...Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863. He was one of eight children. Henry and his family lived on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan. His father was a farmer and wanted Henry to take over the family farm, but Henry had on interest in the farm or farming. Henry’s parents left Ireland and settled in Detroit in the 1840’s due to the potato famine and his education was limited due to this, but he was very good at machinery. Henry Ford was the creator of the Ford Model To car in 1908. He was the first person to build the gasoline powered horseless carriage. He said,1 “Quality means doing it the right way when no one is looking!” He gathered together $10,000 and went on to establish the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He married a girl named Clara Bryant...
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...The Leadership of Henry Ford "The great need of the world has always been for leaders. With more leaders we could have more industry. More industry, more employment and comfort for all." –Henry Ford Introduction Henry Ford was the creator of one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies, influencing society in a number of ways and forever changing the face of the auto industry. One of the reasons for his success was the high priority he placed on his employees’ satisfaction. While Ford had much strength he also had weaknesses that held the company back and threatened to destroy it at times. Ford was a notable member of society and a great peace promoter. Ford’s business style and leadership skills throttled him to success. Background Henry Ford was born in 1863 to farmers in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford grew up living on the farm and attending school, neither of which he was satisfied with (“Henry Ford: The Innovator”)....
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...The author of my biography about Henry Ford, Wheels for the World, is Douglas Brinkley who is a professor at University of New Orleans and wrote many other biographies before. To begin, Brinkley is an expert on Henry Ford because of his fascination of Henry Ford interested him to the exposure to the former chauffeur of Henry Ford himself. For instance Brinkley’s fascination started when he was in school, which is when he met the chauffeur, Will Donaldson. Will Donaldson, whose father was an employee at the Ford Motor Company, built a special bond with Mr. Ford which consisted of Donaldson receiving a special pass to any Ford Motor Facility. To support, Brinkley has credentials ranging from earning a Ph.D in U.S diplomatic history to being a...
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...Henry Ford An Entrepreneurial Biography Throughout the birth of the automotive industry there were many attempts by assorted firms to create the first everyday automobile. However, this resulted in a vehicle that could only meet the expense of by the upper class. Due to the structure and strategy used by these firms the costs of mass producing their vehicles were too expensive for the average American to afford. It was not until an American named Henry Ford, revolutionized the automobile industry in the early 1900’s with his invention of the assembly line and his desires to produce a simple yet affordable automobile for the everyday American citizen. This biography will outline and examine the current industry, competitors and market trend at the time of the Henry Ford’s venture. As well by exploring Ford’s biography, we will be able to identify relevant concepts such as the Elevator Pitch, the 10x rule, the need for pain, competitive advantage, and the “3 C’s of leadership” used throughout Henry Ford’s prosperous career as an entrepreneur. During the early stages of the automobile industry, the number of firms that entered the market industry grew steadily from 1895 to 1907, peaking at 82 in 1907. (Klepper, 2001) It was apparent that this was a highly competitive market as the U.S was in the midst of the industrial revolution and to become successful a company would have to establish a competitive edge over...
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...The effects of people’s life stories or biographies effect their writing in ways that are sometimes obvious but other times they are sometimes hard to notice. By reading the biography of the author it can give insight to how they were affected by the period in which they lived and the circumstances they encountered. An author’s intention or audience may also be relayed. A character may be a reflection of the author themselves, someone they knew, or a complete work of fiction. It is best not to make assumptions but at times it can be hard when it seems very personable to the author’s story. In a writing such as “Commitments” by Essex Hemphill, it is suggested that he is using his own experiences to influence the writing because of the emotion in the words and story told. When I first read through I thought if the Jackson 5 song, “I’ll be there” but after reading it again it became clear that it was more about playing a role or part in the family rather than just being there for someone when needed. In “People Who Take Care” by Nancy Henry. She describes how “people who take care of people are not worth much” (Henry 3-4). In her biography it is explained how she was a hard worker. I imagine this must be how she felt or what she saw in those around her. Both of these writings take a very different aspect to their life. While Hemphill’s writing seems more personal Henrys seems more of a story about another or maybe of fiction. The biography of Hemphill describes his struggles in the...
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...Leadership Analysis of Henry Ford Brief Historical Sketch Who knew that a young farm boy that loved tinkering with pocket watches and simple farm equipment would lead a manufacturing revolution. Henry Ford did. Even from an early age Ford understood that he wanted to change the world. His dream was to design and build a “horseless carriage,” a dream that he accomplish in 1908 (Ford, 2008). However, not even Ford could have predicted the magnitude at which both his invention and his business strategies would have on the world. Henry Ford was born in the small town of Dearborn, Michigan on July 30, 1863. The town was better known as the Greenfield Township. Ford’s parents were both European immigrants. His father, William Ford, emigrated from Ireland and his mother, Mary Ford, though born in the United States had strong ties to Belgium. (Henry Ford, 2012) The Fords were a successful farming family and never had to worry about money. While Henry Ford knew at an early age that taking over the family farm would have been a safe and advantageous decision, his ambition kept him focused on other possibilities. (Ford, H 2008) Ford’s teenage years were instrumental in helping him develop is dream and his career. There were two important memories that Ford could recall that sparked his interest in motor vehicles and engineering. Around the age of twelve, the Ford’s were traveling to Detroit with family when they passed a “road engine” delivering farm machinery (Ford, H 2008). This was...
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...Henry Ford Biography Assignment Econ 220 – Entrepreneurship Instructor: Geoff Malleck Submitted By: Salvatore Curcio ID#20300001 Jenna Ortwein ID#20383970 Matthew Montgomery ID#20338248 Fatima Munir ID# 20239890 Kyle Georges ID# 20298815 “People can have the Model T in any colour--so long as it's black.” - Henry Ford “All Fords are exactly alike, but no two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything just like it before, never will be again. A young man ought to get that idea about himself; he should look for the single spark of individuality that makes him different from other folks, and develop that for all he is worth. Society and schools may try to iron it out of him; their tendency is to put it all in the same mold, but I say don't let that spark be lost; it is your only real claim to importance.” - Henry Ford What made Henry Ford… ------------------------------------------------- Questions & Answers Question: From a very young age, what characteristics and events were significant in foreshadowing Henry Ford was a truly innovative engineer with a love for machinery? Answer: When Ford received his first watch at the age of 13, unlike most adolescents, he took the watch apart to analyze the mechanical components of it. Ford was seen to all people as inherently curious, which was a key characteristic for engineering the fuel powered vehicle. Another significant event that peaked Ford’s interest...
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...do.” Henry Ford changed America and the way we live today. From working as an engineer to making cars affordable, he was one man who shaped America with his durable Model T, his mass-produced cars from the assembly line, and his high paycheck to his employees. Henry Ford enjoyed tinkering at a young age and was always curious in how things operated, which inspired him on working in the mechanism industry. Henry Ford started just like any other man growing up on a farm. Born on July 30, 1863 on a farm in Greenfield Township, Michigan, being the first child to survive to his parents. Growing up, Henry Ford disliked working on the farm; however, he showed a great interest in mechanics (United States History, “Henry Ford”). Henry Ford admired...
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...the Ford Motor Company Archives, With Reflections on Archival Documentation of Ford of Europe's History Elizabeth W. Adkins, Certified Archivist Director, Global Information Management Ford Motor Company Introduction: The Ford Motor Company Archives and the Story of the Company The history of the Ford Motor Company Archives is intertwined with the efforts to tell the story of the company. Both of these initiatives – the creation of the Archives and the telling of the Ford Motor Company story – began with the approach of the fiftieth anniversary. Company executives and the Ford family realized the importance of Henry Ford and his company in the development and progress of the twentieth century. They accepted the obligation to gather and organize the company's historical legacy to ensure that the broader story could be told. As a result, the first fifty years of the company (including its early international expansion) are fairly well documented and accessible to the public in research materials and in books. The historical record of the next fifty years, including the company's modernization and further international development under Henry Ford II, is less complete. By the early 1960s, for various reasons, the Ford Archives began to experience the "down side" of the up and down cycle that characterizes the history of American corporate archives. Most of the Ford archival holdings were donated to a nonprofit educational institution, Henry Ford Museum...
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...powered by internal-combustion engine. A few years later, a guy named Henry Ford applied for work with Thomas Edison. Ford started working with steam-powered engines the Edison’s company used to make electricity for US cities. While working at Edison’s company Ford came up with machine called Ford Quadricycle, ran by internal internal combustion engine and in 1899 Ford founded the Detroit Automobile Company. Company soon failed and after few other unsuccessful attempts Ford finally formed Ford Motor, a first automobile manufacturer, company in 1903. In the beginning of car industry, a time when the technology was completely new, 40% of American cars were powered by steam, while 38% were electric and 22% had gas engines. So, in the beginning of the automobile industry it was really unclear which direction in will turn. Steam engine, internal combustion engine and electricity had almost equal starting positions to become a standard for powering cars. Even at the time with inventions of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla electricity may be even considered a more probable outcome. Although, back in it’s birth, cars were considered an unpractical thing and available only for rich people. Henry Ford had a vision of producing an affordable, cheap and mass produced car. In 1908 he came up with Ford Model T which became a huge success and heightened company and whole industry itself to unbelievable heights allowing Ford company to...
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...Henry Kissinger Adee L. Shekar Nova Southeastern University Henry Kissinger The year 1923 was not a fortunate time to be born in Eastern Europe into a middle-class Jewish family. Adolf Hitler was busy launching propaganda campaigns and Nazism was quickly on the rise. It was on May 27 when Heinz Alfred Kissinger was born in a small town in Bavaria, Germany. Although the country had been previously known for being more accepting of religious minority groups, the Bavarian Jew, like many other German Jews, were beginning to feel the ostracizing affects of Hitler’s campaign. By the time Heinz was ten years old, Adolf Hitler was in power. Two years later, the Nuremberg Laws were put into effect. In addition to denying the Jewish people citizen, the laws did not allow them to marry gentiles and they could not hold teaching jobs in state-run schools. This was a significant blow for the Kissinger family; Heinz’s father, Louis, was a respected schoolmaster in the city of Furth. Now out of a job and faced with an increasing number of hardships, the Kissinger family left their native country of Germany in 1938 and made their way to the United States. It was during this move that Heinz became known as Henry. The Kissinger family’s move to Manhattan, New York allowed Henry to thrive and flourish in a society that, although not totally free from prejudices, was based upon the ideas of equal opportunity and freedom...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research DocumentsThe Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Search Ron Paul Biography In: People Ron Paul Biography Dr. Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul was born in 20th August, 1935 and was raised in his town of birth Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While in high school, where he served as the president of the student council, he met and married, in his last year in Gettysburg College, his wife Carol. Upon his graduation in 1957, the young couple moved to Durham, North Carolina, and while there, Ron attended the Duke University School of Medicine, where he pursued a medical degree and attained it in 1961.Paul and his family then moved to Detroit, Michigan, where Paul did his internship and residency at the Henry Ford Hospital from 1961 to 1962.In the years 1963 to 1965, Paul served as a doctor in the United States Air Force, where he served as a flight surgeon. In the years 1965 to 1968, he served with the United States Air National Guard. In the year 1968, Paul and his wife moved to Texas, where he began his medical practice, and specialized in obstetrics and gynaecology and proceeded to deliver more than 4000 babies. In addition, Paul and his wife have five children, besides him being a best-selling author and a qualified physician. Ron Paul began his political career in the year 1974, where he made a Congressional bid and failed. However, in 1976, a special election that sought to replace resigned Representative...
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...TO: Paul Welch, Vice President of Research FROM: Colten Harris, Jackson Wallace, Easton Heigley, Daniel Gift DATE: March 10, 2015 SUBJECT: America’s Wealthy Introduction Since America’s conception, new pioneers have walked this country not with a goal to finish a map like Lewis and Clark, but to strive for “The American Dream” and never settle for less than absolute success. Each man researched is from a different time period, with different circumstances surrounding them. With different presidents, different rules and regulations, even with different life expectancies. However, all men had one dream, to make America a better place. From oil pipelines to windows operating systems, these men truly did create things that changed the lives of all Americans for the better. They are the unspoken heroes. Not of war or battle, but of ingenuity, hard work and of sound mind. These are America’s Wealthy. Findings John D Rockefeller was born on July 8, 1836. He began with humble beginnings and is a perfect definition of a rags to riches dream that many Americans that try to live by. His life at home was somewhat shaky. His father was never at home very much because he was a traveling salesmen who sold elixirs. In his early teens his family moved to a suburb of Cleveland, there he took a 10 week business course that would help him later in his life as the richest man in America. His first job was with a bookkeeper at a commission firm. He excelled at keeping track of...
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...of peanut butter, George Washington Carver actually gave peanuts a numerous amount of uses. According to Manning Morable on a Carver biography, “George Washington Carver's greatest accomplishment was in being a role model to a generation of young African American scientists who followed him” ("George Washington Carver - Mini Biography."). He was recruited by Booker T Washington in 1896 to teach at the Tuskegee Institute. Carver helped former slaves, along with poor white farmers, gain a more independent and economically stable life through peanuts. He...
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...Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept, and Controversial. By Gary Alan Fine. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001. 267 pp. Every good story needs its hero and its villain. In Gary Alan Fine’s book, Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept, and Controversial, he urges the importance of history’s villains, and those with controversial reputations, in modern society. Eight case studies are used to show how controversial figures in public memory (ranging from Benedict Arnold to Henry Ford to Fatty Arbuckle) acquired difficult reputations and the effects that those reputations had on the American people. In Fine’s introduction, he makes a case for the relevance of figures with difficult reputations. American society has a tendency to focus on reputational heroes such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who represent the center of American morality. Fine argues that those with difficult reputations are just as important because they represent the boundaries of morality. Portrayals of these figures as villains are thus examples for the people of what is morally unacceptable in American society. Fine then explains the importance of reputational entrepreneurs in the construction of reputations. He defines reputational entrepreneurs as those who help construct reputations in ways that benefit their own agendas. In the case of morality, reputational entrepreneurs can benefit society by constructing negative reputations...
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