...Stressed Out The word Stressed Out has so many different meanings to everyone. According to Woolfolk and Richardson “Stress is a perception of threat or expectation of future discomfort that arouses, alerts, or otherwise activates the organism” (9). To me stressed out is when you reach your limitation. There is a slight difference between stress and stressed out. Everyone deals with stress on a daily bases. Stressed out is when you cannot take any more stress. This plague can affect all ages and both genders. Stress has no restrictions on when, where and how it will affect to someone. It can affect us in two main ways both physical and emotional. Sometimes we may not show any signs of stress. Stress can be very dangerous to us because it can be fatal to a person’s health. By realizing stress factors, some types of stressors and learning ways to control it would play a big role in bettering one’s self. Although it sounds obvious, many people do not recognize they have stress factors. As Woolfolk and Richardson states “Since our perceptions and evaluations of the world actually causes stress, then changing some part of our basic outlook on life may be the most expedient way to reduce tension and anxiety” (11). Some common sings for people who have stress are fatigue or irritability. Sometimes family members can be the main cause of stress. We need to take in consideration that having a social life and even our own selves are all big factors of stress. We usually think of stressors...
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...58 PsychSim 5: All Stressed Out PsychSim 5: ALL STRESSED OUT Name: __________________________________________ Section: ________________________ Date: 9/17/12 This activity examines the way that psychologists conceptualize stress, emphasizing that stress is a biopsycho-social process. You will explore the sources of stress in your own life, review your body’s response to stress, and then learn how cognitive appraisal dramatically affects how much stress you actually experience. Checking the Level of Stress in Your Life • What was your “Stress Test” score? ____39________ • Do you think that such a test accurately captures your experience? What other stressors should be included? I think it give you a general idea of the amount of stress your under, also adding something about your children should be included. Stress, Stressors, and Coping • Psychologists differentiate stressors, strain, and stress. What does each of these terms mean? A stressor is an externalsituation or event that triggers coping adjustments in a person. Stress is the process in which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors that we believe to be threatening or challenging, and coping is the cognitive, behavioural, and emotional ways that people handle stressful situations. The General Adaptation Syndrome • Describe Selye’s general adaptation syndrome. Selye argued that every organism has a state of internal...
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...Name: Hakima Missbah PsychSim 5: ALL STRESSED OUT This activity examines the way that psychologists conceptualize stress, emphasizing that stress is a biopsycho-social process. You will explore the sources of stress in your own life, review your body’s response to stress, and then learn how cognitive appraisal dramatically affects how much stress you actually experience. Checking the Level of Stress in Your Life • What was your “Stress Test” score? __23__________ • Do you think that such a test accurately captures your experience? What other stressors should be included? No, because I think its normal to get stressed because of my high expectations, that doesn’t mean I have problems because of it. Stress, Stressors, and Coping • Psychologists differentiate stressors, strain, and stress. What does each of these terms mean? • Stressors: prediction of someone’s health based of on stress levels. • Strain: The resulting damage of object • Stress: process of coping with environmental factors that threaten you’re life. The General Adaptation Syndrome • Describe Selye’s general adaptation syndrome. The depleting energy to overcome the stress and harms of environmental aspects that limit someone’s ability to progress. The Biology of Stress • Although both men and women experience the fight-or-flight syndrome, some scientists argue that women also can experience stress differently (tend-and-befriend). Briefly explain...
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...Why Eighth Graders at FCHS Are Stressed Have you ever been so stressed with so much work that you can't even think straight. Us eighth graders feel like that here at FCHS, and the extra few classes don't help. The usual 4-6 classes in already a little too much for some but with eight classes it's chaos in our heads. Keeping up with eight different subjects in about half the time in each class than we would if it were four is way too much for developing eighth graders and maybe even some seniors. Homework is a stressful when you have eight classes. First, it is hard to remember the work that we have to do and how to correctly complete it. We also have less time to do what we want at home. Then you have to think about the people that play...
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...Personal Narrative Prompt: A Time You Were Stressed/Anxious During sophomore year my Chemistry class was told that our second semester final was to make a lab video. It sounded very fun, I had a friend I wanted to work with, and I was good at figuring out computer programs for the most part. We learned of our task at the beginning of the school year, but we didn’t have to start working until March. I always try to think of projects as interesting challenges even if I know I will be stressed out halfway through. In the end it doesn’t matter if I tried to think positive- it either turns out okay or it doesn’t. Working with my best friend was interesting, especially because she was more scientifically inclined than I was. I could figure out...
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...What are the reasons that cause college students to feel stressed out? Gaining education is not simple and stressful for most of the college students. The German Institute of Public Opinion made an investigation on the nowadays students’ problem with stress. Approximately 1000 students were questioned and the results were shocking! The results of the research showed that 50% of the students most of the time feel nervousness and anxiety, while 25% of them are in deep desperation and other 25% have to rely on medicines and drugs to reduce stress. There are many reasons that can explain why college students feel stressed or depressed. For instance, high flow of new information, deficit of time, conflicts with teachers, big amount of assignments and quizzes, poor performance, difficulties with exam and list can go on. But in this essay I’m going to stress importance on some of the main factors of students’ stress. First major reason of stress is an endless assignments and quizzes. Definitely any student ought to manage his time and finish all the given tasks on time. But because there are so many assignments and quizzes to do from different courses, it’s difficult for the student to find some time for relaxation. Subsequently this causes the deficit of time. The lack of sleep is also usually spread among college students. From my personal experience I can say that even when I find some free time for relaxation I can’t stop thinking about a particular home work to do or...
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...Why Are Some Employees More “Stressed” Than Others? A. Perception and Appraisal of Stress 1. The transactional theory of stress describes how stressors are appraised. When people first encounter stressors, primary appraisal, or the evaluation of the significance and meaning of those stressors, is triggered a. Job demands that are not considered stressful are called benign job demands B. Types of Stressors 1. Work Hindrance Stressors – work-related stressors that people perceive as hindering their progress toward goals a. Role conflict – conflicting expectations that other people have of us b. Role ambiguity – lack of information regarding what needs to be done in a role c. Role overload – when the number of roles a person holds is so high that some of the roles are performed less effectively, or not at all d. Daily hassles – relatively minor day-to-day demands that get in the way of accomplishing what we want to do 2. Work Challenge Stressors – work-related stressors that can lead toward development and growth a. Time pressure – the sense that you don’t have enough time to do what needs to be done b. Work complexity – the degree to which the requirements of the work tax or exceed the capabilities of the person doing the work c. Work responsibility – the nature of the obligations a person has to others 3. Non-Work Hindrance Stressors – non-work-related stressors that hinder progress toward goals a. Work-family conflict – when the demands...
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... Kyiv - 2012 Rhyme is a complete or almost complete coincidence of acoustic images produced by stressed syllables. It is created by the repetition of the same sounds in the last stressed syllable of two (or more) lines in a stanza. Rhyming words are generally placed at a regular distance from each other and in verse they are usually placed at the end of the corresponding lines. Identity and particularly similarity of sound combinations may be relative. For instance, we distinguish between full rhymes and incomplete rhymes. The full rhyme presupposes identity of the vowel sound and the following consonant sounds in a stressed syllable, as in might – right; needless – heedless. When there is identity of the stressed syllable, including the initial consonant of the second syllable (in polysyllabic words), we have exact (identical) rhymes. Incomplete rhymes can be divided into two main groups: * vowel rhymes – the vowels of the syllables in corresponding words are identical, but the consonants may be different: e.g. flesh – fresh – press. * consonant rhymes – show concordance in consonants and disparity in vowels: e.g. worth – forth; tale – tool; treble – trouble; flung – long. By the type of the stressed syllable we distinguish: * the male rhyme – when the stress falls on the last syllable in the rhymed lines, * the female rhyme when it falls on the last but...
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...There are many issues that today’s teenager has to deal with, and this causes stress. The most frequently cited reason for this stress is school related and often out of the teenager’s control. Teachers assign them “absurd quantities of mostly pointless homework that force students to work a second shift after having spent all day in school” (Kohn “Reconsider Attitudes”). A study done by Mediamark Research Inc. found that 60.2% of teens surveyed are stressed all the time or sometimes, and that 72.4% of the teens surveyed are stressed because they had a lot of school work ("Teens Want to Enjoy" 2-3). American teenagers are not the only ones with school related stress. In a survey done in Hong Kong, students were asked about what stressed them out, and school and standardized testing were the top two answers, with 25 of 40 and 27 of 40 students agreeing that those things stressed them out (“Are Teenagers Too Stressed?” 8). However, fretting about standardized testing isn’t just limited to teenagers in Hong Kong. It stresses American students out so much that it is not uncommon for a student to vomit during testing (Kalish). While these experts and studies have suggested that schoolwork and standardized tests are the specific problems that teens face, some teens might not agree, and it is necessary to find out; for this reason, my survey asks what is stressing teens out. While vomiting during a test is certainly a side effect of stress, there are many others as well. Teens experience...
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...are related. Studies have shown that the more people who become stressed and depressed all the time become obese rather than the people who are not always stressed. "The study of more than 9,000 adults found that mood and anxiety disorders including depression were about 25 percent more common in the obese people studied than in the non-obese. (“Archives of General Psychiatry”, 2006) " Weight gain is very much influenced by stress and sleep. First, I am going to talk about how stress leads to weight gain. People who are stressed a lot are more likely to become depressed. People wanted to know why depression and obesity were closely related. When people are stressed, they tend to increase their eating habits and decrease their physical activity. People also wanted to know which came first: obesity or depression. Researchers studied this and said “there are very plausible reasons why depression could increase the risk for obesity and very plausible reasons why obesity could increase the risk for depression, (Boyles, 2009)” he says. “I think it is likely that both of these things are happening. (Boyles, 2009)” The key is to seek help when you think you are becoming depressed so you don’t end up becoming obese, and vice versa. Next, I am going to talk about how little or too much sleep leads to weight gain. Sleep and stress are also commonly related. If you get little sleep, then you will most likely become stressed, which could lead to depression, and then that could lead to obesity...
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...Over Coming Stress While In College At any given point in time, most college students are stressed about something; it’s just part of going to school. While having stress in your life is normal, and often unavoidable, being stressed is one can control. When one is feeling stressed, one’s feels like one’s is on the edge, and everything is barely being held together. Don’t beat one’s self up to badly about it! It’s all normal, and the best way to handle stress is not to get more stress out about being stressed. If one’s is stressed out just admit it, and figure out how to handle it. Focusing on it will only make things seem worst. Being in college means one’s sleep schedule, is most likely to change. Getting more sleep can help one’s mind refocus, recharge, and rebalance. This can mean a quick nap; a night with one’s going to bed early, or even a promise to keep oneself on a regular sleep schedule. Similar to one’s sleeping habits, one’s eating may have gone by the wayside. When you started school you could also be feeling physical stress. If one’s body not fueling your body appropriately. Go eat something balanced, and healthy: fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein. Take a moment, and think! When was the last time you had some quality quiet time alone? Personal space for students in college rarely happens. One’s may share rooms, bathroom, your classrooms, the gym, or even the library, or anywhere else you go during an average day. Finding a few moments of peace, and...
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...rather than specific people, objects, or actions Figure of Speech: simile or metaphor Simile: “like”, “as”, “seems” and or “appears” Metaphor: “to be”, “is”, “are”, “was” and or “were” Metonymy: a figure of speech consisting of the use of the name of one thing for that of another Synecdoche: a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole Image: the thought of how something looks or might look Imagery: language that causes people to imagine pictures in their mind Meter: arranged and measured rhythm in verse Foot: the basic unit of verse meter consisting of any of various fixed combinations or groups of stressed and unstressed or long and short syllables Iamb: unstressed-stressed Trochee: stressed-unstressed Anapest: unstressed-unstressed-stressed Dactyl: stressed-unstressed-unstressed Pyrrhic: unstressed-unstressed Spondee: stressed-stressed Scansion: the analysis of verse to show its meter Caesura: a pause separating phases within lines of poetry Rhyme: one of two or more words or phrases that end in the same sounds Alliteration: the use of words that begin with the same sound near one another Assonance: repeating identical or similar vowels in in nearby words (half-rhyme)...
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...coffee. | Null | No | 11:00 AM | Made two sausage English muffins. | Null | No | 11:30 AM | Brushed my teeth and got ready to go to work | A little stressed | No | 12:00 AM | Waited for the bus and took it to the metro station. | Stressed | No | 12:30 AM | Waited for the metro and took it to the metro stop for work while listening to relaxing music | A little less stressed | Mixed | 1:00 PM | Walked to work from the metro station and set up my station. Read my ‘todo’ list for the day. Started my work entry in my notebook. | Slightly relaxed | No | 1:30 PM | Working on a bug I found yesterday while listening to music. | Focused | yes | 2:00 PM | Walked to a sandwich place and ordered a sandwich. | Stressed | no | 2:30 PM | Got back to work and found a possible solution to my bug. | Happy | yes | 3:00 PM | Did some research to see if my bug will work and looked through other parts of my code. | Excited and focused | Yes | 3:30 PM | Research proved that it will work, so I started putting in the fix. | Excited | Yes | 4:00 PM | Finished working on the fix. | Focused and Excited | Yes | 4:30 PM | Tested if the fix worked as it should with all possible actions. | focused | No | 5:00 PM | I emailed my boss about the fix and Users of my tools, checked the bug off my ‘todo’ list and looked at what to do next. | Stressed and focused | No | 5:30 PM | Grabbed a snack from the breakroom and worked on a new addition. | Relaxed | Yes | 6:00 PM | Worked on adding 5 similar...
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...Several of me occupy themselves around my bedroom. Logical me sits attentively in my desk chair. Lighthearted me hangs upside-down, off the back of my recliner. Existentialist me leans against my door, eyebrows raised. Stressed me, Independent me, and Artistic me are also present.) Stressed: So, come on, what’s this meeting about? Logical: (Taking a deep breath) Well, it’s time we come together. It’s time we create “Jeremy.” Lighthearted: (Furrowing his brow, but smiling) What? Is this “Captain Planet,” where all the characters join fists and out bursts the superhero? Logical: No, this meeting is an opportunity to evaluate where we are in life, like a State of the Union Address. Existentialist: Speaking of which, I’ve been meaning to ask all of you: college? Honestly, is it worth it? You . . . (gestures toward Logical) you’re writing that philosophy book, which should do well. And look at Artsy over there! He’s composing music, making beautiful art; why don’t we see where we can get with that? Not to mention the endless possibilities if Lighthearted aims for Saturday Night Live. Think about the number of successful people in this world who didn’t go to college! (Logical shakes his head) I mean, let’s be realistic: if we go to college, eventually we’ll be required to declare a major. Once we earn a degree, it might be harder to pursue our true passions—comedy, music, art . . . Logical: Not true. First of all, you failed to mention my fascinations with neurology...
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...Persuasive Essay Do you ever wonder why your child or student is feeling stressed out these days, that they been turning in low quality work, or not getting much sleep? Well, I know why. Your child or student has been getting too much homework to do. I think that this amount of homework should be reduced. One reason why I think that the amount of homework should be reduced is because if a student is getting too stressed doing their work, they will not perform that well in school or extracurricular activities. Also, If kids are too busy doing their work, they will not get much time to sleep.Lastly, if a child is getting more time to do a homework activity, they will slow down and turn in quality work, as they have more time for doing the...
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