Premium Essay

Reynaldo Polonius Analysis

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By Polonius saying that Reynaldo “shall do marvelous wisely” he reveals his value for wit as well as his hope in Reynaldo (73.3). This shows his character trait of hopefulness and trustfulness as he trusts and hopes for Reynaldo. Polonius also reveals a hint of sympathetic nature through saying, “as may dishonor, take heed of that” (75.23). This reveals sympathy as he is concerned for Reynaldo to be careful in his questioning as well as being concerned for whom Reynaldo is questioning as he does not want to insult him. Polonius also reveals to be realistic through his line, “such wanton, wild, and usual slips as are companions noted and most known to youth and liberty” (75.23). By this, Polonius is able to note the wildness of youth instead

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