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Homework Persuasive Research Paper

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Persuasive Essay Do you ever wonder why your child or student is feeling stressed out these days, that they been turning in low quality work, or not getting much sleep? Well, I know why. Your child or student has been getting too much homework to do. I think that this amount of homework should be reduced. One reason why I think that the amount of homework should be reduced is because if a student is getting too stressed doing their work, they will not perform that well in school or extracurricular activities. Also, If kids are too busy doing their work, they will not get much time to sleep.Lastly, if a child is getting more time to do a homework activity, they will slow down and turn in quality work, as they have more time for doing the …show more content…
To begin with, sleep is important because sleep helps develop a child’s brain. It is important that children develop their brain, as they need to learn and become smart. In addition, when children are sleeping, they grow physically. Children develop while they are sleeping, and if they don’t get enough time to sleep, then they will not be able to complete a cycle of sleep, which is the way they grow. Lastly, sleeping is an important role in a child’s life. If they don’t get enough sleep it may damage their growing cycle, which may result in many serious ways, and to avoid that teachers should assign less homework. As you can see, it is very important that teachers assign less homework so that children will have enough sleep, which helps children grow physically and …show more content…
To begin with, if students are assigned less homework they won’t try to multitask and mess up on their work. For example, when kids have a lot of homework, they will try to do two tasks at one time and most probably read the question of one sheet and write the answer on the other. Furthermore, if kids try to multitask and fail in doing it properly they will turn in low quality work and most probably get a very low grade. A parent or teacher will not be pleased with this. Last, if kids get assigned less homework they can slow down. Slowing down in work also helps get a high grade. As you can see less homework will result in getting a high

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