Religious Philosophies Chart under Taoism. To help you complete each section of the chart, be sure to keep the following in mind:

1. Symbol—Draw in and name the appropriate symbol for each religion

2. Founder/Patriarch—Name the historical founder (if any)

3. Place & Date of Origin—When and where the religion began

4. Modern Extent—Where most adherents live today (country, continent)

5. Holy or Sacred Texts—Make sure to look at the websites or the Barron's book carefully

6. Teachings—Summarize the core beliefs and teachings of each religion (i.e. Islam’s 5 Pillars)

7. Role of Women—Explain the accepted role of women in each religion

Assignment Two – GEOGRAPHY

Directions: Label (or number) the world map with the land and water features listed below in the color indicated in parenthesis. A map has been provided.
| | |
|Continents- (make each a different color) |Rivers (Red) |
|1. North America |1. Amazon River |
|2. South America |2. Congo River |
|3. Australia |3. Danube River |
|4. Europe |4. Euphrates River |
|5. Antarctica |5. Ganges River |
|6. Asia |6. Indus River |
|7. Africa |7. Mississippi River |
|Oceans and Seas (Blue) | |
|1. Arctic Ocean | |
|2. Atlantic Ocean |8. Niger River |
|3. Indian Ocean |9. Nile River |
|4. Pacific Ocean |10. Rio Grande |
|5. Southern Ocean |11. Tigres River |
|6. Adriatic Sea |12. Yangtze River |
|7. Aegean Sea |13. Yellow River |
|8. Arabian Sea | |
|9. Baltic Sea | |
|10. Barents Sea |Mountain Ranges (Brown) |
|11. Bay of Bengal |1. Alaska Range |
|12. Bering Sea |2. Alps |
|13. Black Sea |3. Andes Mountains |
|14. Caribbean Sea |4. Appalachian Mountains |
|15. Caspian Sea |5. Atlas Mountains |
|16. Coral Sea |6. Himalaya Mountains |
|17. East China Sea |7. Hindu Kush Mountains |
|18. English Channel |8. Rocky Mountains |
|19. Great Lakes |9. Ural Mountains |
|20. Gulf of Mexico | |
|21. Mediterranean Sea |Deserts (Tan) |
|22. North Sea |1. Atacama Desert |
|23. Norwegian Sea |2. Gobi Desert |
|24. Persian Gulf |3. Great Sandy Desert |
|25. Red Sea |4. Kalahari Desert |
|26. Sea of Japan |5. Namib Desert |
|27. South China Sea |6. Sahara Desert |
|28. Yellow Sea |7. Syrian Desert |
| | |
| |Please Draw & Label the Following: |
| | |
| |• Arctic Circle (@66.5 Degrees N Latitude) |
| |• Equator (0 Degrees Latitude) |
| |• Tropic of Cancer (@23.5 Degrees N Latitude) |
| |• Tropic of Capricorn (@23.5 Degrees S Latitude) |
| |• Antarctic Circle (@66.5 Degrees S Latitude) |
| |• Prime Meridian (0 Degrees Longitude) |
| |• International Date Line (180 Degrees Longitude) |

Assessment – You will be asked to identify certain regions of the world on your day one quiz. Notes may NOT be used on this portion of the quiz. Your completed map that you finish over the summer will be collected as part of your summer homework packet on day one of class.

Use the websites below to answer the questions. Each question must be answered in your own handwriting. You may use these answers on your day 1 quiz, and will hand them in afterwards. 1. What does the term “Neolithic Revolution” refer to? What happened during this event?

2. Did this revolution occur overnight?

3. What event led to the Neolithic Revolution?

4. What does the term “Neolithic” actually mean?

5. What does it mean to “domesticate” something?

6. What plants were the first to be domesticated?

7. What animal was the first to be domesticated?

8. What are of the world would NOT have large domesticated animals to use as beasts of burden?

9. In what area of the world did the Neolithic Revolution first occur?

10. Would it spread by independent means or by diffusion?

11. What economic activity did farming replace?

12. How did this economic activity differ from farming?

13. How did hunters and gatherers live? What would a community be like for them?

14. Why would farming be a more beneficial way of life?

15. Name six ways farming changed the lives of early man.

16. Why did farming, for the most part, replace hunters and gatherers?

17. Are there still hunters and gatherers in the world today?

Speculate on GENDER roles. . .

18. Who would have hunted?
19. Who would have gathered?
20. Therefore, which gender probably made the transition to farming?
21. Why would women lose power in an agrarian society?
22. Define the term “patriarchal”.

Assignment FOUR— SUMMER READING FOR AP WORLD HISTORY (Note that this assignment is for extra credit)

For Assignment FOUR summer AP World History assignment you are required to keep a dialectic journal (sample below) on ONE of the following books:
Standage, Tom. History of the World in Six Glasses. Walker Publishing, 2006.
Kinross, Lord. The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire. Morrow Quill, 1979
Weatherford, Jack. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. Three River Press, 2005
Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Mariner Books, 2006.
Dunn, Ross, E. The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century. University of California Press, 2004.
Whitfield, Susan. Life Along the Silk Road. University of California Press, 2001.

A dialectical journal is another name for a double-entry journal or a reader-response journal. A dialectical journal is a journal that records a dialogue between the ideas in the text and the ideas of the reader. Write down your thoughts, questions, insights, and ideas while you read.
For each chapter and subsection section of the book, write the title and a summary. In the response section, record your ideas and thoughts.
A dialectical journal is a conversation between you and what you think you are reading. You simply write down passages that make you think or interest you and write about your thoughts. This process is an important way to understand a piece of literature. • By doing this assignment you will gain insight into plot, action, and significance of events and details in the novel • Journals are evaluated on the quality of your responses. • Select important passages related to characters, plot, setting, theme, tone, figures of speech, etc. • Be sure to record the page number of each entry • Write a response to each entry you make‐note the character and who was speaking about them, what you think about them, for example • Simply read, think, and write as much as you can‐questions, comments, and ideas are all appropriate • Note when things do not make sense: be specific about what confuses you • Note ways in which the story teaches you about life or makes a connection to another work of art or even another academic discipline • Note your initial reaction to the ending • Offer your interpretation of the text‐and evidence for your interpretation

Example Dialectical Journal Format
|Title of the section/chapter |Summary of the section |Your Reflective Response |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |This section is about….. |My thoughts are….. |

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