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Anti Immigration Reform Research Paper

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Many immigrants flock to prosperous nations such as the United States in search of a better life.

Millions of immigrants come to the U.S. without following the proper immigration laws.

The immigrants either immigrate illegally by crossing the borders or they enter legally but overstay their visas.

Because of illegal immigration and the amount of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. we are in desperate need of Immigration Reform, not to deport them but to make them citizens.

To become a citizen they must pay a fine and learn how to speak English.

The following are some of the ideas of Immigration Reform:

Border Protection: Increase border protection by adding more border agents, fencing, vehicle barriers, and …show more content…
Frankly, the U.S. can’t afford to deport 11 million people from the country.

Recently, a high ranking immigration official said that it costs $12,500 to arrest, detain, and deport each person removed from the States. So the solution - immigration reform. Anti-Immigrant groups often downplay the importance of immigration and the effect it has on our nation’s future.

Anti-Immigrants treat immigrants and immigration as a threat and use these topics as a way to stir panic and turn people against each other which is damaging to our country.

5.2% of undocumented immigrants make up the U.S. workforce.

There are approximately 4.5 million children who are U.S. citizen with at least one unauthorized parent.

Only 23% of immigrants are Mexican, 28% from Asia, 24% from Latin America and the Caribbean, 12% from Europe, and 4% from Africa.

Roughly 18% of small businesses are owned by immigrants which sustains U.S. jobs and expands business which creates new jobs.

If we limit the amount of immigrants who can come to our country than we as a nation will destroy our own economy resulting in our country’s …show more content…
Immigrants aren’t the problem, the American lifestyle is the issue.

Most of the people coming over the border are fleeing from danger such as the Mexican Drug Cartel.

In recent years polls have shown that 84% of Americans also support the requirement of workers to check the immigration status of their workers, 83% strengthening the border, and 76% to expand the visas of those who are skilled workers.

Some businesses and corporations depend on foreign skills and have threatened to move their business offshore if their workers are not permitted to work in America.

More than half of the population of the undocumented immigrants have lived in the U.S. for more than a decade. In June 2013, Senate passed the comprehensive immigration reform bill.

In 2014 nearly 20,000 new border patrol agents operated along the border- the largest number in U.S. history.

In 2014 under half a million immigrant visas were issued but 4.4 million applicants were on the waiting list to receive their visas.

The U.S. issued 140,000 immigrant visas based on employment each year, which is usually given to those of high

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